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Everything posted by Squishy

  1. So what happens if you put flight lvl change to FL430?else ask here: http://forum.avsim.net/forum/136-the-pmdg-support-forum/
  2. I'm sorry, but memory doesn't get fragmented.Also, free ram is bad. If stuff is in your ram then it will load faster. Win7 will clear RAM if it needs more for FSX.So ye, that's why
  3. And people mock me when I say FSX is badly coded.. or that the CTD board here doesn't really have that many topics.I observed the MS FSX board this week and noticed at least 5 new CTD topics with people getting really frustrated
  4. You could just make a .bat file in notepad:START C:\fsx\fsx.exeSTART C:\fsx\GBoost\gboost.exeetcNot sure about delays but that shouldn't really matter
  5. You still have some more dll errors to go, don't worry ;)
  6. Lol how do you know that the taxiway turns slightly to the left. The taxiway is next to the runway so no it's 100% straight
  7. I had stackhash in other AC too, i doubt its LevelD's fault.THe 767 has actually been one of the most stable AC
  8. I didn't say that, just said FSX wasnt the most stable game there is. I don't experience that many CTDs anymore, I'm just ###### when I get one after a long flight...and vent here :(
  9. I watched this the other day and I'm amazed at the capabilities of FS2CREW.Do you really just talk into the mic and it recognizes what you say every time? Every single voice recognition software i know fails miserably, including the one in windows 7, but it seems it does the job 100/100 on your flight
  10. I thought you HAD to run the weather engine with REX.I mean, you don't have to do it but if I don't the clouds don't look nearly as good. Once REX loads the weather everything looks so much better
  11. What do you mean? you can change the desired speed/altitude for each leg on the legs page. I know you wouldn't change the cruize alt here... but still
  12. I am.. I enter FL380 (e.g.) or 38000 in the place where it says 315/43000
  13. I cant bear left because its a straight, like i said..
  14. Sounds like your windows energy settings.How large are the files?
  15. I was just taking screenshots when I entered 0 into stepsize. The legs immediately changed from 430 to 360.So maybe there's some ICAO rule that prevents me from using FL360? I still cant enter above e.g. FL380. I can only get it changed by changing CRZ alt.
  16. No I flew more flights from EHAM which went fine
  17. I see.However the manual says ICAO means step size = 2000, but i couldn't enter FL360, FL370, FL380, FL390 and FL400.. So that can't be it?Also I was flying westbound so FL360 should be correct?
  18. Ye i know. But I tried this on my flight EHAM-EGLL but PFE crashes everytime.not sure if it's related though
  19. Hi,I'm flying from LPPT Lisboa to LPPT Madeira (portugal). Yes I know not a 747 flight but w/e.I've set CRZ alt to 36000 according to my FP. However my 747 decides all my legs should be 43000. When I try to change it, it says invalid entry. Same goes for FL370-FL400. I can however enter FL350.Can anyone explain this to me? Is it because of AIRAC max FL or FL rules? Or because of payload?Thanks
  20. Vid about mouse FPS issue:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubxbFv8rkz4
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