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Everything posted by Bartbear

  1. (Thought my reaction is better here than in X-Plane vs. FSX)Thoughts after 1 week of XPX:Yes the clouds, terrain textures and scenery in MY FSX are much better and look more realistic overall, but i have Flight Evironment X, Ground Environment X Europe and Ultimate Terrain Europe.If i download realworld weather: in X-plane there is usually more turbulence, in FSX less.I always add some more turbulence in FSX also when i download real weather, then the WEATHER result 'feels' more the same.XPX reacts a bit more to the weather in general.The difference in feel of the FSX and XPX Cessna 172 is mostly in the yaw and pitch controls that act more 'jumpy' and vivid in XPX.In FSX they are 'softer', less violent.As an experienced FSX pilot you adept easily to the a bit more 'challenging' feel of XPX.Wich is more real?Also there seems to be more gravity in the XPX world, aircraft 'fall' a bit quicker.However there is a rather big difference for the Beech Baron 58 in reaction to violent rudder movement in flight:The FSX Baron reacts rather slowly and with some backside movement but less than the Cessna.The XPX Baron reacts violently and it can easely lead to a (spiral) dive.Real life Baron pilots: which is more real ??
  2. Thoughts after 1 week of XPX:Yes the clouds,rain and scenery in MY FSX are much better and look more realistic overall, but i have Flight Evironment X, Ground Environment X Europe and Ultimate Terrain Europe.If i download realworld weather: in X-plane there is usually more turbulence, in FSX less.I always add some more turbulence in FSX also when i download real weather, then the WEATHER result 'feels' more the same.XPX reacts a bit more to the weather in general.The difference in feel of the FSX and XPX Cessna 172 is mostly in the yaw and pitch controls that act more 'jumpy' and vivid in XPX.In FSX they are 'softer', less violent.As an experienced FSX pilot you adept easily to the a bit more 'challenging' feel of XPX.Wich is more real?Also there seems to be more gravity in the XPX world, aircraft 'fall' a bit quicker.However there is a rather big difference for the Beech Baron 58 in reaction to violent rudder movement in flight:The FSX Baron reacts rather slowly and with some backside movement but less than the Cessna.The XPX Baron reacts violently and it can easely lead to a (spiral) dive.Real life Baron pilots: which is more real ??
  3. Instead of FPS Limiter V.0.2 (which needs JAVA and a batch file and i hate Java) , i use ' Dxtory 'http://dxtory.com/v2-download-en.htmlIt's basicly a better alternative for Fraps (movie capture tool), it's payware but can easily be used as FPS-limiter only with the free Trial Version.I have no issues or problems with it, it works perfectly in FSX full sceen or windowed andit works also in DX10 Preview Mode contrary to FPS Limiter V 0.2Very simple to use:1. First install Microsoft .NET Framework 4 at: http://www.microsoft...ang=en&id=178512. Download Dxtory at: http://dxtory.com/v2-download-en.html3. Go to the 2 th tab 'Overlay setting'Disable: 'Use Default setting'4. Go to the 4 th tab 'Hotkey Setting'.Because we use it in Flight Simulator remove the F11 and F12 schortcuts ('Start/Stop Movie Capture' and 'Execute Single Screenshot') otherwise you get those features instead of 'outsight views' in FSX !5. Go to the 8 th tab: 'Advanced Setting'.- Choose 'Processing threads' number. I have a I5 2500K, so 4 cores = number 4- Check 'Limit Video FPS'- Choose a number, i take 30. 6. Click 'Minimize'Thats it.> Next time you use it, there is just a 10 seconds wait before startup if you keep on using the Trial Version.> You can start Dxtory up before starting FSX or even during your fly.Bart
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