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About pmanhart

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  1. Try this to make sure: Disable TrueSky Disable EnvShade (disable and restore option in EnvDir) Clear shader directory here: <%appdata%\Local\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5\Shaders> Run P3Dv5, take a screenshot Enabled EnvShade Clear shader directory Run P3Dv5, take a screenshot Compare screenshots
  2. https://www.togaprojects.com/post/envshade-is-now-v5-ready
  3. Also, keep in mind that if it was sent to the Recycle Bin, it's not really deleted off of the hard drive. Recycle Bins sizes are based off of the size of the hard drive, and can be seen by right-clicking on the Recycle Bin and setting sizes. You may need to empty the Recycle Bin to gain your space back (or like Venturi mentioned, use CCleaner, which cleans out all Recycle Bins when it's ran).
  4. To answer your original post VeryBumpy, yes FSPassengers has had improvements made to it over the old depreciated version. You can go to their website and look at exactly what has changed (including more voice packs!). I use AH2 AND FSPassengers in my virtual sim world.
  5. If you don't have a soldering iron, and your girlfriend has a nice blowdryer, you can easily use a solder sleeve to repair the breaks, then tape over the shrunk bundle of splices. Check this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhRCUAYoSXg
  6. You should be getting great performance in P3D. I never go below 25 FPS in Seattle with almost exactly same hardware specs, with almost all graphic settings maxed out (shadows and dynamic reflections included). In fact, I was flying around Orbx's YMML last night in the F1 B200 (G1000 is a FPS killer) and only dipped below 30 FPS when I upped the weather. Do not assume FSX-P3D settings are the same. Start with the default P3D settings and then work your way up from there. The sims are so far apart now in how they use your hardware and what the graphics settings actually do that you are doing yourself a disservice by trying to set them up similarly. Are you using some super-magical FPS killing AA settings?
  7. If the Thrustmaster Warthog is a bit too rich for your blood, try out the CH Fighterstick. It's loaded with buttons, hats, etc., works with all versions of Windows, and will last you forever. http://www.chproducts.com/Fighterstick-v13-d-722.html
  8. It's just simple free economics. Supply and demand, though I'm not sure where there is much demand... but there's obviously a small supply.
  9. Here it is out of the Learning Center. It is indeed what you thought it was. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Advanced SettingsThese are advanced properties that can be adjusted inside the weather section of the Prepar3D configuration file found in %APPDATA%\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\Prepar3D.cfg CLOUD_FACING_MODE Cloud Facing ModesThe cloud facing mode setting changes the behaviour of how the clouds face. The valid values for this setting are 0 and 1. Mode 0: Camera facing far away, screen facing up close. Mode 1: Always camera facing. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. You should absolutely give it a go. I don't see why the textures from Global will cause any problems with FPS.
  11. I don't believe these original DC-9s (which these are) had an FMS. :wink: In fact, looking through the screenshots on the product page, I don't see one. http://www.skysimulations.com/index.php?frame=cHJvZHVjdHM=&area=products&code=TWMgRG9ubmVsbCBEb3VnbGFz&cat=TWNEb25uZWxsIERvdWdsYXMgREM5IFAzRA==&prod_id=10
  12. I had the original for FSX years ago. I assume this is the updated version with slightly better pit textures and enhanced features, but I haven't gotten it for P3D yet. I enjoyed using it in FSX, if that helps!
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