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About sluggy

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  • Birthday 10/31/1971

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    The Red Centre

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  1. Hi everyone Got a strange one. Whilst flying a MD11F last night the plane could no longer maintain airspeed after a couple of hours cruise. Decided to restart FS9 and now the displays are always black without any X's across them, so it's not a validation problem I think. Reinstalled the MD11 anyways (yes, it's a legal copy) but still nothing. The PMDG 747's displays are also playing up. All other addons are fine. Using Win 10 x64, FS9.1, latest MD11 installer. Any ideas? Cheers, Chris Dalgarno Bit more info; the PMDG 744 is fine after all, but the VC on the MD11 is also missing. Tried another full reinstall, but no good. Cheers, Chris Dalgarno Another update; I deleted the FS9.cfg file and let it rebuild itself and now the gauges are working. Bizarre. Hopefully this might help someone else some day. Cheers, Chris
  2. No problems here, but as you can see above some people have. Only you can decide whether Win 10 is for you or not. If you're happy with what you've got there's no real reason to change. I was happy with Win 7 but after 6 or so years I was ready for a change plus I wanted DX12. As I am pretty PC savvy (not an expert mind, but more betterer than the average bear ) I was aware off the potential pitfalls and confident enough that I could work through any problems. Plus I have nightly backups onto a home server in case the apocalypse visits my PC, so I dived straight in. Cheers, SLuggy
  3. Sweet, what was the issue in the end? Glad it's working now. Cheers, SLuggy
  4. These are my NI settings : Antialiasing AA - behaviour flags : none AA - setting : 8xS (combined: 1x2 SS + 4x MS) Texture Filtering Anisotropic filtering setting : 16x Texture Filtering - Negative LOD bias : Clamp Texture filtering - Quality : High Quality I removed all AA using Inspector and FS9 descended into jaggy hell, put it back and FS9 got all pretty again, so my NI is working. Using with the folder on my desktop. Cheers, SLuggy ps - downloading driver 355.60 now.
  5. I did have to reset my NI settings, but no problems with AA here. When I have some time this arvo (around 2 or so hours) if you're around, I'll try to work through things with you. Starting to feel like I'm one of the lucky ones here. Cheers, SLuggy
  6. If it helps, FS9 is on it's own SSD in my case, and I too have UAC turned all the way down. The only drama I had was for some reason FS9 re-enabled it's joystick (making everything uncontrollable since I use FSUIPC for my controllers), a quick change and all was back to normal. What happens if you rename the FS9.cfg file and let FS9 build a new one? I think Win 10 is even more protective of it's own directories than Win 7, have you tried to install in, say, C;\FS9? Actually, if the UAC change you try is not allowed, it would indicate to me that your user account may not have sufficent priviliges to install new programs. Maybe check your account settings? Cheers, SLuggy
  7. Sorry, here's my hardware and settings : i7-3770K @4.3 GTX980 Strix Running dual monitors windowed @ 1080p FS9.cfg (relevant bit) [DISPLAY.Device.NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980.0] Mode=1920x1080x32 PanelAsTexture=0 TextureAGP=0 TriLinear=1 MipBias=6 driver 353.62 using NickN's Inspector settings. FS9 is running well at 60 frames locked with dips in heavy clouds (REX)
  8. And so does ASE, RC4.3, FSCommander, FSBuild, FSNav, GEPro, PMDG MD11 and most everything else I have.
  9. Windows Home Server 2011 has had no dramas backing up a 4x SSD, 1 HDD Win10 Pro x64 each night. I love my server. :wub: Cheers, SLuggy
  10. The only drama I had with a maxed out FS9 was for some reason FS9's internal joystick selection re-enabled itself (I use FSUIPC for my peripherals). Disabled it and all good. So no dramas with GEPro, ASE, RC4.3, REX, PMDG MD-11, TOPCAT, FSBuild, FSCommander and FSNav. Haven't tried everything yet, but early indications seem to all be positive. No black helicopters have landed on the front lawn so I figure I'm OK. Cheers, SLuggy
  11. Not for EVERY aircraft, but if you google TOPCAT there will be happiness. Cheers, SLuggy
  12. Well, arrived safe and well in chilly Anchorage, and can confirm that ON MY SYSTEM FS9 does seem to be running in SLI mode. Whereas before I had frames locked at 30, this flight just completed I locked frames to 60 FPS and had little stuttering. To tell you the truth, FS9 looked fantastic, with very little blurries as well, mostly when flying at 8x time compression (which is fair enough, I guess). Pretty pleased with myself. I'm not going to shout from the rooftops that SLI works in FS9 now, but it does seem to be working on my system. A few others would need to test it before I'd be game to make that conclusion! Cheers, SLuggy
  13. Hi everybody I recently updated my Nvidia graphics driver to 344.48 and Inspector to, and after trying DSR (which didn't really do much for me sadly) I went back to Inspector to reset my FS9 settings and found the SLI section (never noticed it before but maybe it was always there?). Since I've got 2 660ti's in my rig, I thought I'd play around with this 'new' section (under the FS9 profile). I set the first line to 'AA_MODE_SELECTOR_SLIAA_ENABLED' Second line 'SLI_GPU_COUNT_TWO' Fourth line 'SLI_PREDEFINED_GPU_COUNT_TWO' Sixth line 'SLI_PREDEFINED_MODE_FORCE_AFR2' I then started FS9 (windowed) and looking at the Inspector graph display both my GPUs had woken up and were operating at their usual speed (a little above 1GHz) and both had around 40% load on them, and I distinctly remember only one ever showing any life whilst running FS9 previously. I'm just about to do a test flight (PMDG MD11F, KMEM (Blueprint) - PANC (Aerosoft) over UT Canada and UT USA with ASE doing the weather, hopefully should find some nice thick clouds on the way to test this config, would be interested if anyone else using SLI tries these settings and sees if SLI does REALLY work for good old FS9. Maybe the new drivers have taken pity on our ancient FS9? Just for info, Win 7 x64 Prof. Cheers, SLuggy
  14. I too grab some bargains at Steam sales, but remember before some of these big titles go on sale, they were vastly more expensive (take a look at new release games on Steam, many $90+ games there) and sold a hell of a lot more than an airport addon depicting an airport in, say, Trinidad ever will. I have felt that prices have climbed a bit this year, but it seems the evidence doesn't show it. I must be getting tighter with my money! With FS9 we've had a long run with a stable platform that ran very well on the PCs available for years now. First time for me that I can remember not having to upgrade, upgrade, upgrade hardware chasing that 5 or 6 extra FPS, maybe add some AA, etc etc. Money saved on hardware then got spent on addon software in enough volume that addon companies kept (and in many cases still keep) churming out more and more addons. Maybe the dwindling number of users of FS9 will make more addons unprofitable to make, and think of the money we'll save. But I bet most of us will finally move to FSX or P3D, and the cycle will start all over again... Cheers, SLuggy
  15. Same here, ASE FS9. Cheers, SLuggy update - appears to be happy after a ASE restart. At least no error messages this time.
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