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Everything posted by Swoop

  1. Hey Dillion, I totally respect you're opinion so I want one...but I really wish that you would say something nasty about Carenado snubbing all of us who enjoy the 2D panel. Maybe that way they'll get the message and get with, (most likely), a very large portion of their customer base :)Mark
  2. Hey Arvid...don't know if this will help but what mouse are you using? If it's a Microsoft mouse, then there's a good chance that you have a program running in the background that you might not need. Microsoft installs a mouse manager program named iPoint.exe for their mouse and if you're using one of their keyboards, they install a keyboard manager program named iType.exe.I used both of these programs for about 1 minute to configure what I needed and then never used them again. So instead of having them run in the background wasting CPU cycles, I removed them. I haven't experienced any ill effects from this and it's been a few years. The one thing that you won't get without the management programs loaded is the amount of battery life you have left in the devices. So if you don't run them and say your mouse stops working...don't think it's broken, just replace the batteries :)You might also check the other programs and services that you have running in the background and remove any of them that aren't needed. There's a pretty straight forward utility named msconfig.exe which will show you the services and applications you have running on your system. Take a look and maybe you'll see something that you know you're either not using or simply don't need. So do a little system house keeping and see if that helps.Mark
  3. So I guess these would be a nice addition to the other 2 freeware RAF bases on the JustFlight web site...pretty nice of JustFlight too...MarkRAF Coningsby (FREEWARE by John Young UKMIL)http://www.justflight.com/product.asp?pid=279RAF Waddington (FREEWARE by John Young UKMIL)http://www.justflight.com/product.asp?pid=391
  4. Read this and see if it helps...it's by John Hinson who regales this group with a lot of good advice...http://www.adventure-unlimited.org/faultfi...php#IdentifyingAlso, I ran into a similar issue that may have nothing to do with what's going on with your system but here it is regardless. I installed some freeware sceneries that had traffic_xxx.bgl files and forgot to install the AI aircraft referenced in them. While flying, many different aircraft were loading with no textures or the textures would disappear after a period of time. I subsequently installed the AI aircraft and all the textures reappeared as they normally should. Don't know if that helps but one could only hope :)Mark
  5. Just to make sure because you haven't mentioned it...you do have the MS FS9.1 Update installed too...right?Mark
  6. Hey Chuck...thanks for the advice...I think? I don't know what gave you the impression that I'd like to find another hobby or that the "Bunny Hop in the Pea Patch" [1] is a deal breaker by any means. If you got that impression, well, don't let that distract you too because it isn't the reality of what I was trying to find out. Like John was eluding to, there maybe another underlying issue that is taking place and I'm simply curious. With all of the geometry and animation systems I've written over the years, I guess that I cannot help myself or my curiosity. I should've been a cat instead of a simmer, (or a software engineer), I suppose :)Mark[1] Chick Hearn
  7. Hey Gus...thanks for that 2D Arrow panel...didn't buy the aircraft though. But you know what, If you've got one for the Seneca, I will buy the aircraft. The exterior model just looks too nice to pass up :)Mark
  8. Yeah Steve...where did you get that link...there b' not'n there! Hey Zach, maybe they pulled the site because people were actually going to it now :)Mark
  9. I just pinged the web server and it's there. This is the IP as reported by TPG.com.au... going in through one of the anonymous sites...maybe there's a block on your ISP or something. At least it's worth a try :)Mark
  10. Thanks for that...but there appears to be a slight premium to having the boxx name, (about 7.5 grand worth), that may be better spent on all the hungry children in the world :) Is that what you're running? Hey, why are you calling them workstations by the way? Not to be to difficult or anything but workstations are typically unix boxes running the old SG Indigo systems...used to use them when rendering feature animations for some of the studios I've worked with :)What I'm after, (so I can build it myself), is a top end recommended motherboard and a top end recommended video card...thought that you might be able to give a quick thumbs up since you're obviously got it wired!Mark
  11. John, I adjusted the "Vertical Position" parameter in the contact_points section of aircraft.cfg file and it appears to be working so far. I'm not getting the adjustment bounce as before. Thank you!I'm just wondering why it didn't happen at all airports, all the time? Just a few of them. You would think that it would seeing as those parameters determine the slope of the aircraft from it's datum. I wonder what happens when you apply a load...Regardless, it works the way I typically fly so it works for me...so far. And to believe, I used to think the reason why 1/5 of the rear tires weren't visible was due to normal tire compression under load :)Mark
  12. I feel like a weight has been lifted...I hope that I'm not up-staging the management here...Mark
  13. Feng...You probably have posted your system and OS version specs for FSX but do me a favor...post them again. Include the manufacturer of the motherboard and everything. That is, if you wouldn't mind.Mark
  14. Thanks for the suggestion Iain. That aircraft does look quite nice and is probably a dream to fly. Appreciate it :)A note on the Carenado Seneca...I waited, (and guessed already), that it wouldn't come with a 2D panel just like their last 4 FS9 aircraft. I do love Carenado's work so it's particularly discomforting to not want to buy it. I'd like to have their rendition of any 2D cockpit which is part of their vision. That's what helps make the experience of flying their aircraft.So to after-market a 2D cockpit can be done but it wouldn't be Carenado. A very thoughtful member of this group sent me a 2D cockpit for the Carenado Arrow but at the last minute, I decided not to buy the aircraft. The 2D cockpit I received was extreamly detailed and really beautifull, (very Carenado-ish), but I didn't want to have another plane that I needed to do anything to.The reason why Carenado has been so successful is that they have produced completely satisfying aircraft in the past. So seeing the lovely interior and exterior models of the new Seneca "... is kind of like eating tofu. It keeps you strong but you're never quite satisfied..." [1]. Hope they read this and post a 2D cockpit version :)Mark [1] Twilight
  15. Thanks Onur...and thank you Mr. Hinson! I will try the tweaks shortly and let the group know if that helped so they may use it in the future if needed :)Mark
  16. Waaaa...sniff, sniff...there's no 2D panel! Why is it that I cannot get a GA twin that is just what I want? Darn again...Mark
  17. Ahhh, to each their own. I can fly an FMC/CDU any old time I want. I think its way more fun to come in at tree top level in something small and light. A craft that slips with the breeze and lands on a dime. If you're landing and change your mind, you simply throttle her up, flip up the flaps and you're gone some where else.You're closer to good old mother earth and can see the ULMs having a ball on a Sunday afternoon, chasing each other above the fields of grass. The you buzz into LFOY and have a picnic...feeling the warm sun on a summer breeze :)Mark
  18. Addon Afcads. If they are supplied with the scenery I use those, if the scenery I'm installing doesn't have one, then I try to find one made for that particular version of the scenery. If there isn't one then either I'll make my own or find a generic one.All of the bouncing has occured in sceneries that came with their own Afcads.Mark
  19. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. At some airports, when switching to the camera view from the cockpit view, the plane I'm flying will bounce while parked. It sometimes happens even after I'm already in camera view and panning around. When I pan to a specific place, the aircraft will do the bunny hop in the pea patch! Anyone know how to fix this?Please advise and thanks!Mark
  20. That does look nice...thanks Feng! I checked a bunch of places and couldn't find any screenshots of the landclass or mesh. Hey, gotta question. Your post said that you're only using active sky for the textures. Are you doing anything in particular to get that coloration? Mark
  21. If anyone knows where I can actually take a look at some screenshots of both the Hawaii mesh and landclass in action, do drop a line in the thread. It will be much appreciated!Mark
  22. I once asked why the texture map vertices were labled u,v,w and was simply told, "...because they are the three letters preceding x,y,z... When we referred to UVW or IJK, it was assumed that we were going to evaluate the point to a different datum, (not the datum from the RSP), driving towards the point along the described vector. It was to make sure that the aircraft part was in the correct position on the aircraft and to the aircraft.When we used XYZ to describe the coordinate system, we were making it easier to interpolate the point to the ruled surface patch coordinate system and manufacture the aircraft part. Many machining stations back then couldn't drive along a vector so the data had to be in XYZ coordinates. It also made it easier for a machinist to setup his station since the datum came from the part itself. You didn't have to create a point in space 30 feet away to make the thing.It was also a naming convention used so you could immediately discern the intention of the data. So if you were walking down the flight line and you found a piece of paper on the ground that had XYZ data then some machinist somewhere must have dropped it. If it had UVW or IJK data it must have been lost by an engineer.UVW could have been named PPM..short for Peter Paul and Mary...but that wouldn't be technical enough for us nerds...although quite nice to listen to. And whoever told you it came before XYZ, was not speaking with a forked tongue...it's the truth :)Mark
  23. Hey, N4....I remember when I used to write geometry systems, (and build airplanes), for Northrop back in the 70's. We used to call UVW another name...a Ruled Surface Patch with UVW being the Vector to describe it, (the patch of area described by the vector). The smaller the Ruled Surface Patch, the more UVW Vector coordinates to an area, the more accurate an aerodynamic skin. I guess that would equate to resolution. The more pixels, the higher the resolution, except these pixels have direction also.We used vectors because many aerodynamic surfaces, (commonly called "Mold Line" surfaces), have more then one curve, in one plane of view, in a single Ruled Surface Area. So the vectors were the only way to accurately describe a patch of that complex surface area. We clustered the Ruled Surface Patches into UVW vector maps and combined them into the larger Ruled Surface Area. (Just like LOD elevation mesh does).Where ever the Ruled Surface Area was placed on the aircraft skin, the initial coordinates, (or datum if you would), originated from the "Wing", "Water", and "Butt" line of the aircraft, another Cartesian coordinate system. We would then write a transformation matrix to the Ruled Surface Area, (which contained many Ruled Surface Patches), from the datum. With enough RSAs, you've got yourself an aircraft skin...and anything else that requires complex surface evaluations...LOD, Clouds, etc.We did the same thing at TRW when we were making satellite flight hardware for JPL...Does that sound like the system you're working with? What program are you using...it sounds like fun!MarkOh, one more thing...wanna kick...this was before PC's and just around the time the first 5 pound hand held calculators came out. Can anyone say slide rule for me?
  24. Anyone use the Hawaii mesh and landclass? I'd like to know how it shapes up. I'm using FSGlobal and Hawaii doesn't look anything like it does in real life. Believe me I know FSGlobal is just elevation data :)Mark
  25. Thanks Dillion...I thought you were going to say that there is an FS9 version brewing somewhere. The clouds, haven't heard of ASV. Did you mean Active Sky Advanced by any chance? By the way, keep up the good work with this, it's really helpful!Mark
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