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Everything posted by FredrikHj

  1. Hope pmdg will release the SPc soon but when can we expect the FSCrew for it?Best Fredrik
  2. HiThat´s is very great news, I finally got my Co Pilot :)Best Fredrik
  3. HiThank´s for the answered// Best Fredrik
  4. HiI am wondering if I buy Voice Commander do I need Buttom commander than?Are there any information of the too addons like what will Voice commander do as the Buttom commander do not do//Best Fredrik
  5. HiDoes the PMDG737ngx and stuff for fsx works in x plane if you do some change. The most imortance stuff are:PMDG 737ngxLIINDAVrInsight CDUII and MCO ComboBest Fredrik
  6. I have put the AP in my room so it is muck better signal!I have a weakness sometimes that I can write faster than my thoughts :)I will back and report my progress//Best Fredrik
  7. HiI have paid for airdisplay and its work perfect if I had a better wifi in my room! :(Fredrik
  8. HiI hope I can gets some big help. My Wifi from the router is poor because the router is not near enough and the iPad must be connected in same network as the laptop with Airdisplay!I have traied to creat a ad hoc network between the laptop and my ipad, the distance is maximum 1m but airdisplay cannot find the ipad?I should maybe try to add my AP in my room to get better signal in the wifi?Any tips and comment?Best Fredrik
  9. Why make it harder than it could be?Fredrik
  10. HiBecause I like to have all include the pdf manual in one place but I can use pdfkneeboard in fsx or if I can run EFB on a laptop the problem is gone :)How it is working woth efb on a laptop and I supose that you have airdisplay on it too?!Best FredrikHi againOtherways the EFB is wonderful addon/software!Fredrik
  11. Hi KostaIt is looking very great, I am maybe can post one of my cockpit too :)Anyway look at this problems: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/361421-airdisplay-and-ipad-2/page__fromsearch__1Best Fredrik
  12. HiI have some topics to clear out:1 - When I am Trying to open a pdf document in the libary in Avisoft EFB, the efb cannot find any program to open the pdf and show i prompt where I must save the file before I can open it. Is there a way to open it directly when I am clicking on the file in the library?2 - When I ha the program in my iPad 2 the sound is mute in FSX and do not return before I am clicking in the fsx frame?Best Fredrik
  13. Is a very small checklist!But anyway the Avisoft EFB is great, I will buy it in the end of the testing period if there is not any good price of it before!//Fredrik
  14. Is that "EFB Checklists for Boeing 737-800" is that make for 737ngx?Fredrik
  15. A checklist for 737ngx?I have look for it but I cannot find any for the plane?Fredrik
  16. Hi KostaDo you have a ngx checklist for EFB from Avisoft in xml format?I am in a process for make one now!//Best Fredrik
  17. HiAre there any xml checklist out there for this aircraft?Best Fredrik
  18. HiI have a iPad and AirDisplay together with Windeows 7 64-bit!When I am connecting the AirDisplau app in mine iPad I have to every time need to choose the correct unit in my quick launch bar net to the clock!I am would be happu if I can force it to choose automatic when I am starting the airdisplay app in the iPad 2?!Sometimes the app shutdown because of the signal to the WiFi is to poor, can I run the app with a wire connected to the computer instead?Best Fredrik
  19. HiDoes anyone know if I can make a macro who can auto start 2D frame in FSX?I will specify some condition that must be occur if the macro will start. Can I do that?Ex:You have a insturment in your cockpit that you will control with your touch screen and need to show a "D frame of it!Best Fredrik
  20. HiToday I have bought the iPad 2 16GB, black! :)You need a program mso what is your comment about Airdisplay vs iDisplay?I am also looking for a good EFB program to FSX but what my I choose?My conditions are:Free update of Airports charts, is there is any good out thereGood view over airports and taxiwayYou can make a full flightplanand so onI have seen thise program: http://www.aivlasoft.com/products/efb/index.htmlIs there any cheaper program wich it at least as good as thise program for fsx?Best Fredrik
  21. HiAn answer is not necessary!Best Fredrik
  22. HiDo you know if iDisplay for android is better in stability than Airdisplay for iPad?I am thinking to buy the new Samsung galaxy tab (Android 3,1 - 3,2) and use together with fsx. Is the tab a good choice if you are concidering the iPad 2?Best Fredrik
  23. HiI think you have great knowledge in FSX so please tell me thise bellow:Can I perform as you can do with iPad (Airdisplay) but in a tab instead with Android (iDisplay)?I am sure I can do it but I have the principle to ask more than once about it to be completely safe//Best Fredrik
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