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  1. https://youtu.be/ReDDgFfWlS4 *throws wallet at screen*
  2. I would absolutely love to see the da 62. Areobask just released the da62 for xplane. It looks beautiful and I'm really thinking about switching to xplane for a little to fly it
  3. I used to be an exclusive xp10 simmer prior to rift. It saddens me to know that xp11 frames are worse than p3d. I hope this has to do with it being in beta and that the guys at LR will make some improvements in performance. From what I have seen in the screenshots XP11 looks phenomenal and with orbx support coming next year I will switch to xplane in a heartbeat. I also believe that we will not see a CV2 for sometime so what we have is what we have, which I am happy with. I'm glad you have come back to VR and I hope your experiences only get better. I know mine have.
  4. After using oculus with flyinside for months now there is no going back to a screen for me. The immersion is just too amazing of a feeling. I was once in the "need better resolution" crowd and damn near took the rift back. However after a few weeks of flights I have gotten used to the resolution and damn near don't notice it... until I log onto Aerofly 2 and then I'm blown away how amazing that simulator looks with the rift (I'm hoping more great updates with that sim because it has crazy potential). If there is any advise I can give to people on the fence is give it a couple of weeks. You will get used to it and for get about the resolution, well I did anyways, I know everyone is different. The immersive feeling you get is just so amazing. Well whether you are a 2d simmer or a 3d simmer <---- best...jk...kinda.....I hope we can at least all agree we are starting to see some more improvements in the flight simulator world and hope to see it continue. Chris
  5. I know it's a lot more expensive but the most emersive experience I have ever had with p3d is with the the oculus rift and fly inside. I really cannot fly without it now. However TIR is an awesome alternative. Have fun and Merry Christmas!!!
  6. I don't think LM is going to abandon ESP/ p3d quite yet. It is an old platform engine but with companies like orbx, carenado, Lionheart and others, p3d can look, and feel pretty amazing. I would love to see them adopt a new engine that is not so cpu constrained but it is what it is. Even if they bring dx12 over I still can't see getting his amazing jump in fps, the cpu limits are the problem. Don't quote me though I would love to be pleasantly surprised. Also if we see the abandonment of p3d and we are getting fed up with what we have. Xplane is looking more amazing every release and now with aerofly 2 from ipacs that looks and performs absolutely amazing we do have a little bit of options. PS I strongly recommend an oculus rift if you can afford it. It has changed my simulator experience is the most positive way. If you can look past the lower resolution it is so worth it. I can not fly without it anymore. Aerofly2 also looks phenomenal on the rift.
  7. I would love to see him make the diamond DA 50
  8. Just want to let you guys know I just picked this up and I cannot tell you how amazing it is. An actual touch screen inside (well simulated, but sure adds to immersion). Harranssor's work is nothing shy of brilliant. I have his eclipse and DA42 witch are also great planes. Im pretty much in heaven now Its at the X-org store now.
  9. I think VflyteAir just planted themselves firmly on the map of quality aircraft. Congratulations Vflyte
  10. Isn't it? it's probably the most fun I've had flying in xplane yet and it's hard to believe that this is an ultralight
  11. blackshape prime is out and she is an absolute amazing aircraft to fly go check it out, best 15 dollars ive spent in a long time
  12. Unfortunately it's not all adding the skymaster is still full price and of course it's the one I want, ill pick up the v tail for sure though.
  13. Here's one more from you guys its going to be an awesome Christmas along with my new saitek x52. JRollon is nothing shy of amazing. http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/topic/2768-bae-jetstream-3132/
  14. I haven't been this excited since i saw the first XPX screenshots. I know it says coming soon but I hope it's really soon. Looked it up on and was very impressed on RW plane. http://www.dmax3d.com/blackshape/ sorry forgot to post the link
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