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    Board Member, FSEconomy (Not affiliated with any profit-generating commercial org.)

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  1. On that topic.... Maybe its my graphic card but I cant see airborne aircraft unless I'm a few hundred feet away. LOD makes them invisible. The entire traffic alert is useless to me. Thankfully it's not (yet) a feature in BATC.
  2. With FS2024 being more cloud based, server issues will have a larger impact for users. Yes, they are infrequent but that doesn’t make it an easier pill to swallow when it happens.
  3. I’m sure THEY have project timelines, but as with most projects, progress is elastic. The appearance of missed deadlines can produce a negative perception. I would keep that information in-house too.
  4. As with all aspects of your flight, BATC gets this from what you filed in Simbrief. If something needs changing, redo your planning and restart BATC.
  5. I’m getting an outage message posted by the Flightsim.to team.
  6. I like it. Will definitely give this a go.
  7. We each have our own preferences but after 10 days of using BATC, I don’t miss all that other chat. Certainly not at busy airports where it was tough to even reply. And in these early stages of learning what works and what doesn't in BATC, it’s probably less confusing to only have ‘our chatter’.
  8. When a flight goes flawless, this app is the bees knees. Departed in a TBM at Lanai (Hawaii - PHNY) with Barking Sands PMRF as my destination (PHBK). I was vectored in but ATC had me too high on the first attempt so it advised me 'we are going to try that again". On the next attempt, after climbing to 4,400, it took me further out making the decent and final approach perfect. Handed off to Tower, then ground who asked if I wanted a specific ramp parking. They aren't all this perfect but we're getting close to a very good ATC solution.
  9. I am with the camp who say they keep coming back to BATC. Despite any shortcoming, I am really enjoying it. I even laugh once in a while (“Four Papa Bravo… you are nowhere near two-three. Why in the world are you asking for take off clearance”). I had my first flawless flight today although it was into an untowered airport. Maybe that was why. However, the landing was a bit anti-climatic… we are just told frequency change approved once we indicate established on the ILS. I dutifully tuned into unicom and announced my position even though I’m just talking to myself at that point.
  10. As with many pilots, I’ve been having some challenges. Without official documentation telling users the correct usage, i can’t tell if the problem is ‘early access’ or lack of understanding what BATC expects of pilots. Thanks to everyone here who are providing answers and clues to making it work. The YouTube videos are somewhat helpful but with frequent coding updates, content from last week may be outdated. And few rarely give specifics such as altitude constraints or why ATC stops responding. And I really dislike Discord. It’s like 1000 people in a room all talking at the same time. This forum has been the most help. BATC really needs to have a manual some day. Or a generous community willing to document the finer details.
  11. Yes, very true. I forgot about those ground details.
  12. This is worth repeating. Given there is no ‘one size fits all’ across the globe, I think we should all expect BATC may have phrases that are not 100% in every region. A real world commercial pilot flying from North America to Europe understands there will be differences and so should we.
  13. In addition to what was said above, BATC a has a ‘set and forget’ mode… auto tune and auto reply so your copilot will handle all radio work. You (the pilot) just need to follow any navigation instructions.
  14. I’m finding BATC is pretty good with real world phraseology but we do have consider regional variations across the world. One rule doesn’t always apply everywhere. As for taxi, the preferred statement in NA is just “ready to taxi”. No need to add ‘active’. One goal of radio traffic is to keep it to a minimum.
  15. Just for clarity, there is still AI in the game if using BATC? And the usual default MSFS controllers communicate back and forth with them? That’s what I’m thinking is happening reading these posts. If so, that’s ok with me but wondering if BATC and default traffic sometimes talk over one another because one doesn’t know the other exists.
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