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Everything posted by bobrbend

  1. Ah. Yes I have the 10 with my premium deluxe package. Are you saying the other 2 are someplace on the FlightSum.com website? Thanks.
  2. Not their biggest fan, but their 767 is the best product they've made, IMO.
  3. And given what I understand of the rollout schedule all the variations will be introduced consecutively with the normal development and testing times for each. If you want them all, it'll be a while. Does anybody understand their pricing model for this? I know he said they'll give us the option to cherry pick the ones we want, but if you buy 2 or 3, any savings?
  4. Still having trouble. I tried the registry fix to get the installer to install to a different location (H:\P3D Addon Folder) and it insisted on reinstalling into my P3d V4 installation SSD anyway. With Windows 2004, I didn't have a "SetupPath" value in the registry, so I tried it without the value and then I created the value and tried it again. Still no luck. Since it is installed in V4, would it be possible to port that installation somehow? Thanks for your patience.
  5. Unfortunately the Simmarket installer finds my P3D 4.5 installation and automatically wants to install to it. No option for changing installation paths. Any thoughts?
  6. Anybody get this working. If so, any guidance or tips. Thanks.
  7. I've had this happen a couple of time now on trans-Atlantic flights. I believe its limited to P3D v.3.5. My screen flashes, goes dark, almost instanlly comes back on and I get the above message. Of course, the event causes a CTD in P3D. I have an Nvidea GTX 970 and the driver is 368.39-and a dual monitor setup. Running Windows 10 64. Anybody had this experience or have an ideas what causes it? Thanks.
  8. Yes, I thought that issue was gone, but I'll give it a shot and program them when I closer to destination. I would say closer to 5-6.
  9. Thanks, but its no different at RKSI, ZBZZ or RJAA.
  10. To add one thing, just re-booted, started P3D and put the 772 at KEWR-no addon scenery othe than that mentioned above. Using the FSUIPC VAS monitor (which depicts VAS remaining instead of VAS used) and the number is 1.379732. I'll never make it to EGLL. I did turn down level of detail radius, but can't go to full screen and see the monitor. I am running ASN, which I forgot to mention. I do have a parallel FSX installation on a separate SSD. When I start that up same way have almost 2GB's of VAS remaining. I'll start playing with the sliders, I guess and see what happens.
  11. No, the longer the flight, the more vas usage/leak, so KEWR to VHHH, for instance impossible. Will try as well as full screen mode. I have been using windowed mode. Thanks.
  12. I run out of VAS on almost every PMDG 777 overseas flight. I fly those with no add-on scenery (except UTX and FS Global 10 if that counts). I have all traffic off, so that's not it. I have a decent system: Intel 6700K running at 4.5, 16 GB of Trident ran, GTX 970, etc. Prepar3D has its own SSD. Am currently running 3.5, but have had the same issue since I started using Prepar3D at 3.0. I run Windows 10 64. There's a lot of advice about how to set up Prerar3D out for respected sources such as Nick N., Ron Ainscough, etc. Which I've read and followed, but still have the issue. My question is (finally), which setting (graphics, scenery, lighting, etc.) should I turn down. In other words, which one have the most dramatic effect on VAS. Tanks much, Dan Cole
  13. I'm having a new issue with rc both in Fsx abd P3d v3.2. Most of the options appear and work fine with the rc window: ATIS, clearance, ground, tower, etc. But a couple of the options seem to be missing: 1 when climbing or cruising, I get a request higher option, but no request lower option. 2 When approach assigns me a runway, I get no option for choosing an alternate runway. This happens with both simulators and at all airports. Anyone heard of these issues? Any fix come the mind? Thanks. Dan Cole
  14. Lima, Peru has changed its ICAO designator from SPIM to SPJC. Navigraph has updated their database and so flight plans have the new designator. Because its not in RC's database, it drives RC crazy. My question is: Can I simply change SPIM to SPJC in a4.csv without causing any harm? Thanks. Dan Cole
  15. I don't know what you mean by "mailer". If you mean what is my email program, its Outlook 13. If you mean how did I create the email, I used the RC interface-upper left box where it says "I can create an email for you". Thanks
  16. Well, boys still don't know why no response, but turns out it wasn't needed. On this new build of mine, I had to unintstall and re-install RC. Well I just assumed I would need a new key. This AM I tried using the key sent to me after the first install and, voila, it worked. Thank all for your efforts. Dan/Robert Now on to my Windows 10 713 msstdfmt issue.
  17. My email has never changed since I first started using the product. My guess is over 10 plus years, there's a very good chance my key requests have exceeded 6. Anyway I'll write JD as has been suggested.
  18. Dear Ray and Unsigned, With respect to the name thing, its due to a vengeful mother who insisted on calling me by my middle name all my life-Dan. My real first, and therefore legal, financial, official, etc. name is Robert. If you think you're confused, try living with it. By way of background, I've owned this product for at least 10 years and have had to do numerous re-registrations over that time. So here's what I did this time: I went to the box on the upper left "I can generate an email for you", filled out my first and last name and here are the particulars of the email that was sent: Addressee: register@jdtllc.com Subject: RCv4 Key Request Body: 312232827 ! Robert ! Cole ​No response. ​What am I doing wrong? ​Thanks. ​Dan/Robert
  19. I sent my request using automatic method a couple of days ago and have heard nothing, My product ID is 312232827. If someone can help, I'd appreciate it. Thanks. Robert Cole
  20. My question is, how do I get it to work in P3D3.0? Do I have to reinstall. Is there a different version? Thanks.
  21. I don't know if this is a DX10 issue or not. I also wish I knew how to upload pictures here as it might explain the problem I'm having. At certain airports when using either photo real scenery or pay-ware airports, the runways seem to be covered in grass. That is they lose all definition and are a mess of concrete and grass or dirt. Two airports in particular where I've noticed this are KEWR using MegaScenery Earth's high res NY scenery or using AS New York Airports/Newark and KIAD using MegaScenery Earth's Baltimore/Washington high res and/or FSDream Team KIAD. Any thoughts. Thanks. Dan Cole
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