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About frank1223

  • Birthday 12/23/1990

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  1. Microsoft offers around $4 per month for subscription on xgp. Sure, MSFS is not perfect but honestly why would anyone be unsatisfied for this price?
  2. Flying both Fenix and FBW, what FBW team has done is truly remarkable to the flight sim community.
  3. Had a few CTD with 16GB but never after I upgraded to 32G.
  4. Same here with Fenix, the AP seems to be only working properly with LOW turbulance setting.
  5. Planning: Simbrief Airliners: PMDG for Boeing | Fenix and Flybywire for Airbus Just follow the official tutorial PDFs that come with the products.
  6. Very happy with the latest experimental version too.
  7. the official introduction and tutorial PDFs are quite useful.
  8. I walk away or even go to bed once the plane starts cruising, Volanta on iPhone does a great job of monitoring the flight path when I am away from the flight deck.
  9. Subscribing to Navigraph and update their navdata for MSFS will solve your problem perfectly.
  10. If you apply reverse thrust and cut throttle to idle, the plane would eventually boost forward in an instant manner. Please refer to the link below, starting at 12:30, you will notice the issue at 12:40, can someone please explain? https://youtu.be/ocOBFH5rOqo?t=750
  11. Such a great addon, one of the best I've purchased, well done Bryan!! Maybe a little more variety for the Cain crew's voices?
  12. It's a FSX bug. I have got the same here on every aircrafts.
  13. Well, if I've remembered correctly the NGX forum was opened in Dec, 2010, and was released on August 4th, 2011.
  14. http://forum.avsim.net/index.php?app=ccs&module=pages&section=pages&id=2&record=36
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