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    Flight Simulator, Plane spotting, Aviation, Guitars

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  1. It has been fixed! For future reference for anyone else who runs into this problem: The solution was to run the MSI as an administrator. Given SP2 is only available as an MSI, some modifications to the registry had to be done. http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/158118-run-administrator-add-msi-file-context-menu.html This link explains how to run an MSI as an administrator. After following these instructions, I right-clicked the MSI, ran as admin and SP2 installed in a breeze. Thank you all so much for your help!
  2. The issue persists unfortunately. Microsoft Fix It found a problem in the registry and fixed it, however it went back to telling me I needed the English version of FSX. Any more ideas please? Your help is much appreciated.
  3. Correct, I'm using FSX Deluxe without Acceleration. Jeff, I will try that out, thank you.
  4. I have followed that, and the issue persists. So far, I've updated the registry both manually and using the Flight1 registry fixer, attempted to install in both C:\FSX and the default location, redownloaded SP2 numerous times and reinstalled FSX to no avail. Extremely frustrating issue this one.
  5. I've re-downloaded SP2 numerous times from Microsoft and the Avsim Library, so I don't think that's it :(
  6. I'm actually running FSX Deluxe, therefore I don't have the option of installing Acceleration unfortunately. Thanks!
  7. Hi all, I just uninstalled and reinstalled FSX (following PMDG's guide word for word). Everything works fine until I attempt to install FSX SP2, when a prompt appears saying "FSX SP2 requires the English version of FSX". I have reinstalled the sim numerous times over the past day to no avail. Microsoft was aware of this issue when SP2 came out, and provided a fix which does not work for me. Is there any known way to get around this issue? If not, is it safe and efficient to run highly complex addons (i.e. PMDG's NGX) on SP1? Thanks in advance.
  8. Try mounting it on top of the TV and angling the TrackIR down. If it's on the desk, the unit might not be able to "see" your TrackClip when you look up. I've tried it on a TV myself, worked just fine mounted on top.
  9. The P-8 is now available as part of the NGX base package. Check the Operations Centre, there are a few liveries available for the P-8 there.
  10. Just yesterday I was thinking about the need for a good FSX/P3d Connie. Keen for this one!
  11. I notice that myself- sure is frustrating. This chap has kindly released instructions on how to replace the springs in the yoke with rubber bands: http://sehlah.com/yoke.pdf Considering it myself, the old springs are getting a bit tired now.
  12. Thanks very much!
  13. Tatave

    Flight1 ATR

    Thanks to all for your replies!! I've had a look at the Cimber Air ATR, and it sure is pretty impressive for a freeware add-on. Unfortunate that the sim community does not have much choice when it comes to ATRs.
  14. Tatave

    Flight1 ATR

    Hi all, I'm chasing a quality ATR systems-heavy simulation. It looks as though Flight 1's ATR is the best out there, but how systems-heavy is it? Does it reach PMDG standards (to the point that it could be used by real pilots for revision) or does it fall short of that mark? Also, has anyone had any success in using the F1 ATR in Prepar3d? Thank you in advance.
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