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  1. Full takeoff thrust is more efficient regarding used fuel. You'll have a slightly higher fuel flow, but you'll be at cruise altitude in less time. If performance out of the airport isn't an issue, assumed temp/derates take off is to cut maintenance costs. Summarize: reduced thrust take off consumes more fuel at the end compared to a full thrust takeoff.
  2. Good evening, I have a problem with the stick shaker in the NGX. When my pitch attitude exceeds the pitch limit indicator on the pfd the stick shaker won't kick in! Neither when the IAS is in the red speed band range. Eventually it will kick in, but that's just when I'm already in a full stall, or even a deep stall. It something like this: I've had this problem since the release of the NGX. Unfortunately, SP1d (deinstall + install SP1d) didn't change anything at the situation. Read the whole manuals twice since the release, but never found a solution. It happens when the plane is correctly set-up via the tutorial or any kind of flight. Never happened in the 777 though. I've always had normal stick shaker behaviour in the tripple. Regards, Richy Uittenbogaard
  3. I think you're having the same problem as me. Sometimes when I paused FSX for a long time my NGX sounds are gone. Like the chime & seatbelts sign sound, recirc fans, (E)GPWS etc. To resolve this: FMC>menu>options>sounds>sound device. Now select another sound device and click on execute. Then select your original sound device again (+execute) and there you go ;-)
  4. Ah, my bad! I checked the wind aloft at and around Schiphol Amsterdam (EHAM) and those winds are right on spot compared to the ASN condition tab! Maybe Mykonos is just an 'inaccurate' region? I'll check other regions in about a few hours and I'll give an update here ;-)
  5. Maybe I can try to delete the current wx_snapshot file to let ASN build a new one?
  6. HI! PFPX wind chart (ASN as weather source) FL200 291/32 FL250 285/38 FL300 280/48 FL350 271/55 FL400 266/60 ASN LGMK FL180 290/24 FL240 282/30 <------- note this 50kts gap FL300 280/80 FL340 270/93 FL390 260/92 So it does not match a neighbour layer ;-)
  7. With ASN as weather source pfpx shows 280/48 FL300 overhead Mykonos (LGMK) With pfpx itself as weather source it shows 255/81 FL300.. ASN itself says 280/81 FL300. Doens't make any sense to me :wacko:
  8. If I open ASN and check the winds aloft at LGMK (Mikonos Airport, Greece) then the wind at FL300 is 281/81, and when I check it inside pfpx (with ASN as wheather source) it shows 279/50... That's a way too large gap :unsure: . Again, the direction is constantly spot on, but the speeds are way too variable! Any help would be much appreciated. EDIT: The STD (Scheduled Time of Departure) is set to the current UTC time. So it's not a forecasted wind!
  9. Thanks for your quick answer. I personally think it's the interpolation technique then. Guess I just have to live with it.. :lol:
  10. Hello, First of all, sorry for my English, it isn't my native language ;-) When I plan a flight with pfpx (with ASN weather selected at the options) the winds aloft are quite different. It's still in the planning phase so there can't be a difference between planning vs. actual winds. So after pfpx computed my flight I save it and load it inside ASN --> flight plan. At some waypoints (FL240) the difference is about 20kts (290/20 and 290/38). The wind direction always matches, it's just the wind speeds which are always 'off'. I hope someone sees what I'm doing wrong here. Regards
  11. You know you'll make a direct to PRINO then? It will only work if CHIPZ to PRINO is a straight line ;-) Edit: or did you mean the right buttons instead of the left ones?
  12. Flemish isn't an official language, it's just a dialect ;-) But okay, let's get back on topic.
  13. Auch, that's not german... That's Dutch! Nice video anyway ;-)
  14. Indeed, but I just wanted to clarify that there are 2 types of oil/fuel heat exchangers to avoid confusion ;-)
  15. The engine-oil/fuel heat exchanger is indeed outside the fuel tanks, but there is also an hydraulic-oil/fuel heat exchanger. This one is inside the fuel tank(s). But after start up the hydraulic system won't deliver that much heat to heat up the fuel. Especially when you've got tons of fuel in your tanks to heat up. Richy (sorry for my English, feel free to correct me)
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