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Everything posted by AAfan

  1. Ok, I got 3DSMax 2012 and its being a pain since I cant get the exporting to work for the games I make stuff for....
  2. It was some generic one that made it work and then didnt realize that the disc that I put in and installed stuff off of was actually the real drivers so it ran somehow in 1680x1050 on a generic driver dodaa and somehow got okay FPS but now it works MUCH better
  3. Talk to Windows, I dont know how to explain, thats what it called it...I was not happy with it overriding my Nvidia Drivers I had installed...
  4. I found the culprit, Windows 7, it auto installed a generic GPU driver and that what was causing the bad FPS, got the same settings and 100% WOAI traffic and look at my FPS in DFW now
  5. What about the new H80, keeps my i7 2600K around 29C at idle at 4.5GHz
  6. Flight is going to be a simulation, not a game, yes I believe there will be missions to attract a new group but we will still have everything we come to expect for realism because Microsoft knows that if it's a true game not a simulation it will not sell very well because many of us, some not as in-depth want a realistic simulation and as a game you cant really get the simulation part there!
  7. We do know it will have good graphics and level of detail and not a game
  8. My point is most of us dont know what Flight is gonna be but I know it's not gonna be a dumbed down "game"
  9. Please give me proof where they said it's gonna be dumbed down and not have the option to be as realistic if not more realistic then FSX...
  10. For whatever reason I found that the 2600K works just a bit better with HT on then off and remember Flight should be able to take advantage of this technology when it comes out v
  11. FSX is a CPU KILLER game, yes you need a good GPU but a CPU is what makes FSX run!
  12. That helped alot, getting about 5-7FPS more!
  13. I got a 3 year replacement warranty on it so if I bomb it no issue
  14. I do see a bit better performance just wiping the fsx cfg, now for the tweaking system And Word Not Allowed, you think you can help me get my 2600K above 4.5GHz without it trying to eat me?I noticed the tweaker makes FSX Shader3 compatible, should I use that or get rid of it?
  15. Here we go, if you hear someone cursing FSX in 5 min you will know why!
  16. They are really not very effective in real life so don't expect much from them on this plane!
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