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About armchair_pilot

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  1. Yeah the prices are ridiculous, that's what's holding me off for a little while. Back on topic, which parameters in PTA can be played with to make the draw distance less noticeable? I do have a preset that I found here on avsim but it doesn't help. Maybe it's also because I have ground shadows on which makes it more apparent.
  2. I have a GTX770 and planning on upgrading to a 1070. Will that make a difference? My actual card is maxed at 100% in complex sceneries.
  3. From my coding experience you can do both, it just depends on how well optimized your software is. I'm planning on upgrading my GPU but not so sure if that's going to do anything.
  4. That's true, P3D has a lot more to offer but it still has a long way to go I think. If LM is going to fix the LOD issue and increase performance I'd be more than happy.
  5. It's kinda lame, looks to me like LOD 4.5 in FSX is bigger than LOD 6.5 in P3D..
  6. Somewhat late to the party, but this still seems to be a thing with v3.35. I also see a ring of autogen and in the distance everything is blurred. No matter what setting I set my LOD radius at, the ring always stays the same size.
  7. Hello forum members, I've been thinking about upgrading my 3 year old GTX770 4GB to somewhat more powerful and less noisy. The sim I'm using is P3D and my first question is, is it worth it and will I see some improvement in performance? At the moment my card is maxed out at 100% and P3D at times is not that smooth anymore although I'm running a sub-4k setup, so I guess that must be the bottleneck. The card I am most interested in for the moment is this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814126109 EDIT: Important: At least 1Dvi and 2x HDMI ports are required. What do you guys think?
  8. What does 'Non-transferrable' actually mean? Not giving anyone else my account or linking the licenses to another one?
  9. Hello, I wonder if it's legal/possible to sell both my 737 and 777 licenses for FSX? I switched to P3D a long time ago and the only reason FSX is still installed on my machine is because of these aircraft but I want to get rid of that sim. The problem is since there is still no upgrade option for P3D, I'm stuck with it.
  10. There is a trick with their Concorde on how to save +- 500MB VAS at high resolutions. My setup has 3 screens with a total resolution of 5980x1080 and I'm running Concorde at busy addon airports without VAS issues. The thing is you have to reduce the window size of every 2D panel to fit a 1080p screen since they can eat a lot of memory when stretched across the display which is the result when going multi screen or any resolution above 1080p. Maybe it's the same with the airbus? That one surely has less panels than Concorde but who knows..
  11. My P3D sim is running on a triple screen setup and changing the value mentioned above to single monitor doesn't do anything for me. What makes me laugh is that somehow people always suddenly seem to find a magical trick on how to gain 5-10fps more with a simple tweak but none haven't worked for me yet, even in FSX times. I must be doomed.. EDIT: Apparently this only works for OpenGL. As P3D/FSX runs on DirectX, no win for us guys.
  12. Noticed something strange after installing REX 4 normal clouds in P3Dv3.3. It looks like a mix of normal and soft clouds: I installed soft clouds just before, but normally, by installing another cloud set they're supposed to be overwritten or am I wrong?? EDIT: This seems to be set-specific if I'm not mistaken. I installed another one (no soft clouds) and it doesn't show these fluffy clouds.
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