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About bluemoon

  • Birthday 04/25/1959

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  1. Thanks Phillip Just bought with the code and used my points that I forgot I had, cost £6.50 bargain, and they gave me an extra 250 points Bargain!! Regards Bluemoon
  2. Hi RWF Can see where you are coming from, However this particular Aircraft has the Main Cargo door, but with all the windows, so is very quickly adaptable to Any version, mainly because of the Main Cargo Door, the 737-700C is also the 737 Main Body, fitted with BBJ Wings. Would of posted a picture however, I would be in Breach of Copyright. Regards Carl @ EGDM
  3. Airliners.net Heres one of them, Boeing 737-7HJ© BBJ Reg N529PP Carl "Bluemoon" Renshaw EGDM
  4. Mark The 737-700C is on Boeings Website, mainly used by the US Naval Reserve as the "Clipper", There was also the 737-200 which was a converted Pax to Cargo, I have done a PMDG 737-700 a few years ago, however the Main Cargo Door was simply Pasted on the model, and was not operable. Hope this helps Carl "Bluemoon" Renshaw EGDM
  5. Hi folks havn't posted for ages and not often enough, I must say PMDG Products are excellent have 737, 744, md11 for FS9 and FSX, also have an ATR, 767, 146 and Airbus, So lets forget the 777, as discussed same as all the other widebody A/C.So go for something completely different, Quite old but still flying, short hops Freight and PAX, and a twin engine turboprop, Any chance of Considering the British Aerospace HS748/ATP :( Just a thought !!Thanks for the many hours of Enjoyment in learning and Fun PMDGCarl Renshaw
  6. RichardI recommend the use of MGrab from Martin Wrights website at http://www.mnwright.btinternet.co.uk/, never had a problem with it and it can be configured to use a paint editor, hope this is useful to you.Carl Renshaw EGHD
  7. Matt I have a TrackIr, However a friend of mine just advised me of the following, search for "FreeTrack", you may be pleasently surprised.Happy Flying Carl Renshaw EGHD
  8. The MD-11 has been recently been advertised by Flightstore here in the UK at
  9. Have been conducting a few flights recently between Prestwick and liege, with PMDG 744F (Polar Air Cargo) and PMGD 738 (Ryanair), have come across this aircraft every time I have flown that route.I know its wishful thinking, but it keeps me holding on.PMDG your products are excellent, the MD will I know live up to all expectations, carry on the good work.Carl Renshaw EGHD
  10. GerryFSbuild have profiles available for download at the website fsbuild/library/aircraft performance, for PMDG 747 and 737-600/700, but not the 744F, as you have done i simply edited a version with information extracted fron boeings website. hope this is of some use to you.Carl Renshaw
  11. Hi Jim cracked It, i had a problem with my Level D load config this afternoon, Error 429 so checked on there forum, and was given a link to flight one's website, it appears that my spyware program deleted a dll file when scanning. all i need to do now is exclude those vital FS9 folders from the scan, so ASv6 is running as i typeIf you need it anytime the link is http://www.simforums.com/forums/forum_posts.asp?TID=16664Many thanks for your patience and assistance, your program is Excellent have missed it's usefulness.Carl EGHD
  12. Hi MichaelHave just read your thread on lockups within FS2004 as i am experiencing the same lockup problems, however mine are as i am programming the FMC at the gate, just as i pushback, starting the roll or anytime within my route, they are totally indiscriminant.I have Installed Level D 767, PMDG 747-400/747-400F, FSbuild, ASv6, Central England British Airports & Eurowings Pro.Over the past couple of days i have used Various Aircraft over the same route built using FSBuild, KBFI-CYYZ with with varying results,PMDG & Level D completed 50-60% of the route then Froze the system, before the freeze i had managed to set failures from the drop down menus and the aircraft remained in the air and system working.This morning in desperation i set off on the same route loaded from within FS9 using the stock Triple 7, before i managed to move throttles forward Total freeze, however on reboot and what appears to be a failure of my sounblaster card, the same aircraft was reloaded and is at this point, is 1 hour away from toronto, so could all this be an issue with the sound card.I hope this in some way helps youWith Regards Carl Renshaw EGHD Plymouth UK(Too Small For A Heavy):-(My System SpecAthlon 3200+ BartonMSI KT-6 Delta Motherboard1 GB Crucial DDR RamSoundblaster X-Fi Sound CardSapphire Ati radeon 9600XT 256Mb Graphics Card
  13. Hi JimTried that jim still no luck, Thanks Carl EGHD
  14. Hi JimJust tried your suggestion, no luck i'm afraid, still get the unexpected error Run-Time error 50003thanks Carl EGHD
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