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  1. Please don't use avast.It's rubbish and don't let a product like that scan the websites you are surfing.It only wastes resources unless you're using IE or planing on actively installing viruses.EDIT:Before anyone gets angry, I didn't mean to offend anyone.... my meds that I probably should be taking didn't kick in yet.What I actually meant to say is that you will always get false positives at one point or another and that you're pretty safe with whatever you're doing as long as you don't install stuff from non-trusted sources.It's highly unlikely that the REX forum is contaminated in any kind of way.
  2. The BP=0 Tweak was out there for a long time (though not everyone knew about it).Bojote is not the discoverer of it, I thought that was known.His crazy work is all the really detailed explanations of what it actually does exactly and not to mention the other things not concerning BP=0.
  3. It disables the preloading of the default flight every time you start FSX.
  4. The shaders are already in source form.MAYBE he shouldn't post them in it's entirety... but doing changes to the shader files is fine... FSWC does the same.Besides, EULA.............
  5. Yes, in form of an add-on by the end of the year (or so).
  6. No, it's a pity that there is a "need" for a NDA.Great news on the not to far away release date though! :-)
  7. [Vir??al Earth]cache_folder=cache.service1network_module=libnettilemodule_config="server=http://a*.ortho.tiles.vir??alearth.net|path=/tiles/a%s.jpeg?g=52|quad=0123|balance=0123|useragent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)"max_lod=13min_level=9max_level=17color_hack=Yescolor_level=13bulk_extend=50
  8. The first block needs "TileProxy" on top and the second "G??gle Earth".Put them in square brackets and not in ""
  9. Wow!It's pretty awesome.It's far from perfect (mostly because of the source material) but it's already working rather well!
  10. Really looking forward to it.Awesome that it's going to be open source (and free) software!
  11. Make sure to remove the BufferPools section from your fsx.cfg (if you've added it).You could also check if your pagefile is alright.Your settings look alright even though you could optimize it further.Traffic is a HUGE hit on fps and you could probably set your water on low 2x without a big or any fps hit.What kind of cpu do you have?FS is way more cpu bound then anything else.
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