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Phil Chimbolo

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  1. Sorry, Dallas seems to be a Hail Mary for the now-branded FlightSimCon group. Been there a couple of times, and it's not all that! Dallas just doesn't make sense to me. I've also been to Las Vegas six times... and it is all that! And it is both adult and family friendly! It's too bad the two sides could not come to an agreement on a single blockbuster event. It's very possible that the two events do water each other down -- that only hurts the community. But I feel that Las Vegas is spot on for FlightSimExpo and look forward to that event along with seeing at the event the many individuals that I've become friends with from the 4 (of the 5) FlightSimCons I attended in the Hartford area. The one thing that Hartford lacked was the "events around the event" (i.e. a wide range of off-hours activities for friends and family that come far and wide). Las Vegas is not only cheaper, it's incredibly easy for ANYONE to find off-hours things to do... no matter what your interests are. And... I'll stay longer! This isn't about a brand. And it's most definitely not about Glander. It's about the people that make the flight sim community what it is for each other and our show of appreciation for those willing to take a chance to make these events happen for us. Attend both if you can, or choose the one that makes the most sense for you. For me... I wish the FlightSimCon team luck and success in Dallas, and wherever they go from there. But, for 2018, I look forward to seeing my friends in Vegas!
  2. I have the same issue. Would appreciate a reply to this thread if you solve the issue. Thanks!
  3. Thanks for the insights on this Hawker guys! Carenado is notorious for needing quick & early SP1 releases. Knowing that, I waited. Disappointing to see to comments here because they usually do a good job fixing the major issues with their SP1 releases. However, I rarely ever see a release of an SP2 or patch otherwise. I'll keep an eye on this aircraft to improve with further releases. I'd like to think they will. For now, my credit card stays in my wallet.
  4. Not in your case. It solved my "freezing indexer" problem. Yay for me, and not for everyone else, I guess. If my suggestion works for others, glad I could help. If not, they can keep digging through the forums.
  5. DO you have FSUIPC autosave enabled? if so, disable it. Those pauses can be seen if/when FSUIPC saves the current flight. Depending on your PC specs this will either be more or less noticeable. That solved my freezing issues.
  6. Mr. Randazzo and the rest of the PMDG team, Regarding all your efforts and endurance around the P3D legal headaches, development investment and quality release... THANK YOU! (And Thank you BETA testers!!!) What was once a complete experience in FSX is now an even better experience in P3D. My life is whole, and fully satisfied again.
  7. I had this solved a while ago. Sorry I didn't see this topic sooner. I stumbled upon this subject while looking for something else today. When I researched it and didn't find anything in the forums I thought I was on my own, so I did some comparisons between FSX and P3D cfg files. SOLUTION: The VOXATC indexer is looking for the following entries in the "[Main]" section of your Prepar3d.cfg file: SimObjectPaths.0=SimObjects\Airplanes SimObjectPaths.1=SimObjects\Rotorcraft SimObjectPaths.2=SimObjects\GroundVehicles SimObjectPaths.3=SimObjects\Boats SimObjectPaths.4=SimObjects\Animals SimObjectPaths.5=SimObjects\Misc For some reason, the latest P3D.cfg file no longer has them. As we all know, VOXATC needs to research the available aircraft you have installed. Without these (or at least the first entry) it cannot successfully do that. I hope this works for you guys. It worked great for me. No issues since. BTW - Although I love VOXATC, Tegwyn should have been able to see this. And, although this would seem to be the fault of LM, if P3D doesn't need these entries itself... then this ends up being Tegwyn's issue with VOXATC having to rely on such entries. (I'm a software developer, that's how I see it).
  8. Thanks Andy! I will contact tegwyn. I can restart vox, but I still see the same message. Interestingly, I can fly the same flight plan and if I unpause quickly (versus having the flight sit there for an hour until I return) I can continue with normal ATC communications. So the comms seem to be functioning from pushback to shutdown under normal conditions. I just sent tegwyn a support email. Hoping he has some insight into the reasons for the message after pause.
  9. I read a number of posts around this issue, none help. This is a situation where I already have been in contact with VOXATC atc controllers and lose them when I pause the simulator (specifically P3D v2.3). SITUATION: - I depart from ANY airport, ANY aircraft using an IFR flight plan. - VOXATC works great all the way until I pause the flight -- usually just before TOD when I'm at cruise altitude. - At the time it paused I was in contact with "Center" controlling the airspace I was in. So all was fine before I paused. - When I unpause the flight VOXATC tries to reconnect and seems to fail with the message "No ATC Unit Found". Why will VOXATC not recognize the "Center" controller I was in contact with prior to pausing and reconnecting to it? Anyone have this problem and/or solve it already? #immersionkiller
  10. Wow! I just posted this as I didn't see your problem. See mine, I have an example (on video) of what happens. At least I think it's the same issue as my left GEN light never goes off while waiting. http://forum.avsim.net/topic/420650-engine-1-freezing-after-startup/ Sorry if it's not the same. Sounds close.
  11. Something I've been struggling with since I installed the T7 is that my Engine #1 does not complete it's stabilization during the startup procedure. At first I thought it was the throttle settings withing FSUIPC, so I followed everyone's recommendations to bypass FSUPIC and let FSX manage the throttle. I did that. No change. THEN... I was watching FROOGLE PETE's video "PMDG 777 - FULLY LOADED, KJFK to KDEN Part 1". Lo and behold... I see that his Engine 1 gets stuck temporarily in the exact same spot as mine... he even makes a comment about it when it finally "jumps" to its completed state of stabilization. See his video at exactly 28:13 when it jumps. The issue for me is... mine NEVER jumps to where it needs to be (EVER!). And... when I move the throttle all the cockpit controls move (throttles, center display shows power being requested) but Engine one provides no thrust. Engine 2 is fine. This link will take you to exactly 28-minutes where Froogle has already initiated Engine 1 start and he is waiting for this stabilization. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMrW4O4WXYY&t=28m0s Why is mine NOT completing ? It is stuck at 21.8 N1 and 391 EGT. Any help would be immensely appreciated.
  12. Me too! ADX, and a number of other blogs, are basically flight simulation enthusiasts -- like all of us. I'm not worried about the accuracy of their information at all. I suspect that some/most of their information (not just ADX) has some embellishment and/or guessing and assumptions that get published. So what?!?! Show me a journalist that doesn't do that to some degree as well. I simply appreciate these bloggers gathering information out there so that I can quickly get a sense of what is in development. The developers that really benefit from their blogs are the smaller ones -- those that have no real marketing presence or brand recognition yet. Companies like PMDG and Aerosoft don't benefit because they get top-billing everywhere and everyone knows what's going on with them. I think someone representing a top-tiered company like PMDG should keep their comments off of the forums if they can't be positive and supportive. I can see if a blogger has published some damaging information about a company. To strike back is legit. I've not seen ADX have anything negative to say about PMDG. Ease up Ryan!! You do what you enjoy doing, and let folks like ADX do what they enjoy doing to support the FS community. Everyone means well.
  13. The quality of IVONA is incomparable. I tried all the free ones and the other pre-sale demos. I eventually bought the IVONA 5-pack. VOXATC does a great job randomizing multiple voices that are installed giving you a realistic sense of going from controller to controller. The $$$ was worth it!
  14. I will try that Ryan. Thanks! I'll report back.
  15. Strange... I've installed two liveries -- United (merger) and Delta In both cases when I go through cold and dark start-up procedures and engage throttles to taxi. At that point I either get no power/thrust in both engines OR no power/thrust in one of the two engines. BUT... the throttles move forward and the throttle indicators on my center display unit show the power being requested by the throttles. (attached pic showing one Engine 2 with power, Engine 1 without). Which engine works is random. Please keep in mind the following when responding... (1) I have successfully flown several flights (gate-to-gate) with the PMDG House livery -- no issues (2) I have tried both with and without FSUIPC axis control (3) My successful flights have been with FSUIPC control of the throttles Please help me understand why the add-on liveries I've used (and installed through the very latest Ops Center; just downloaded this evening) don't work. (I love this bird, and PMDG is great... but I don't want to just fly their livery!!!!)
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