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  1. Thank you igneousrocklad! That makes sense. Running on the thought that it's a memory issue, I'll run some experiments to see if it's a particular livery or if it's the accumulation of several liveries. Sounds like something in these aircraft may have grown a bit with SP1c. Right now, it runs fine with just the PMDG house colors and one United livery. I read the other thread and just saw folks doing a bunch of gymnastics, like standing on one foot looking at the cieling with their finger touching their nose, without really understanding why. I've never had to do any of that ever with any sort of addon in all my years of simming. Thanks again, Tom
  2. Hi Folks, I encountered an issue the other night after the install of SP1c. I use FSInn to connect to VATSIM. When I tried to start the FSInn Control Panel, all of FSX freezes where I have to kill it with the task manager. This only occurs when I'm in the 777. If I start FSInn while in other aircraft, it's fine. I uninstalled all my liveries except for PMDG House through the operations center and things worked fine. I successfully re-installed the United livery. That worked fine as well. I have yet to reinstall the others. My setup: Win7, 64bit w/ AMD 6870 Vid, 12GB mem. FSX with 777-200LRX. The liveries I had were: United, Continental, Delta, Lufthansa, PanAm, and Aeroflot. My plans going forward are to install the liveries one at a time to zero in on the culprit. This will, however, take a little time as I'm a working man with two young kids. :rolleyes: I was just curious if anyone else had yet to run into this. Thanks Tom
  3. What problem are you looking to solve? I've got a similar triple-head display and didn't have any issues. I did, of course, have to enable the widescreen mode which I believe is in the FSX.cfg file.
  4. mtbparker

    escape routing

    Look up the term "Drift Down Procedure". Essentially, along every leg of a trip, they have to have routes planned for an engine out condition. But your own Google searching will result in better explanations that I can give in this short reply.
  5. At the gates at KEWR, preflight for a trip to KJFK.
  6. Andres, you've pointed me in an interesting direction I hadn't considered. It makes me think that, if a tablet app can do it, there might also be a PC-based PDF reader out there that might let me do it via a sidecar file as you're suggesting. Paul... I've got thousands of hours in the virtual air with all the airplanes we know and love. I did my intro flight with this bird the first night I got it. It gave me the fix I need. Now it's time to figure out how to use this thing.
  7. Why? These manuals become MUCH more difficult to use then. Another usable compromise would be to have PMDG provide the TOC bookmarks as they do with the Introduction and Tutorial #1. Is that an option?
  8. Hey Folks, I love this plane! Love it, love it, love it. In fact, I can spend a whole evening parked at the gates, sitting in the cockpit with the manuals at my side, not move the plane an inch, and still consider it a thoroughly enjoyable evening. I have a problem. Between the FCTM and two volumes of FCOM, I've got over 2800 pages of PDF documentation and lack the ability to bookmark anything. There aren't any 'Table of Contents' bookmarks provided either. Can you please change the permissions on these files to at least allow me the ability to bookmark pages I'm interested in? Thanks, Tom
  9. I used to have a horrible time with the RXP gauges in the Carenado aircraft. Particularly, I experienced random crashes with the C340II. My buddy experienced the same thing with the T210. For me, the issue was with some of the "bi-directional' communications between the RXP gauge and the flight sim. I had to change a few options and all my problems went away. 1) Turn off any option involving the Shadin engine monitor 2) Configure the RXP GPS to determine ground speed by delta lat/long instead of getting it from the sim. 3) Configure radio tuning to only come from the RXP. (uni-directional). THis means you need to set the radio freqs using the RXP GPS instead of any thing in the sim. (ie: FSInn) I never narrowed it down to anything less than one of those three things. I believe, at the bottom of all this, it's the Shadin engine monitor data going back and forth. But I never verifiied that. Hope this helps, Tom
  10. Hello,Could I also get a copy of that gauge? I greatly appreciate it.Happy Holidays,Tom
  11. Yes. That is correct. Additionally, I just checked it with the ASE upgrade and it does the same thing.Tom
  12. update: The path to the new ASE current_wx_snapshot.txt is:C:\Users\{your account}\AppData\Roaming\HiFi\ASE\Weather Of course, the path will vary based on your user account. And this path is for Vista. XP users AppData is in a different location.
  13. I know you already found your answer. I also figure that a lot of people have perhaps found the solution to integrating FSBuild winds aloft. But a spent a lot of time experimenting with the FSBuild / ASA, ASX, ASv6.5 combination and wrote up (what I think is) a fairly comprehensive explanation of the issues. I figure I'd put it up here for anyone who wants to keep it in their archives. Integrating winds aloft in FSBuildIf you read the instructions in FSBuild, it will tell you to enter the path to your ActiveSky installation. That's somewhat, but not entirely true anymore. FSBuild reads a weather data file named current_wx_snapshot.txt. That file is created by Active Sky. More precisely, the FSBuild instructions *should* say you need to enter the path to that file. Active Sky has changed the location where they keep it. ASX and ASA both keep that file in your AppData directory instead of along side the ActiveSky executable. As a result, simply pointing FSBuild to your ActiveSky installation isn't true anymore. Below is a snippet from my FSBuild2.cfg file that has the paths setup properly.For my remote laptop where I've installed Active Sky, the current_wx_snapshot.txt file is located in the following locations:ASV6.5 - D:\Program Files\HiFi\Modules\ASv6 {or whatever your path to ASv65 is}ASX - C:\Users\Tom\AppData\Roaming\HiFi\XEngine\ASX\WeatherASA - C:\Users\Tom\AppData\Roaming\HiFi\ASA\Weather Another thing about the WEATHERPROG entry that I highlighted above. The FSBuild instructions say that variable is used to select which weather program to use. Two of the options are ACTIVESKY and AS6. It appears that FSBuild v2.3 doesn't recognize ACTIVESKY as an option anymore. When I set WEATHERPROG=ACTIVESKY and ACTIVESKY={some path}, it didn't load the winds aloft data. Only the use of AS6 and setting an AS6 path will work. You can, however, use that AS6 path to point to the location of your current_wx_snapshot.txt for ASA and ASX.Generating the current_wx_snapshot.txt fileAs I mentioned above, this file is created by Active Sky when it downloads weather data from the internet. Also, I mentioned above that each version of Active Sky keeps that file in a different location. Those locations, again, are:ASV6.5 - D:\Program Files\HiFi\Modules\ASv6ASX - C:\Users\Tom\AppData\Roaming\HiFi\XEngine\ASX\WeatherASA - C:\Users\Tom\AppData\Roaming\HiFi\ASA\WeatherIf you use ASA, it will generate and place a copy of the latest current_wx_snapshot.txt file in both the ASA and ASv6.5 directories listed above. (I don't know why is doesn't also place one in the ASX directory.) That has an interesting implication. If you are using ASv6.5 and upgrade to ASA, FSBuild will still integrate the winds aloft without any change. However, if you later uninstall ASv6.5, FSBuild will be left hanging. My recommendation is that when you upgrade from ASv6.5 to ASA, you also go into FSBuild2.cfg and change the AS6 path to point to ASA's location.It also implies that if you upgrade from ASX to ASA and don't change your FSBuild2.cfg, that you will *appear* to get winds aloft data in FSBuild. BUT, this file contains stale data as it contains the data from the last time you ran ASX. Again, the recommendation here is to update your FSBuild2.cfg file when you upgrade to ASA.
  14. Fast enough the airbags deployed! Don't think that didn't surprise me when I woke up that morning :(
  15. Ugh! I wish I could be helpful here. Unfortunately, my hard drive crashed and I had to rebuild my computer since seeing this problem. I have no way to go back and check to see if "Render to Texture" was turned on or not.I did, however, fly last night and saw the panel flicker a total of 3 or 4 times over a 1.5 hour period. I was flying the PMDG 737-700 with ASA (on a remote machine), render to texture was on.Tom
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