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Everything posted by Swoop

  1. OK, I've removed my BGLMAN.dll and BGLMAN.dat files before without any issues. There are a couple of things that I would do to make sure nothing comes up unexpectedly later. First of all, don't delete the BGLMAN.* files, copy them to a safe location somewhere outside of the Flight Simulator 9\Modules folder.Then, go through your scenery.cfg file and make sure that there are no references to any of the Cloud9 or FS Dream Team products in it. If you do find references in the scenery.cfg file, you can remove them or my choice would be to comment them out. The comment character(s) that I use in my scenery.cfg file are 2 forward slash characters "//".Then start flight simulator and see if you get any error messages. You most likely won't but you can always undo your actions since you didn't delete anything.Mark
  2. My wife too...exactly the same. By the way, I don't own the PMDG 737 but I hear its really nice..more so then the PIC. So when you do get your 737 wings and are ready to buy something with a bit more realizm, then definitely ask who thinks the best 737 is on this board. It'll simply be fun reading everyone's opinions as they all appear to be quite loyal to their 'craft :)Mark
  3. Gary, by the way...I just read my post reccomending that you buy a 737 and realized that I did a global replace with the incorrect 737! I use the PIC 737, not the level-d because there is no level-d 737...it's a 767. That's what I get for posting something way early in the morning here in Sydney. Sorry if that caused you any confusion :)Oh, isn't it great that a bunch of people chimed in on this? I was really hoping that they would. I still think you should buy a cool 737 when you're ready but at least you can fly the ms one until you are now :)Mark
  4. Swoop

    PMDG 737

    Some of the other users on this board have complained lately that the TSS 727 Sounds are not accurate. They have also complained that they are not getting support conducive of payware applications. That being said, you might want to do a bunch of research on any sound package that you have to pay for before leaping in there.By the way, I'm always looking out for a decent copy of OMAA for you. I'll let you know if I do ever find one :)Mark
  5. One more thing, I like the level-d 737 but there are other models which are equally as good. PMDG makes a very nice 737 as well. I'm sure that there are many simmers who like it better and hopefully they will have some more advice for you as well :)Mark
  6. What scenery are you experiencing this with...is there more then one? Read through this and see if it helps until someone who uses the PMDG jet chimes in...http://www.adventure-unlimited.org/faultfi...php#IdentifyingMark
  7. Gary, I don't believe that there are any practice flights for the 737...just the 172. With regards to tutorials, you're simply going to have to hunt around and do the research to find one that works for you. I've listed one that you can start with below. There is also a book floating around named "The Complete Visual Tutorial to Flying the Boeing 737" but I have no idea if it's any good. Maybe someone will chime in and let us both know!With regards to the 737 instrumentation having an HSI, most aircraft have them in one form or another. The HSI for the 172 is the VOR1 dial, the artificial horizon, and a bit of the GPS combined. In a heavy it looks more like the one represented in the stock 737. The better the sim, the closer to a completely realistic environment you're going to get. The Level-D 737 is very realistic and a lot of fun to fly.If I were you, (and I had a couple of extra bucks to spend), I would simply bite the bullet and buy the Level-D 737...then work from there. I wouldn't waste any time at all on the stock 737 because it is completely un-realistic and you're going to spend hours trying to find information on avionics that don't exist except for in the MS stock heavies. With the stock heavies, there will not be a next step in the progression of knowledge, the learning will simply end. The book that I mentioned above is around $30 USD. I think that the Level-D 737 is around $60 USD and comes with excellent documentation as well as a world wide knowledge base. You can also trace the avionics back to the manufacturer and in many cases, use much of the actual pilot guides as a reference. But it's up to you to decide what works for you. If you go the MS Stock Heavy route then you'll always be dancing on the edge of true knowledge without ever actually achiving it...In either case you will be facing a steep learning curve.737 Tutorialhttp://www.simviation.com/cgi-bin/syb2.cgi...e=737_Pilot.zipAll the Tutorialshttp://www.simviation.com/fshelp.htmMark
  8. Hey John...take a look at your Windows Event Viewer Application Log. Listed in there, (most likely), is a .DLL file which faulted. You should be able to find it pretty quickly because it will have an icon with a red dot and a white "X" through it. You'll need to double click on the icon, (you may have more then one), and see if it says something like..."Faulting application fs9.exe, version, faulting module terrain.dll, version, fault address 0x00043890."If you find one then post it here along with your computer specs. I'm sure one of the many gurus that alight in this arena will assist you :)Mark
  9. Oh, here's one more site that gives you a nice selection of things to read...http://www.flightsimbooks.com/And Alan is still a good resource despite his modesty!Mark
  10. I read through the tutorials below, (one many years ago), and they worked for me. Also, read through Alan's tutorials as he is an expert in the field!General Navigationhttp://www.navfltsm.addr.com/ FMC Navigationhttp://www.b737.org.uk/fmc.htmMark
  11. Did anyone read the review on FlightSim...is it a review or is it a copy of the marketing text distributed by the company that makes it? I noticed that the link for more information goes directly to the online shop for immediate purchase of the product too. Wow, it seems that one has to be very careful with the opinion of reviewers these days...they might just be out for themselves, that is, if what I've read in this post is correct :)http://www.flightsim.com/main/notams09/paob0715.htmMark
  12. Humm...I wonder if that you're using a later version of EHAM? KLAX went to version 1.01 and then nothing after while EHAM is now at version 1.04. Could be that they did take it out in the more recent versions of their software, or, their software now checks if AES is installed and disables its version of Active Gate? Kind of sounds right but I don't know.Mark
  13. Swoop

    TSS 727 Sounds

    It always sucks that one, (or maybe more), in the FS community actually has to buy a product in order to find out that it's no good sometimes. Coupled with the concept that many people who review products are stuck in the "Politically Correct" mode or may have other motivations, you might never know that a product wouldn't even be used as freeware until someone gets f'd and then tells everyone on Avsim.Sorry Zach but thanks at the same time :)Mark
  14. There is something that I forgot to mention here and is very important. When you come out of the SAGER procedure turn and you flip the navigation type from GPS to VOR, the vertical cross hair will show that you are lower then the ILS beacon. That is perfectly normal and the way that you should always CAPTURE an ILS beam if possible. You should try not to ascend into an ILS beam, (if posible), but stay at your current altitude and wait until you cross the beam's path before starting your descent.So as the vertical cross hair of the VOR1 dial centers itself, that is the moment when you should start descending into the runway. Can't believe I forgot to mention that...I'm such an amateur sometimes :)Mark
  15. The FMC is great fun to fly but they are quite advanced these days. Forgive me if I’m wrong but it sounds like you might need something a bit simpler to start with. I hope this helps but if you already know this, maybe someone else can use it or add to it or edit it!There are approach procedures built into the default FS9 GPS. The approach procedures are guidance to both the airport and the runway that you wish to land on. The 172 will follow a chosen flight plan when the NAV switch has GPS selected and the aircraft is on autopilot. If you selected a departure and arrival airport in the FS9 flight planner, that route will have already been loaded into the GPS for you when you start your flight. All you have to do is set a few radios and dials and it will lead you directly to the airport and runway you want automatically. You could also follow the route manually by flying the line that the GPS draws on its map but let’s see how you like it on autopilot. Try this quick flight in the default C172 and check if it makes sense...Start FS9 and In the MS Flight Planner, set the departure Airport to KEMT and the destination Airport to KSNA then begin the flight.Pre Flight Cockpit Setup...Radio Stack1) Tune your NAV1 radio to 111.752) Tune your ADF locator radio to 3373) Set the target altitude to 3500 AGL4) Set the ascent rate to 700 FPMMain Panel5) Set your VOR1 dial heading to 1956) Keep your ADF dial heading set to your current compass rose heading (If you change headings then change the ADF heading to match)7) Set your NAV/GPS switch to GPS for nowGPS8) Open your GPS and press the PROC button9) Select ILS 19R as your desired runway10) Select POM as your approach to that runway 11) Load the approach but don't activate it yet !!!Now take off at full throttle...that's always fun! When you’re about 700 ft AGL then....In Flight Cockpit AdjustmentsRadio Stack1) Open the radio stack2) Press the NAV button3) Press the ALT buttonThe autopilot should now be engaged and you will be turning towards KSNA..GPS4) Open the GPS5) Press the PROC button5) Select "Activate Approach"6) Press EnterYour plane should now be turning towards the Pomona waypoint and you can follow your current position on the GPS. You can look out the windows and enjoy the view while you climb to 3500 AGL. You don’t have much to do except monitor your current position and keep an eye out for the SAGER waypoint...it’s the next one after POM. We’re going to make some NAV setting changes right after SAGER so you need to be aware of it. There are 4 waypoints between you and KSNA 19R using the POM approach. They are POM, SAGER, SNAKE, and LEMON. Even though SNAKE and LEMON are in the flight plan, we won’t use them for this flight. So wait until you’re just past SAGER and it finishes its funky mini-procedure turn. After which you should be aligned with runway 19R, (at full throttle), even though you probably cannot see it yet. This is where you should change the type of navigation from GPS to VOR. Flipping the GPS/NAV switch to NAV enables the autopilot to use the VOR1 radio for navigation, (which should be tuned to 111.75), rather then using the GPS for navigation. I believe it’s called a precision approach because VOR navigation can give you both horizontal and vertical indications while GPS navigation provides only the horizontal in the 172. So here we go on approach...On Approach after the SAGER procedure turn...Main Panel1) Flip the GPS/NAV switch to NAVRadio Stack2) Press the APR button (Approach button)That’s it...you should now be on a precision approach to runway 19R via the autopilot which is following the ILS beacon. The only thing left to do is to descend at a proper rate of anywhere between 300 FPM and 500 FPM until you reach the runway. Lateral movement will be handled by the autopilot. All you have to do is to learn how to use the throttle and the flaps to keep your decent rate optimal. That’s where the VOR1 dial really comes in handy. I mean, that’s what it’s made for. It’s a cross hair that shows your relative horizontal and vertical position to where it should be. That is also why you set the heading of the VOR1 dial to the runway 19R heading...so the displayed deviation is relative to the ILS and runway.If the crosshairs are aligned dead center, then both your approach decent and your horizontal alignment is perfect. Any deviation is displayed as being off center. When the horizontal hair is to the right of center you are to the right of the correct horizontal alignment. When it’s to the left of center, you are to the left of the correct horizontal alignment. When the vertical hair is above center, it means that you’re too low. If the vertical hair is below center, it means you’re too high. The job is to keep those crosshairs on center, but for now, all you have to do is to concentrate on the vertical hair.Using the throttle is really fun and that’s your adjustment for the vertical and your speed. I typically throttle back to between 2200 and 2400 RPM at full flaps to control the decent. I keep adjusting the throttle so the crosshairs stay on center. I don’t want to land too fast or too slow, somewhere around 70 knots, so I adjust the throttle accordingly. If I dip to low I give it a bit more power until the cross hairs align. If I’m too high then I slowly lower the RPM until it’s aligned on center. I try to do this while keeping the vertical decent to between 300 FPM and 500 FPM. If I'm coming in to fast I might use the trim to increase my angle of attack, (nose a bit higher), which decreases my airspeed. Don’t worry...you’ll get used to it and it’s a blast!Mark
  16. Ah...interesting stuff! I really hope that the FlyScenery people read this forum. They could get a lot of insightful help from a very diverse user base. Maybe that way, they won't go the automatic update route, (who knows why?), and get their textures to work like the pros.Mark
  17. Is it because Cloud9 KLAX has its own active gate, (not ActiGate.dll), stuff? I think that's the other part of BGLMAN.dll. One part is a forced piracy prevention system and the other part is their "Active Gate" stuff (I think). Personally, I wish they'd separate the 2 systems and provide an update. I don't use the Cloud9 "Active Gate" stuff and yet am forced to carry it around like excess garbage :) Love the airport, really dislike the Cloud9 system...wish I could get rid of it. Aerosoft, if you're listening out there...Please redo KLAX for uuuussss!Mark
  18. Thanks John...been going through the various config files writing an intelligent syntax checker and overall cleaning utility. I couldn't find any documentation other then the standard .INI file stuff for commenting. (Did I miss it?)You know, it's kind of fun going through the SDK documentation. I keep seeing things that I have to have read before but have forgotten about. I guess it's because the docs are so discontinuous and disheveled that it makes them hard to scan...You actually have to read them rather then simply reference them. By the way, those docs are a database that can be inner joined by fields and parameter values to their associated .CFG files. It's a bummer that many of the docs have different types of tables in them, otherwise I could simply just suck them into a database without having to re-columize each table to each other :)Thanks again John...Mark
  19. I've noticed that there appears to be 2 types of comments for all the .CFG files in FS9. One is 2 forward slash characters "//" and the other is a semi-colon ";". Will someone please verify this for me and let me know if there are other comment characters? Thank you!Mark
  20. Yup...I didn't get the jitters from the airport but I'm now getting them from even thinking about beta testing someone else's software :) I removed it too...Mark
  21. Here's a quick update. I had said before that I hadn't found anything unusual yet...well, I had started my flights from the active runway. I just started a flight from one of the parking locations and found that it was in one of the hangers! Tried another parking ramp and it was as well. So I'll research this and get back to the group...for those of you that care :)Mark
  22. They probably haven't seen it yet Vonmar...they'll probably approve it because it looks like such a sure thing...Ha!Mark
  23. Maybe they have some bunk textures in there somewhere, although, I looked at them with XnView and didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I'm going to fly a closed course in a few minutes and see if I get any jitters. FlyScenery may have other scenery enhancements but maybe they decided not to include in the initial install because of "scenery jitters". I haven't had any taxiing around the airport.It's actually a really nice airport and is a welcomed addition to the Seattle area. It will be fun to use it, fly from KTIW to CYYJ or maybe to CYSE! After seeing my initial reaction to the crummy web site and lack of documention for an executible file, (that really is a no-no), and with all the talk of malware...in the end I think that the airport is very cool! I've got to ask FlyScenery to add the Tacoma Guitar factory....I have 2 of them myself :)Mark
  24. FlyScenery Install of...KTIW - Tacoma Narrows AirportTacoma, Washington, USAOK, here's the deal. The airport is quite nice, photo real textures, nice buildings and hangers, well depicted and colorized...all in all a cool little GA airport. The initial installer asks to you where you want to install the airport. It defaults to "Flight Simulator 9\TacomaNarrowsAirport for FS9" and it works.After that initial install you actually have the airport, (it seems for now), and all you need to do is to add it to your scenery library. FlyScenery creates another executable shortcut on your desktop which is a link to to run their "Update Manager". They wrote the application in dotnet version 3.5 so if you don't have that on your system, you are automatically prompted to install it. Then, it goes ahead and installs dotnet 3.5 so you can use the update manager which checks for updates to the software. The update manager process appears to be manual, so in other words, you have to click on the shortcut in order to check for updates. For now, it doesn't appear to be doing anything automatically.If you don't want to install dotnet 3.5 then it seems, (once again so far), that all you have to do is to decline the 3.5 install, add the scenery to your library, and don't use the update manager. The airport appears to be working fine. I haven't had much time to look at the Afcad yet and there were no other GA aircraft at the airport other then mine, which is not that much fun so I might have to create some flight plans for it.My take, (if anyone is interested), go ahead and install the airport, decline the dotnet 3.50 install, don't use the update manager, add the airport to your scenery library, and use the airport in good health and confidence! Why they didn't simply put a zip file on their website with 2 folders in it...Scenery and Texture...is a mystery to me.MarkFlyScenery ReadMe and my installation notes....--------------------------------------------------------***Note: you must activate your scenery in the scenery library***Thankyou for choosing Flyscenery.org's Tacoma Narrows Airport for FS9. We hope you enjoy your flights.But before you begin, lets go through different information you would like to know.Information General1. Tacomas Papi and Vasi are currently under maintenance.2. To be used with high end computers with settings above normal.3. Jitters may occure, do not worry it is normal and will be fixed.4. AFCAD may be modified to you needs.Information Development1. Made using Gmax for modeling2. Made using Gimp for texturing3. Made AFCAD using Lee Swordy AFCAD4. Developed on Windows some textures on Mac5. Tested on high end computers with setting on dense. Avrage FPS: 49.5 locked at 50Known Bugs1. MALSR not flashing2. PAPI and VASI (under construction)To add a bug, go to our website and go to support center. http://www.flyscenery.org/Contact Information1. main page- http://www.flyscenery.org/2. lead developer- r@flyscenery.org3. main- contact@flyscenery.org4. back up- flyscenery@aol.comFrom the Update Manager Install Manifest----------------------------------------<dependentAssembly dependencyType="install" allowDelayedBinding="true" codebase="Flyscenery.org Update Manager.exe" size="30208">----------------------------------------Windows Prefetch Folder------------------------------------------C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\DFSVC.EXE-331C2A5B.pfWindows Local Settings Temp Folder----------------------------------------------------------------------------------C:\Documents and Settings\(YourUserName)\Local Settings\Temp\VSD26.tmp\install.log----------------------------------------------------------------------------------The following properties have been set:Property: [AdminUser] = true {boolean}Property: [ProcessorArchitecture] = Intel {string}Property: [VersionNT] = 5.1.2 {version}Running checks for package 'Windows Installer 3.1', phase BuildListThe following properties have been set for package 'Windows Installer 3.1':Running checks for command 'WindowsInstaller3_1\WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe'Result of running operator 'VersionGreaterThanOrEqualTo' on property 'VersionMsi' and value '3.1': trueResult of checks for command 'WindowsInstaller3_1\WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe' is 'Bypass''Windows Installer 3.1' RunCheck result: No Install NeededRunning checks for package '.NET Framework 3.5', phase BuildListReading value 'Install' of registry key 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1033'Unable to read registry valueNot setting value for property 'DotNet35InstallSuccess'The following properties have been set for package '.NET Framework 3.5':Running checks for command 'DotNetFX35\dotNetFx35setup.exe'Skipping ByPassIf because Property 'DotNet35InstallSuccess' was not definedResult of running operator 'ValueEqualTo' on property 'AdminUser' and value 'false': falseResult of running operator 'ValueExists' on property 'Version9x': falseResult of running operator 'VersionLessThan' on property 'VersionNT' and value '5.1.2': falseResult of running operator 'VersionEqualTo' on property 'VersionNT' and value '5.2.0': falseResult of running operator 'ValueEqualTo' on property 'ProcessorArchitecture' and value 'IA64': falseResult of checks for command 'DotNetFX35\dotNetFx35setup.exe' is 'Install''.NET Framework 3.5' RunCheck result: Install NeededEULA for components '.NET Framework 3.5' was declined.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. All right, since you went to the trouble of helping all of us, I'll install it and see what it does...check back in a bit...Mark
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