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Everything posted by wyodeacon

  1. Thanks. My version didn't have the FSX option. I finally decided my version was too old so I bought a new copy from Flight one. Best $25 I ever spent!
  2. I have used Panel Studio for years in FS9. I recently installed FSX and can't figure out how to use it there.
  3. Hey thanbks. I created the shortcut and it worked. Strange stuff.
  4. I've got a really strange problem. I recently bought a new computer with win7 and after searching the forums I am finally almost done loading scenery. Now, all of the sudden my desktop icon (the little airplane) has gone missing and I have one of the generic icons in it's place. If I click on it FS9 still loads just fine so there's not a problem with the program, just an awol icon. I checked my start menu and it looks the same way. I tried going to properties and change icon but that just brings up an error message "windows can't find the file %program files%\microsoft games\flight simulator 9\fs9.exe" I know that file is there because the game still loads....just the icon is gone. I tried rebooting which didn't bring it back then thought maybe I could roll back to one of the earlier fs9.cfg files but there aren't any there besides the current one. Does anyone have any ideas about how to get this icon back without starting all over?
  5. It works! Thanks N60. You saved me (and my computer) a headache. lol
  6. I just bought a new dell xps 8500 with win7. after loading fs9 I am trying to add some items to my addon scenery. When I go to settings\scenery library\add scenery (with ez scenery for instance) instead of telling me ok it opens ezscenery to the folders contained inside. I have completely uninstalled fs9 deleting the flight sim folder as well as the fs9,cfg but nothing helps. I notice addon scenery isn't in my scenery library and I seem to remember it being there on my old xp computer. I tried to add addon scenery but the same thing happens. It just opens it to the folders contained inside. Does anyone have an idea what's going on? Thanks. Gary
  7. does anyone have some ideas?
  8. Thanks ram...I was searching AVSIM and found this thread from quite a while back. http://forum.avsim.net/topic/387745-fs2004-custom-panel-freeze-with-new-660-ti/ His problem was exactly the same as mine so I tried updating everything (again) but it still didn't work. So...I formatted my HD and started all over. I just loaded FS9 this morning and tried it out and the problem isn't as bad but still there. What I mean by this is that when I first load a flight it is frozen on the forward view and nothing will work. If I wait a few seconds it will clear up then about 3/4 the time seems to work ok. The other forth means it will freeze once or twice more then resolve and be ok. I'm still working on it but it gets pretty frustrating. I have a dell laptop so I downloaded the video driver from thier site. I think I'll go to NVIDIA and get the latest and greatest and see what it will do. I appreciate your help. BTW, I was using exactly the same driver versions as when it worked before. One of my problems is that on the Dell disk (drivers, etc) it has several drivers I don't need and it's hard to figure out which ones to use. Same as when I go to Dell's support site. They tell me I need several drivers that, when I try to install them tell me there is no program associated with them.
  9. No I don't have an old joystick but this also happens when I use the keyboard. I did install the latest Saitek drivers. I tried loading an entirely new panel but it didn't help. Thanks for responding. I'm kind of out of ideas myself.
  10. I recently had to reload XP and when I loaded FS9 I noticed a problem: On any add-on aircraft when I'm looking forward in the cockpit and try to look to the side or back my picture freezes and I have to wait for a few seconds before it comes back to the forward view. I have a Saitek X52 and this happens either using it or the number pad on the keyboard. I seem to be able to go to the views outside the aircraft (tower view, etc.) with no problems. This doesn't happen with the default aircraft. I found that if I load FS9 in safe mode the problem also goes away. Also, if I delete the panel there is no problem. I have updated all my drivers (my video card is a NVIDIA 8800GT) have tried calibrating my joystick, have deleted the fs config file and let it re-write, have uninstalled and reinstalled FS9, but none of these actions have worked. I have a dell XPS desktop and windows xp pro. Any ideas would be appreciated.
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