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    ATC, Flying, Sailing, Fly Fishing, Scuba Diving, and Cooking.

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  1. I am just surprised the 737-900 is still not included.
  2. Using FTX GLOBAL, FTX GLOBAL VECTOR, & FTX OLC NA. They really do the Chicago area justice. Before, the woodlands surrounding the des plaines river valley simply weren't there. Regards, Rob
  3. Ah alright that's too bad. Guess I'll have to wait until that SP2 comes out. Thanks, Robert
  4. So I finally bought a multi-screen setup to display charts and pfpx while I fly. Yesterday, I had problems losing all sound when moving the mouse to another window. I solved that by unchecking the "mute on lost focus" button within P3D. Now, when I move the mouse to a different screen, I still have engine sounds, but lose all of the NGX cockpit sounds. Is this something that can be fixed, or do I just have to live with it. It's not that big of a deal, but would be nice. Regards, Rob
  5. Alright, so I got everything setup and working. I bought the suggested Synergy program. It works great, but the only problem I'm having now, is a loss of sound when moving the mouse cursor over to the other computer. Is there a way to have the P3D sounds play constantly even when moving the mouse over to another computer screen using Synergy? Regards, Rob
  6. Pretty sure they offer it at MDW too. Believe ai saw somethinf about it in the configuratorx but I could be wrong.
  7. I guess I should have added this in the initial post, but my router has multiple ethernet ports. My computers each only have one Ethernet port. So if I connect both computers to the router via ethernet cable, would that create a network? If I did that, I wouldn't even need a crossover cable right? Regards, Rob
  8. So, I'm trying to network two computers. Anyways, my main computer is wired directly to the router and therefore does not have an available Ethernet slot. How would I go about setting up a network with a second computer? Would I be able to put an Ethernet splitter on the back of my main PC and then run a crossover cable to the other computer as well, while still using the internet on the main computer? Regards, Rob
  9. Excellent flight tonight into Chicago! Vectored in for quite a close downwind, but was great fun. https://s10.postimg.org/m412ay9o9/ohare_1.jpg
  10. So, I'm thinking about getting a second computer to network with my main sim computer. I want to run my charts, topcat, pfpx, etc. on the networked computer. Since I have a 3 monitor setup, I would like to devote one monitor to charts and the other monitor to pfpx & topcat. The third monitor is connected to my main computer and is devoted to the sim. Anyways, is there a way that I can run one monitor(the one for charts) in portrait mode, while running the other monitor(the one for PFPX) in landscape mode while connected to the same computer? Best Regards, Robert Schumacher
  11. Yes, I've used it in P3D v3.3. I've optimized all of my airports. I have not optimized the ORBX regions or Global line products yet. Has worked really well for me. Haven't noticed any difference in the quality of my sceneries. I've used it on FB, FSDT, FT, and ORBX airports. I don't have a youtube account, but the link I posted has all of the instructions you need. It is super easy to do and only took me a few minutes.Also, I do not use any AI traffic and have my autogen buildings and autogen vegetation at the notch just below max.
  12. There is not an option to disable photoreal inserts in FTX Central. For airliners, I don't even notice the absence of powerlines, cranes, or windmills since, I climb high and quick. However, for GA, I usually turn them on and get a solid 25fps without stutters in the LAX area with A2A T6 at FSDT KLAX. I don't use Simstarter, but I do use scenery configuration editor to disable what I do not use on any particular flight. It is an extremely easy program to use and only takes a few seconds. Also, all of my addon airports have been optimized using the free texture optimizer. My hardware is similar to yours. Using a new GTX 1080 and i7 6700k OC'd to 4.6. http://www.theskylounge.tv/forums/topic/1031-optimizer-textures-guide/ Cheers, Rob
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