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Everything posted by abranpuko

  1. Hello, the only thing that i can recommend is to open de SODE platform Manager every time you begin with Prepar3d. Dont close the platform until finish flight. For me, this solution is good!
  2. Hi all. I am a new user of rex environment force. Unlike many here, I have to say that I have just made an extraordinary flight from Tenerife to La Palma, and the atmosphere has been incredible. The program makes each flight different, and I combine it with AS16, and the textures of rex sky force. Enjoy it if you buy it, and if you do not want any changes on screen, do not buy it. easy!:)
  3. thanks for your answer! i hope someday, all planes, little and bigger, can have their transponder always ON until arrived at gate. i will not switch off ground traffic, i love to feel that plane is real and is moving NOW, at the same time im moving in my PC. thanks again! holds abraham.
  4. Hi. I write because I would love to propose an idea for PSXSeecontraffic.I was thinking that perhaps there could be an option in the UI that would make that landing planes that disappear (realtraffic does not perceive them), could continue landing and going to a free gate. In this way, the disappearances of artificial air traffic planes that happen because of lack of transponders can be replaced by a basic but effective behavior. Also those small airports where airplanes disconnect the signal on the ground. I know that it is easy to propose ideas and more complicated to make them real but ... I was excited to share it!Thank you very much once more for this beautiful program that gives life to the airports where I fly.
  5. Hello! I have a problema that is post in "invalidaircraftCodes".txt. it says this: A332 // By ICAO Aircraft Type DesignatorsC:\Users\Abraham\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\Traficoaereo\aviones\A330-200F_FSPX\aircraft.cfg A332 // By ICAO Aircraft Type DesignatorsC:\Users\Abraham\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\Traficoaereo\aviones\A330-200_FSPX\aircraft.cfg A333 // By ICAO Aircraft Type DesignatorsC:\Users\Abraham\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\Traficoaereo\aviones\A330-300_FSPX\aircraft.cfg but, at the samE TIME, I HAVE THE a332 Models on TFS. (in another folder), and they are not giving any error, although they have the same ICAO aircraft type designator. what could be the problema? thanks!
  6. Hello! i have a question... what should i edit if id like to have a strobe light for ai planes with a more quick flash? im not talking about the time between emisión and emission, but the time we can see every one of them. sorry for my english
  7. thanks for your answer! so... Understanding that the percentage of airplanes in an airport goes up and down according to several circumstances, which one is recommended? If I want to start from an empty airport that is gradually filling up with planes that reach it, what percentage should I put? the zero? 🙂
  8. Hello, I have some doubts and I would like to know if it is possible to solve them.If, for example, I have the "parking percentage" = 60, that means that at that airport only 60 percent of the total number of aircraft would have been stationed. If at that moment an airplane lands and prepares to go to a gate, and no other has left another gate, what happens to the one that has landed?If I wanted an airport to have the real live number of parked airplanes, I would have to leave it empty and wait one day for it to fill up, (and that does not bother me), but what percentage should I put in if I wanted to do that?Thank you very much, I hope you have explained me well.a hug
  9. Just thanks again! Its very nice to see ai planes pushing back! :)
  10. yes, i have comproved that the jetways are now the default ones. Even in SODE platform manager, the "enable Ai traffic detection" continues being "on". Thaks for the help. I think that SODE developers Will fix this soon. Many weeks ago, in prepar3d 3.4, every time i landed, i could see all jetways docking inmediately to ai aircraft (with or wothout GSX2) and i had never performance problems.:) thanks!!!
  11. Thanks for your help. Unfortunately i continue habing the same problema. I have restored to default jetways with GSX control panel. Once the airport is loaded, i can read on the menú: "autodock jetways", but when i click the only jetways that docks is mine. the rest continue resting. sometimes, we can read: ai aircraft dorr too far from jetways, or things like this. in the debug sode, i can read: "[00:09:34.856] DEBUG SODE.FSLOOP : [AI DETECTION] N monitored AIObjects = 0" many times. (but my airport was full of planes, injected with PSXSeecon traffic". thanks.
  12. Hi. For a few weeks, jetways do not automatically dock ai traffic planes on P3DV4.3 or V4.4. I have the latest version of SODE and also of GSX2, however, the jetways remain static. Does anyone know how this could be fixed? THANKS!
  13. yes!!! Thank you very much!!! I was beginning to be very sad if psxseecon traffic dissappeared!!! 🙂
  14. Hello! I have seen that the webpage of PSXSeeconTraffic is not operating. Also his fórum. Does someone know why? One of the best softwares i have ever used! thanks in advance!
  15. Wow! I am glad to know that the theme "airport rental" has given conversation. In general, I keep the same philosophy of thought: everything is possible, and having only one option is always negative.Knowing that there are several types of users, the businessman who rents airports would be focusing his work on the users "who wish to rent them" and not "the others".That easy.For example, I would rent.I have another idea. It occurs to me that if tomorrow I have scheduled 4 flights, there would be a rental package for simmers that fly a lot. With option to purchase, etc, etc ...The great thing about Prepar3d and other simulators is that they offer an architecture capable of creating and generating new ideas in their use. And the wonderful thing about good entrepreneurs is that they generally make something that did not seem important then become indispensable. But it is true, before they have to overcome many stones.For example: real traffic. I rent it for a month, and I use it a lot and sometimes I do not. But I love it. Because it is up to my demands.I am sure that very soon new options will emerge. ! 🙂 yeah
  16. yes! we also could do it with planes:) why not?
  17. thank you very much!!! i Will continue thinking about that and more. for example, the guy who invented PSXseecon traffic is an inspiration for me about the good things where the ideas can come true! (sorry for my english) thanks PATCO and also to the others for discussing.
  18. The idea would be invented and thought to work, not for there to be problems. (That's my philosophy of life)If I start thinking about the aspects against, things will probably stay as they are.This idea arises to think that many times we will not travel more than once to a certain airport.Someone has said to rent them in a ridiculous idea ... but, buy them not?What do I do with "mikonos airport" all my life?Or charles de gaulle?It depends on my tastes, my needs.So it can be an "option" and not the only way.Invented example:- Buy Tenerife Airport: (for example, 35.5 euros.)-buy barcelona airport: (for example) 45.5. eurosoptions:-to rent tenerife airpot + barcelona: 2 euros.(idea: when renting them, you have them for a whole day)otherwise, the developers have to think about how they are very well designed and studied so as not to fail in the servers. But currently, the simulators, cards, air traffic, and airports sold, often fail in presentation, mesh, details, etc, etc ...anyway. it's just an idea although maybe ... something else.
  19. As things are never white or black, there is the wonderful option that a person can choose whether to buy an airport or rent it. The best thing in this world is to have the option to choose.There are certain airports that I only want to go to once in my life. With respect to piracy, currently all the airports that are sold are also pirated. With which, one still has the option to choose whether to buy or download them. So I would not think about the pirates at the time of offering the rent of an addon.with the passage of time I have discovered that I do not wish to possess things eternally. That I am happy using them from time to time. Imagine 20,000 users paying more than ten times the rent of Barcelona, San Francisco, etc ...There may also be new developers that offer this idea apart from those that already exist. After all, I could design an airport and rent it myself.
  20. Hello, i have an idea: a platform in where you can rent an airport. For example, if i want to go from Barcelona to Venice, i rent those airports for the time of the flight (a Little bit more) for example: 3 hours. That would mean, 3 euros. Like this, you dont have to buy an airport that maybe you Will not use never more. Like this, every time i want to go to venice, i Will pay3 euros. I would have to go 10 times to venice to reach the Price of it. Some people may not want to pay, but some people like me:yes!.
  21. Thanks for answering kiek! I am sure that one day it will be as precise as the desire we have to make it so. In any case, your software is great and I think that not only I but many people are really happy to have PSXseecon in our simulator. Since I used it, I have erased all my other artificial air traffic options. A hug and again: thank you for your work and for being so kind in your answers!
  22. thanks, but: what service?..i have read the PSXseecon documentación, and there is no talking about pushback. could you help me? i appreciate, thanks!!!
  23. oh! ok. so, every time i really want to work hard, i Will see china Airlines!!! could i give an idea? i can see that planes never make pushback. they turn from their gate but never make pushback. is there a way to see that before taxiing they make pushback? thanks!!!!
  24. Hello! Again very fascinated with your program! every update is better tan before. i havve a question: when an aircraft has in its registration: B-657* (for example) , i can see that in skipped registrations it says: the registration b-567* from china Eastern 320 CFM, is also in registration of Shenzhen Airlines . after, i see that shenzen Airlines has also a B-6572. would that mean that i have to delete the " * " and write all the B-657 on both Airlines? thanks again!!
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