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Everything posted by bloxboy

  1. Many Thanks Guys, I did only have it set to DX11, changed to DX12, now Frame Generation is enabled. Thought Asobo would of mentioned it in the help text. Thanks again. John.
  2. Hi All, I recently purchased a new system which includes an Intel I7 and a RTX 4080. When in the graphic settings in MSFS, the "DLSS Frame Generation" option in not enabled. The text to the right when you put the curser on the option says:- " Change windows setting in "Display>Graphics and change default graphics to "Hardware-Accelerated GPU Scheduling", which I have and restarted the pc, but still the option is still not enabled. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for looking. John.
  3. Hi, Thanks pete for the tip, have now got traffic and does not hang going back to the main menu. Thanks again.
  4. Before update to, FS Traffic was working fine with GSX as well, but now with both installed if I go start a flight say at EGLL the is no Traffic, not one apart from my aircraft. The GSX menu comes up fine and every thing else seems fine, except when I try to exit to main menu MSFS just hangs and I have to use task manager to shut it down. I only have FS Traffic & GSX files in my community folder. If I remove the GSX files then FS Traffic works fine and does not hang back to the main menu, same if I remove FS Traffic does not hang back to the menu, as I said the two addons worked fine together before this latest update. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Versions used: FS Traffic 1.0.2c, GSX 2.2.3.
  5. Yes I know what you mean with AI crazies, but I was glad just to see the AI moving again in my sim. The behaviour of the AI is something that Asobo has been promising to fix for ages now, even AIG has stated they can't do anything about the AI's slow taxing, slow line ups and slow getting off the runways etc, it is in the core sim inherited from FSX. Asobo has never really put any urgently on their AI, so who knows how long we have to wait before they will sort it. John.
  6. Thanks to everyone, especially Kia for help and suggestions. I found the entry in the content file saying the FS nav data = False. I deleted the content file, and MSFS rebuilt it, and my AI traffic is now moving again. Thanks Guys. John.
  7. Thanks Kai for letting me know about AIG. I have found the "Content.xml" file in my Appdata/MSFS directory. Look at the first few lines, it says FS Nav Data = False, but the Navigraph Nav Data = True. Content> <Package name="fs-base-ui-vr" active="true"/> <Package name="fs-base-ai-traffic" active="true"/> <Package name="fs-base" active="true"/> <Package name="fs-base-nav" active="false"/> <Package name="navigraph-navdata-base" active="true"/> But I do not have Navigraph installed anymore, so not sure where it is picking that up from. Should I just delete the Navigraph line and change the "Base NAV" to = true ?. Thanks. John.
  8. Kai, I used to have Navigraph installed but removed it a while ago and as far as I know I have cleared out any remnants of it. So would this content.xml file still be around?. Can you tell me if AIG needs the default AI to be working to make the AIG traffic to move, because that is my problem the built in default MSFS traffic does not move for me, with or without any externals AI programs. John.
  9. Guys, you seem to be missing my point, the DEFAULT AI traffic in my MSFS, "DOES NOT MOVE" no matter what setting. You should, even with the default AI get the odd 1 or 2 planes landing, taking off or taxiing, but I get nothing, I can leave it for hours on RT or offline traffic and still nothing moves at any airport you care to name, the only thing that does move are the ground vehicles, So programes like "Simple Traffic" and I assume "AIG" rely on some sort of default AI, So even with these two programes I have installed there is still no movement, and yes "AIG Manager & AIG Traffic controller" is setup and configured correctly, as said previously there is plenty of traffic at the gates, they Just don't move. I know PSXT & Real Traffic does not rely on the MSFS default AI, but seeing how well AIG works in YT vids that is what I would prefer if I could get this default AI to work. Thanks for looking. John.
  10. Since about SU5 my AI realtime and offline traffic does not work. I know the Asobo AI is a bit naff, but I used to get some AC landing and taking off, but since SU5 nothing moves. I can get AC at the gates but they all Just stay there. I have tried a couple of AI programes, "Simple Traffic" & AIG, I know simple traffic relies on the Asobo traffic to work, but again lots parked at gates but nothing moves, but even with AIG, no movement. I think most simmers have AI traffic working as I have seen this in YT vids, not sure if it is just some. As far as I know I don't think Asobo has ever commented on it, only about making RT traffic better. Any Ideas or suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for looking. John.
  11. I agree, the default Asobo A.I. is awful. They were supposed to have improved the live traffic - A.I in the last update (6), but I have seen very little change. I tried offline traffic at Heathrow and there AC crisscrossing the the airport at about 200ft. But I thought there were trailers put up a few weeks ago from Just Flight (I think) about a new A.i program and a freeware one which was to do with live traffic but can't remember the title, it was just initials, anyone heard anymore about these?.
  12. Can anybody confirm this, as they said it would be addressed with this update.
  13. Yes, I think all these AI traffic programs rely on MSFS traffic working properly, which it does not since SU5 broke it, so until Asobo fix it these programs will not fully work unless they can bypass the Asobo traffic for their own. If I use AIG or simple traffic I only get a few ac taxing and taking off in AI offline, or only a few landing ac if I use online traffic. I still don't understand why it only affects some and not all, as I have seen YT videos where they are using these programs and you see landing and taxing traffic at the same time. Hope there is going to be a fix in the next update. John.
  14. Hi Tony, I do apologise I should have mentioned in my first post that I had installed "GB PRO" and runs and loads fine. The problems was with the Europe sceneries. However I have been trying the north America scenery, starting with W2XP_US_West which loaded fully, so Installed the other US sceneries, North South etc, which all loaded fully with no problems. I then tried some Europe sceneries and so far have installed W2XP_Europe_2, Europe_3, Europe_4, and although the loading time is around 5 minutes before XP is fully loaded, I don't mind waiting knowing that they do now run. Still not sure why Europe_1 doesn't seem to load, but as you say GB PRO covers nearly all of that. I want to thank you for all your help and suggestions, it was very much appreciated, and I will be donating to W2XP. John. Hi Michael, Just watched your "Welcome to Birmingham" video which was amazing. BTW did you use any AI traffic, and do you know if there is a version of EGBB without the cross runway, which is now taxiway (Tango & Lima). Cheers, John.
  15. Hi Tony, I start up at EGBB which loads fully (as all other airports) without the Europe scenery installed. With Europe installed as I said before it only gets as far as "Reading New Scenery Files". When I click the X to close XP it says "X-Plane not responding", and I have to click on a box to close the program. I have tried to paste my log file here but when I right click and bring up the menu, the paste option in greyed out, so this window will not let me paste anything in it, don't know why. Any other options ?. Thanks, John.
  16. Hi Tony, Thanks for the reply. I downloaded the World-Models from your web site (World-Models-Master) and replaced it with the one from Simheaven. I also replaced the W2XP_Europe with the smaller file W2XP_Europe_1_West, hoping that would load quicker, but still the same result still only gets to "Loading New Scenery Files" even after 20 minutes. I could post my log file but not sure how on this site. I would be grateful for any more help. Thanks, John.
  17. Hi, I have 16GB of DDR 4 system ram and 4GB of video ram (GTX980). I also have the latest world models installed. I will check my log file and post it here. Thanks for the reply. John.
  18. Hi, I am just getting into X-plane, had been using FSX. Anyway I have been trying to improve the default scenery so I download "W2XP_ Europe" scenery from Simheaven, installed it in my "Custom Scenery" folder, installed all the various libraries (R2,FF,world models,openscenery X), made sure W2XP_Europe was in the right order, just below the Airports, in the scenery ini file. Before installing W2XP__Europe, XP would take about 30-45 SECONDS to fully load, with W2XP_Europe, the loading screen in XP gets to saying "Loading New Scenery Files", and that's where it stays, I have left it loading like this for 40 MINUETES and although the hard disk light is flashing, it stll never fully loads, so I have to take out W2XP_Europe, and XP loads normally. Am I doing something wrong ?. BTW, using XP10.42 steam edition. Thanks, John.
  19. Hi, I am about to install P3D 2.5, coming from FSX-SE. I have a reasonable system, X-99 5820@4.3, 980 GPU (EVGA SC), 16 meg DDR4 Memory. Performance on FSX-SE was fairly good, but as I am going over to P3D, which takes advantage of good GPUs, would I see better performance with another 980 in SLI, or swap for a 980ti, (can't afford to buy 2 980ti). I also use the system for other types of sims as well as flight sims and a couple of games. any advice guys, would be appreciated. Thanks, John.
  20. Hi Brian, Thanks for your comments. I thought I would get more replies but hey-ho, I might post in another section of the forum. I will be migrating over to P3D as soon as Windows 10 is released and fairly stable. John.
  21. Hi, I have a EVAG 980 GPU (not overclocked) in my system at the moment, along with X99 M/B, 5820 chip (o/c to 4.3) and 16 meg DDR4 Memory. I am thinking of migrating to P3D from FSX-SE, so would P3D take advantage of another 980 in SLI, or would a single 980 ti be better. Would also use the cards for other Sims and games. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks, John.
  22. Hi Guys, I am also thinking of going over to P3D, I have FSX-SE at the moment, but as "Rich" says P3D will take advantage of a good GPU. I recently got a new system (around 5 months ago), which is X99, 5820 o/c to 4.3, EVAG 980 GPU (not overclocked), 16 meg DDR4 Memory. Performance in FSX-SE is quite good, but if I did migrate to P3D, would I see better performance with the 980, also I am thinking of getting another 980 in SLI, not only for flight sims but to improve other types of sims and games. I did read Nvidia or P3D was bringing out an update to take advantage of SLI, can anyone confirm this ?. The other question (sorry for all the questions) is do I drop the SLI idea and swap the 980 for a 980 ti which I think is around 30% more powerful than the standard 980. Sorry for the long post, any advice from you guys would be appreciated. Thanks, John.
  23. Hi Jude, Yes, installing DX9 does fix the display problem, thanks. John.
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