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Everything posted by DhruvK

  1. I’m sure Kyle will be along shortly to point out that the Navigraph survey isn’t a substitute for hard market research that I’m sure PMDG has already comprehensively performed 😎. EDIT: His ears were clearly burning. That being said, it’s hard to argue with trends. I sincerely hope that PMDG is paying attention to the way market forces are moving. There’s a certain amount of self-fulfillling prophecy at play here, but I don’t think anyone can argue that a PMDG airliner (modern Boeing, not the DC6) would lend a yet-unseen level of credibility to the X-Plane platform. We can only hope that the wheels are already turning on bringing such a thing to fruition.
  2. Guess I can refrain from blowing up the Reddit rumor machine by posting the discreet spy photo I got of you guys sitting down with Ben. As an aside, it was a pleasure to briefly meet all of you guys face to face at Expo. I’m a very platform agnostic consumer at the moment, a fact of which Kyle is very much aware. Selfishly, I’m glad you guys and Laminar at least had dialogue. I’m not anticipating any miracles, but if it means they develop stronger relationships with developers regardless of you guys’ plans it’s good for the platform!
  3. The developer responsible for the C750 is no longer affiliated with Laminar. It's being overhauled to bring it up to par with the rest of the default fleet. You may see it for 11.0, but more Iikely it will surface during a .1 update somewhere in the 11 run.
  4. ...and for not unduly gouging the price on it!
  5. Looking for the old McDD logo font that used to be available from http://robocom.no-ip.org. The site is no longer available and I need the font for a project. If anyone has it archived away somewhere, could you PM me? Thanks!
  6. I'll be working Chicago Center as you all come through. Preferred route KORD-KBGR would actually be as follows: ORD6 DUFEE ELX HAAKK DOXXY SOSIC JHW J82 ALB J49 FRIAR I understand it's short notice for that, but if you're unable to amend to that, just plan on going direct JHW and picking up your planned route from there!
  7. There are more than one livery pack available. You have to drill down into "Boeing 727 Liveries" in the store to find them, though.
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