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About justin1

  • Birthday March 14

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  1. have you tried using core temp to see what your CPU temps are?
  2. go with the 6970 because fsx doesnt utilize SLI well if even at all. If you do go with the 6970 you will need an active display mini display port to DVI or HDMI adapter since eyefinity needs one display port compatible monitor... that is assuming you don't already have a display port monitor
  3. performance wise I am not sure but my guess is it will be decent but not great. As far as upgrades the best thing would be to upgrade the CPU to an AMD 6 core as it is compatible with your motherboard, then when you get a chance upgrade the video card.
  4. feelthere.com has an ERJ 135/140/145/XR and majestic software is making a Q400
  5. go for the Western Digital Caviar Black 1tb the sata 6 gb/s version http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136533&cm_re=western_digital_caviar_black_1tb_7200-_-22-136-533-_-Product
  6. H50 is fine but if it leaks, which I have heard of that happening, then it could fry your motherboard, graphics card etc. I would play it safe if i were you and get a good air cooler like the coolermaster hyper 212 plus. That just my opinion, its not necessary but if it were me i wouldn't want to risk it.
  7. you shouldnt reuse your ram because the i7 9xx series uses triple channel memory and not dual channel. Also use should get a case with better cable management than that one, you can get better cases for the money, for example: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119216&cm_re=cm_690_ii-_-11-119-216-_-Product . Also, are you going to buy an aftermarket CPU cooler? Because the stock Intel heat sink wont keep the processor cool enough to do overclocking.
  8. IF your CPU is dead, which i assume it is if your motherboard is: why a 940? get a 930 or 920 which is less money and you'll get the same overclocking that you previously had. You could even go with an i5. its a different socket but its still a quad core and they overclock just as well. If you use your computer mostly for FS then an i7 wont make a difference ( unless its one of the six-core i7's) because FSX doesnt support hyperthreading. IMO your not going to notice a performance difference between an i5 or an i7unless your willing pay 900 to 1,000 USD for a six-core i7 processor.
  9. if your using this computer mostly for fsx get a MSI p55a-gd65 motherboard. its the same type of socket as the gd-85 and still has usb 3.0 and sata 6bg/s support that the gd-85 has but costs alot less.
  10. I am thinking about building a computer for FSX sometime in the near future and I'm wondering which graphics card to get. I am think of either a gtx465 http://www.evga.com/products/pdf/01G-P3-1465.pdf or a gtx 460superclocked EE (external exhaust) http://www.evga.com/products/pdf/01G-P3-1373.pdf . I am curious which card would be a better choice considering the specs are very similar. BTW what does external exhaust mean.
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