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About garydpoole

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    UK - EGSS

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  1. Absolutely. I have V1 and intend to just keep it. But I do wonder, given the fact that I may not be alone in making this decision, and that this 'a complete rebuild', the developer's time could have been better spent bringing a brand new airport to the market as opposed to a 're-hash' of an existing one, which, at the end of the day, is still very good ?
  2. I dont believe anyone is, it seems like it was just a question of curiosity. Regarding the perceived 'absurdity' of discounts for owning previous sim versions of a product, I have been given numerous discounts by scenery producers when purchasing FS2020 airports after having previously purchased the P3D version. So the idea is not as outlandish as it sounds.
  3. The fact that you really can please all the people all the time...
  4. Would be cool if the price of the fuel in the Shell station updated dynamically.
  5. I bought the -400 for $9.99 and successfully managed to tweak the necessary cfg files to reduce both power and weight and it flew a lot better. Then just started to use mods that became available on flightsim.to. However, it was always the -300ER that I wanted, so once again, got this in the sale with the intention of tweaking the cfg files to improve upon the default 747 parameters. Unfortunately, every time that I applied a reduction in the fuel tank arrangement, the sim ended in a stutter-fest. I narrowed it down to which lines were causing the stutters, but never managed to fix it. So just abandoned it. Which is a real shame as it looks lovely both inside and outside of the cockpit.
  6. Ah, ok. I've always shied away from the installer as I prefer to install manually. However, looks like I'll have no choice now !
  7. Could just be me, but I now seem unable to manually download the latest Dev build located here - when I click on "Download Development" (as I always have done), I just receive a message stating, "Not Found". Anyone else seeing this ? Regards
  8. I hadn't got around to trying this yet, so thanks for having a go. Seems like we're slogging a bit of a dead horse here, then..! Regards
  9. Hello all Are there any comtemporary methods for reloading the Community Folder from within the sim ? I've found some posts from a couple of years ago, but things have obviously moved on since then I'm tweaking a flight_model.cfg file and it's a bit of a pain having to restart the sim after each change. Regards
  10. Good to hear. Thanks for the quick reply!
  11. Anyone tried this version with FSiPanel yet?
  12. I suspect it's because they can. And when it looks this good, why not?
  13. Ok, that would make sense. So I'm guessing that unless the parking at both the third party and its equivalent default match exactly, you may end up seeing some 'bizarre' parking at the third party airport?
  14. Assuming no built in statics, does this addon work successfully with third party airports? Also, does it receive many updates reflecting changes in airline fleets, new airlines or ones that may have gone out of business? Thanks.
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