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About SRAces

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    Library Manager
  • Birthday 08/30/1955

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    Lake Park, GA
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    Aviation, computers, flight sims (regular and combat)

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  1. Three of us chatting last night while we were installing 2.3 on our machines. The upgrade did not work for me or MartyB, so we each ran the full install on clean SSDs and had no issues. Runs like butter. Our third friend ran the updater without deleting files, etc. and his patched fine from 2.2 to 2.3. I seriously think your success at running the upgrade has a lot to do with what add-ons and other factors make your individual setup unique (i.e. hardware, drivers, etc.) Will be working on getting all the add-ons installed tonight. So far it's noticeably better. Will test multi-player out as well.
  2. As I've stated in other threads, I used to be a training manager for the Air Force and had several projects I managed that included computer based training, etc. Even back in the 90s the folks I worked with at LM were into flight simulations. While I can't speak for the crew that is developing P3D, I can say that the folks I worked with had a passion for getting things right. From what I've seen this division of LM displays some of that same commitment. And no I'm not a paid spokesperson for LM...lol. Just my humble observations.
  3. I think we should all try to be civil. I agree with N4gix's comments for the most part. No one is twisting anyone's arm to buy P3D. There are still a lot of folks on FS9 and FSX and those people are happy. Do I get frustrated at some of the issues I encounter? Yes I do, but I don't openly complain about it. I try to work around it or just wait for the fix. I've seen more response from LM than I have in ages in regards to taking feedback from developers and consumers. We have no idea what the business side of LM is communicating regarding P3D. LM has taken this hobby through some major milestones that we have never had. I believe they are in it for the long haul. It's not an easy business and one that you can just throw code out and expect it to work across thousands of environments. Look at the challenges Orbx had with Vector and the Pilot's Global Mesh. Sometimes a little patience goes a long way! Cheers...
  4. I was using the latest Nvidia driver for my GTX780 and using NVidia Inspector. Flying the Alaebo Cutlass, the white outlines around each piece of radio gear was slightly jagged and pixelating. My friend MartyB suggested I go back to the 332.21 drivers and just use the profile tool in the Nvidia Control Panel. I did that (as well as delete the shaders so P3D would rebuild them) and the results have been much better for me. So for the time being, I'm staying at the 332.21 driver and not using Nvidia Inspector. Stutters were never an issue for me. I've been tweaking for clarity and visual aspects versus fps and no stutters.
  5. n4gix, Thanks for the response. Your explanation is right on. It seems they did tighten up the XML in 2.1. I have heard that from some of the other developers I communicate with. We just have to be patient until the developers de-bug their XML and release some patches. Some of my aircraft are not 100%, but I'm working around it or not flying the plane until a patch is released. I haven't determined if I like 2.1 over 2.0 yet. Still slowly working through things, but so far so good.
  6. WOW! You could go bonkers reading everything in this thread...lol. I applaud your efforts to get it right on your individual systems. A lot of great inputs here. I wish I could offer an input to help, but I just don't have that many tweaks in mine and do not use a lot of the suggestions mentioned. I run mostly at 5450 X 1080 on my Surround setup. I can run it full screen, but I get better frames at the slightly pulled in resolution in "windowed" mode. I still believe each of us has to find out what works with our individual PC hardware, drivers, addons, etc.. What one person achieves might not be doable on another person's setup. But it's interesting reading to say the least. I do overclock my CPU and GPU slightly and that seems to help my frames. No stutters. I thought I would post a few shots of my settings and a couple of screens out of Cordova-Smith in the Orbx SAK region. I haven't loaded my fixed Cordova-Smith back in yet. I can fix the taxiways that are missing, but will wait on Orbx to release the fixes for each region. Opus Weather is turned on in the shots. Good luck with your efforts. Steve
  7. I've had the blurry issues a few times myself. You see them the most if you have AI traffic and go to that AI plane in external view and switch back and forth between a few planes and the one you are flying. LM indicated they fixed issue in the original legacy code that was causing the micro stutters. My CPU usage is similar to yours. I have found in previous versions (FSX and P#D v1.4) that if I overclocked too high the stutters came back, so I had to reduce the overclock to get it smooth again. That was when the CPU was heavily used. You comment about the FFTF is interesting. A friend that flies multiplayer with me in P3D uses the FFTF entry in his config file and reduces his to a value between the .10 and the .35 limit. All of it seems to be tied to everything syncing properly and that 's probably the reason there are so many variations of issues folks have. I re-installed all the simconnects under each folder in the folder called "redist" in P3D when I got some stutters after installing an add-on. That cured the stutters. Those are in FSX labeled folders. In all my experiences with FSX through P3DV2.1 it seems that sometimes the sequence of how you load add-ons can also affect the performance. I suppose if everything doesn't line up correctly to talk to each other, that would cause delays or the stutters. Used to be an EZDOK fan, but switched to the cameras in Opus Weather as EZDOK caused too many issues in the sim for me. Right now I have just my Orbx sceneries (main ones and just a couple of individual airports), Opus Weather, GSX and 3 add-on aircraft loaded. I just want to make sure everything is good and I'll slowly add and test each additional add-on (plane, scenery, etc.) one at a time before I move to the next. Have a great weekend!
  8. Rob, I'll throw my 2 cents in. I don't get any stutters even at 15fps due to a high end 3rd party aircraft being loaded. I did notice that where I could get upwards of 90-100fps with the Maule in 2.0 around a default airport. My fps is more in the 35-40fps now even with the frame rate on unlimited. Like others that tweaked FSX, I had my FSX setup running pretty smooth. But once I switched to P3D, there was no going back. The only tweaks in my P3D.cfg file is the Affinity mask at 84 (I run an I7-950) and the texture Bandwidth multiplier at 60. (running a GTX780). I run UT2 and do not use any internally generated AI aircraft. I have been playing around with Nvidia Inspector to find the best settings for my system and am getting there. I do run my P3D settings rather high, but I let Nvidia Inspector handle my Anistropic and Anti-aliasing work. Most of the time I have AA turned off in P3D and the MSAA on 2X and the Anistropic on Trilinear. Turning those up seems to be more of an FPS killer in my setup. I'm still trying to get my REX clouds to look as good as they used to. Some of the new changes make them look more chalky than the HD textures they were before. I have had a couple of occasions where I had to flip the textures from 4096 to 2048 and back in the game because I had the tree rendering issue in an Orbx add-on airport start. I can deal with that until Orbx updates everything. My main P3D flying buddy has issue I do not have, but he runs Track IR and utilizes the functionality in FSUIPC. I do not program anything in FSUIPC. Have Track IR, but with three 22 inch monitors in Surround mode, it's better without it for me. Not an easy challenge. I hope you get it figured out. Regards, Steve Here's what it looks like in my system. Hard to go back to FSX when it looks this good. (large size image link) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/100884826/CYBD-CYXT_3.jpg
  9. I don't have any issues with the water. I run my water at Ultra settings and use REX4. I have found that if you use REX textures, the texture you pick greatly influences what you see at various altitudes. If you run real world weather, that also affect what you get with the water settings maxed out. To me it's all personal preferences, computer hardware and graphics drivers/settings. What works for one person might not do the same for another. Yes I'm still waiting for the next patch, but am really enjoying what I have now. Hopefully we will see the patch this month. I'm willing to wait as I'm sure LM wants to get what they release as bullet proof as they can. That I'm sure can be challenging with all the diversity you have to program for.
  10. I left FSX when P3D 1.4 came out. Not turning back! On P3D version 2 now.
  11. I do not use the antialiasing in P3D, have my MSAA on 2X and only use Trilinear (no anistropic setting) in P3DV2. I do the adjustments associated with those in Nvidia Inspector. Supposedly Affinity Mask was factored in in version 2 by LM. It did have an role in version 1.4. I have tried it in and out of the cfg file with no noticeable change. All my cores on my I7-950 are used. I have a few small adjustments in my cfg file over original, but not many. I know this is not a setup thread...just passing on my thoughts. If you have a multi-monitor setup, try running in a windowed mode and then pull the left/right ends in a little ways, you will find that will give you a sizeable jump in fps. Sometimes I don't fly mine using all the area (right now running 3 monitors in a surround landscape setup) and if I pull the side in a little it helps but does not detract from the overall viewing experience. I have HT turned on.
  12. I'm just curious why your frame rates are so low. I run P3D in with Nvidia Surround and get 50fps on most of my Carenado aircraft and at least 25fps on high end complicated aircraft. That's with a lot of Orbx scenery, REX4, Opus, etc. I run my setup with a lot of the settings cranked up. Some of the settings have no impact on fps. Some definitely do. I am running a single GTX780 (have a GTX570 in SLI, but not really applying that to anything). It will be interesting to see how the 2.1 patch affects things, including frame rates. If you are running that resolution across multiple monitors, have you tried it in a "windowed" mode and stretched the window to fit your resolution. I have found that in "windowed" mode versus "Full Screen" I get about a 30fps increase depending on what and where I am flying. Even though version 2 offloaded a lot of the work to the GPU, the CPU type/speed and other factors seem to affect fps as well. Until the app goes to 64bit, we're still stuck with a roughly 3.1GB window of usable system RAM to use. The interesting thing about this hobby is just the sheer number of various systems everyone is using. What works for one person's setup might not work on another person's machine. Hope the new patch helps you out. Have a great weekend!
  13. Can't wait for the new patch! Will be putting updated version on new SSD drive. Looking forward to the texture rendering being fixed in regards to having to change texture resolutions to get the trees to show up correctly sometimes. Great effort by LM. Appreciate their work! It's only getting better!
  14. Uh-Oh! I've been exposed as a painter...LOL! Glad I'm missed. I'm working on just cleaning up parts tonight so I can paint a clean version. Here are 2 examples I had worked on earlier based off one of the existing liveries.
  15. LOL! I can understand the challenge if you never painted before. I've painted for years and decided to go public when the PMDG 737 came out. I've managed to do a few Carenado liveries for use by myself and a few friends. Here's the C185F that we like to fly in a couple of paint schemes I made up.
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