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  1. Glenn, I have now installed the Aircraft Manager (i.e. copied the folder in the Community folder). However, I cannot see the AM anywhere. Also, I cannot find any guide to installation or even a guide to the usage of the software. Can you point me to the info? Thank you! Volker
  2. Thank you to all who answered my question/helped me with my problem. It looks as if I will have to use either AAO or the Aircraft Manager by SonicViz. That is a klunky ‚solution‘ and I have indeed posted a message in the appropriate forum (I maybe will have to add my wish to the wishlist). Now, I know that there will always be features in a software package that are still missing. However, I am also aware that there is such a thing as a priority list (or a list of „must-haves“ vs. may-have), and if the product owner (MS) do want to sell their product as a simulation as opposed to a computer game, then the list must be different, in this case for example, include a facility to switch control hardware AND between several profiles. It must be possible to assign a control profile to an aircraft at the time of starting a flight (manually like in P3D or ideally automatically, like in X-Plane). If that is not possible that is a deficiency. Only those who always fly the same aircraft, or do not care when they fly a plane with a virtual stick but they use a yoke, or those who just use an Xbox controller as their only hardware, wil not mind that switching profiles (at the time of starting a flight) is not possible. That is the reason behind my somewhat sarcastic remark earlier. Again, thank you to all who made helpful suggestions. Volker
  3. Well, then tell me: HOW do you manually switch profiles? I am referring to either the method used by X-Plane or Prepar3D. The latter requires me to switch manually but it is possible at every stage of a fligh setup, I just open „Options, Controls“ and then I can load a saved profile. Example: Switching between my Me 109 and the A2A Bonanza. For both, I need different assignments of yoke or stick, as well as axes and switches. Granted, the P3D way is not elegant by far (like the X-Plane way) but it is possible fairly quickly. In MSFS, I cannot find that. BTW, to all the other answers to my sarcastic remarks: I do not think that deficiencies like these are the death knell of FS2020 it is just very annoying to realize (by this and other aspects) that MS favours the players over the simmers. And, don‘t forget: there is another FS from MS coming (FS2024)! Why that? Food for thought… Volker
  4. Thank you, all! I was just not sure if it was me or the product that was lacking… Isn‘t it sad that a flight simulator that professes to serve the serious pilot, with superb scenery, study-level aircraft (OEM!), and precise functioning of virtual instruments, should not support the different profiles for different aircraft! To me, that proves that MS in reality is addressing more the Xbox user than the user with realistic hardware. Sad but true. Volker
  5. I agree with MarkW in that I did not find a method to assign a specific profile to an airplane. I load an airplane and a starting airfield; when I then try to assign a control profile to that airplane, I cannot change from „Standard“. The in-flight menu lets me call up „Basic Controls“ but does not accept any of my other profiles that I created. Is there any way within MSFS(!) by which I can assign profile to airplane? Volker
  6. Can I input a slightly different aspect here?: Microsoft builds 64bit versions of its operating systems ( in addition to 32 bit versions ). Knowing MS that is a transition method. Look at your smartphone: if it is one of the later models, it has a 64bit OS! All the add-on manufacturers had to work with that. Even conservative Apple went 64bit! Why did they do that? Because 64 bit versions have more possibilities memory-wise. That makes a lot of difference re. features that can be added woithout fear of OOM. I experienced 16 bit DOS and Windows. All developers were kicking and screaming when discussion of 32bit versions started. Remember OS/2? That was too early for the application developers but Oh how right were the OS/2 developers! So, I expect 64bit version P3D to come in 2015/early 2016 ( just to lean out of the window ). I believe that developers of today are aware of this challenge and have found ways to anticipate the change in their code. Volker
  7. Friends, Romans, countrymen! Lend me your ears! I have been into flight sim only for 5 years now. And I have shelled out approx. €1,500.00 for addon software only! Software that not only added aircraft and sceneries but also was meant to 'speed up' the performance. I am VERY happy that now a company has the code which is interested in improving it, andwhich is interested in cooperating with add on providers.! They have done to the FSX spaghetti code what MS should have done. a ,ong time ago! In such a short time, they solved most of the massive problems that we suffered from in FSX. Please, do not complain about 50.00$ every three years or so. As to the question of ( backwards ) compatibility: MS were not really interested in compatibility at all. As the history of 'Windows' shows ( I have lived through all versions, since 1.0 ). i am no programmer but have designed software. Part of the design was to design interfaces for outside software providers which gave them enough flexibility while at the same time retaining continuity. 'Behind' these interfaces, the code can be handled in every way necessary. The crux is the design of the interfaces! There has to go a lot of brain power into their design in order to give them a long life! The contrarry is interfaces that delay/hinder/obstruct the software that uses them. I have all confidence in LM that they will, over time, create a solid construction of the FSX successor that will make it a product with longevity. They are obviously more interested in creating a product that serves their trainig needs ( rather than short term money ) and therefore are glad about any help that they will getnfrom cooperative software companies. Their goal is not to make a lot of money from this software. So, I have high hopes that this flight sim product - in all its versions and permutations - will keep me company for a long time..
  8. I can sympathise with FSX Genius. I can almost 'see' how it all started. Beginning with some friends who call for help in fixing problems with their PC or even FSX. Now, imagine being this specialist with a non-specialist on the other end of the telephone line. He has to find out what is ( really ) wrong with the user's PC ( as opposed to what he/she says it is ). Sooner or later, each of these specialists will look for a means to access his friend's PC directly. The best method since several years IMHO is TeamViewer. Now, imagine: After several such telephone calls, there is this friend who has FSX as well and wants help. Is it not very probable that the specialist at a certain time in his 'diagnosis conversation' asks if he can access his friend's PC via TV? and he can help quickly and efficiently. This gets around in ever widening circles... Now, it is one thing to help a friend ( via TV ) and it is quite another to spend your free time sitting in front of your PC correcting settings in PCs of people you do not know. It can get to become a burden! That is the moment when you have to decide how to proceed: either politely decline such requests from then on, or to make a profession out of it, i.e. ask for a refund/ honorarium. It has been said here that there are hundreds of people helping all the time without asking for money. That is true but it is also tue ( in my experience ) that these people sometimes are obviously 'overloaded'; I can sense it from the way they answer. They tend to be very curt... Now, if you do this for money, you can neither be curt nor impatient nor cryptic nor inefficient whatever frame of mind you are in. That is a very good aspect for the average user!!! All this hinges on that this specialist delivers, that he is not a fraud, of course. And as regards the aspect of letting a stranger enter your PC: I believe that most of us have a dedicated PC for our flight simulator. I would not know how my normal work would have suffered if I had installed FSX, and now P3D, in my office computer! Horror! So, access to a dedicated FS PC via TV is of small risk. And do not forget, the access is controlled by a password ( in TV ) that changes daily! Without the user's knowledge and assent, there is no access to his PC after the session to deal with the sick FSX/P3D!!! I am going to try him/it. Will let you know about my experiences. Volker
  9. Same problem here!FSX says: "FSX cannot be executed with your garphics card..."It worked with the Radeon HD6670 PCIex16 card as long as 2 monitors were connected. When I connected a third to the DisplayPort error msg said that the card does not support third monitor.Bought a USB2DVI adapter (Winstars). Windows 7 (64bit) Prof does recognize the third LCD, extended desktop works, only FSX does not!
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