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  1. That's what i was thinking also. I did a first try and said: Nah! it's not good. But I've keep trying and found out it's not that bad and now i'm find myself using it more and more. As JRcomm mentioned: It doesn't have the bells and whistles of a FS or an X-Plane in term of graphical entertainment, but the realism is there, especially the weather and sky rendition and that's the reason I appreciate it. This is not for the casual simmers who wants a "world and life and everything spectacular" simulator
  2. Great video, indeed
  3. I've downloaded it "again". I've tried it last year (3.0 I think) and I was not conformtable with it. But this time, I told myself "Plz try it more than one shot" and I listened to myself! I admit that more I use it, more I like (Love?) it and what a nice weather engine !!!! This is IMHO, the most realistic (stock) sky / fog ambiance i've ever experienced. This FG beast will stay on my hard drive
  4. According to the clouds, it should be XP9 Great links thx!
  5. I finally install it. A little bit disoriented surfing in the menu and keybding but that's the learning curve. I didn't expect to have an eye candy sim but so far, FDM is really good and especially, I like the dynamic head movement. I run at 60 fps (seems to be locked at) with stock rendering system but i'm disappointed with Rembrandt which runs between 15-19 fps. I'll experiement different settings next time i'll fire it up.
  6. I've never dig into MSFlight but I heard good things about it. My perfect mix would XP Dynamics & Turbulence and FSX beautiful scenery / Visibility & Haze. Nevertheless, FG looks very promising. Downloading now.
  7. Also, the scenery looks better too! I'm now considering installing v2.10 for experimenting. I hear good thing about it. I'm always bouncing from FSX to XP10 (back and forth) but i'm really getting bored of XP (Visibility distance and clouds, do not meet my requirements, yet)
  8. Look at the end of the page: http://www.alpilotx.net/downloads/x-plane-10-hd-scenery-mesh/
  9. ...to this, my response is always: better doing this than sit in front of the TV with no interaction. A hobby is a hobby: Golf, collecting coins, playing a musical intrument, flying a real aircraft or playing MMORPG is the same to me. As long as you spend your time having fun, spending on what doesn't matter.
  10. To the OP: It's called the Fresnel effect. Fresnel effect is, roughly, the amount of reflection based on the viewing angle. If you look at a surface at 90 deg angle (perpendicular) you will have the minimum reflection. If you look at the same surface with less angle (ie: toward 0 deg) you will have the maximum reflection. So I think it's the formula used in the code. Do a google search to have more info on the physic formulas. It's commonly used in 3D software like Lightwave, Blender, Maya, etc to emulate realistic surface. Cheers.
  11. Now, the 'Final' one is very realistic! Thanks
  12. Thanks, The lastest version from NeroFlyer seems good. I'll try it out
  13. Regarding the OP: Visibiltiy distance: plz fix the fake low rez distant terrain @ high altitude Realistic haze: plz make HDR Haze more gradual than abrupt. Sky: plz, make dawn and twilight more realistic, remove the orange juice sky horizon opposite to the sun. Otherwise it is perfect for me. Remember: Visibility, Haze and Sky. Visibilitty, Haze and Sky. Visibiltity, Haze and Sky. Uh, what did i said? Visibility, Haze and Sky. Visibilitty, Haze and Sky. Visibiltity, Haze and Sky.... :rolleyes:
  14. And indeed, i've just look at the website. Some serious feature being had since last time i've look at ot. I was never appealed to it. But now it's becoming mature
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