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Everything posted by Japo32

  1. I must add that even the error is there with RXPGarmin 430, it is working ok. I just point to it in case it has something to do with the FSX stop working or loose of joystick-trackir function suddently. Thanks
  2. Ok.. thanks!<br /><br />It say me that I have from 2.0 sp2 nothing before installed. I suppose is ok with that.<br />Installed the SDK and same error came from rxp simconnect. But didn't reset the computer. Going to do it now.<br /><br />reset it.. and same error. As soon as I load a plane with the rxp inside comes the error:<br />Activation context generation failed for "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\GAUGES\rxpGNS.DLL". Dependent Assembly Microsoft.FlightSimulator.SimConnect ,processorArchitecture="x86",publicKeyToken="67c7c14424d61b5b",type="win32",version="10.0.61259.0" could not be found. Please use sxstrace.exe for detailed diagnosis.<br /><br />I don't know if this one has something to do with my joystick-trackir stop working suddently or FSX stop working... but the error is there.
  3. Ok.. thanks! well.. I am installing it from my disk of acceleration. Maybe that is ok. But in the wiki it says I need .NET 2.0. I have .net 4.0.. is it enough? thanks again!
  4. Strange.. because I see 3 simconnect.dll installed and never had any problem. Maybe is corrupt. I have these 3 simconnect installed folders: C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.flightsimulator.simconnect_67c7c14424d61b5b_10.0.61242.0_none_e079b46b85043c20 C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.flightsimulator.simconnect_67c7c14424d61b5b_10.0.61259.0_none_55f5ecdc14f60568 C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.flightsimulator.simconnect_67c7c14424d61b5b_10.0.60905.0_none_dd92b94d8a196297 Maybe the simconnects from FSX, sp1 and sp2 (acceleration?) About the link.. I am here: http://www.fsdeveloper.com/wiki/index.php?title=Category:SimConnect but don't see any simconnect for acceleration users.... Once on the page: 1. click simconnect on the right menus... goes to that page I linked. 2. Look for any directory.. don't find anything.. just some links in Articles in category "SimConnect". maybe is because I didn't register? (edit... trying to register but it says that my ip is in blacklist???!!!!) Thanks for the help!
  5. But I have acceleration installed long ago... Maybe is corrupted...
  6. Hello! These days after some time with a great FSX configuration.. several hours flying never a CTD in long time I started to have FSX stopps with message saying that FSX stopped and crashing to desktop, after sometime in the sim. If I go to Even Viewer I can see this: Faulting application name: fsx.exe, version: 10.0.61637.0, time stamp: 0x46fadb14 Faulting module name: MSVCR80.dll, version: 8.0.50727.6195, time stamp: 0x4dcddbf3 Exception code: 0xc000000d Fault offset: 0x00008aa0 Faulting process id: 0xa54 Faulting application start time: 0x01ce3dd06fa7f98c Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe Faulting module path: C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.6195_none_d09154e044272b9a\MSVCR80.dll Report Id: 9080ba79-a9c8-11e2-9dd1-bcaec576f849 I can see also an error of rxpgarmin that I have installed: Activation context generation failed for "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\GAUGES\rxpGNS.DLL". Dependent Assembly Microsoft.FlightSimulator.SimConnect ,processorArchitecture="x86",publicKeyToken="67c7c14424d61b5b",type="win32",version="10.0.61259.0" could not be found. Please use sxstrace.exe for detailed diagnosis. reinstalled it but still the error. Aaaand.. sometimes I don't know why I am maganing the plane (whatever) in ground while taxing and sometimes I loose trackir movement (the lights seems to be ok), joystick motion, pedals and any hardware. Then I exit the flight (fsx is working and the interaction with mouse and switches is ok).. and it goes to the fsx main menu.. but when I quit it, it hangs and in events viewer I can see this: The program fsx.exe version 10.0.61637.0 stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Action Center control panel. Process ID: e74 Start Time: 01ce3dd9773218da Termination Time: 203 Application Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe Report Id: 998843bf-a9ce-11e2-9dd1-bcaec576f849 I may think all is a simconnect problem maybe? But don't know what to do. Readimg some forums about MSVCR80.dll I installed again microsoft visual c++ 2005 in 32 and 64bits. I have windows 7 64bits. Any help? It is so frustrating! Thanks!
  7. Well.. after some reading it seems that the world race was over. Didn't know it was an one shot event. shame. It is not fun to race by my own while there is no winning ladder.<br />Thanks for the info.
  8. and can I do the race in only one plane? I saw listed the A2A P51 that I think is the good one for this. Thanks for the reply!
  9. Good! Going to read those rules. Thanks!<br /><br />mmmm can someone point me where are the rules? and the route? Thanks!<br /><br />edit: Are they here?<br /><a data-cke-saved-href="http://www.fsrtwrace.com/" href="http://www.fsrtwrace.com/">http://www.fsrtwrace.com/</a><br /><br />I have seen that the race is over???!! It was a full time 1 shoot race? Or is open?<br />as I am reading more or less, it says I can choose the airports I want to land (except some countries and some airports) and I must land minumum in 3? or something like that.<br />So my questions are:<br /><br />1. If the race is over? what is now? Are people running? Is there a ladder or something?<br /><br />2. I wanted to make all the race in the P51 A2A civil... but I read something that I must choose a heavy aircraft also? Is it no possible to run all the race in one only plane?<br /><br />3. What is the limit of time to complete the race, if it is still on?<br /><br />Thanks!
  10. Thanks for the quick reply! Well.. I did that already and done it today also. I don't know how many things I have done already for making the yellow to green. No way. Not only a flight of taking off and landing but also going to other airports, 30minutes flying and more things like deleting the previous flight.flt because someone said that Duenna look there to see that the weather is real time. One thing I saw was that while in the free flight menu, the Yellow warning was already there also (also the red one because not being on ground).. but seems that the problem is related to something inside fsx maybe.. don't know. I made two test flyings in the Niska race and they think they are ok... I made them with Opus.. here they are. Please tell me if those would be valid in a possible world race: http://fs-duenna.com/flights/ShowFlight.php?flight=ApaBZ9se7CbmsKIoQGtjS5iR8hI http://fs-duenna.com/flights/ShowFlight.php?flight=pMTWwXPXNGMa4lGpMUhnzH38yaM Thanks!
  11. Hello! I wanted to know if it is possible to make the race with only one issue in duenna. For me it is impossible to set the Real-WX warning light to green. It always stays in yellow independendly what I do. I tried lots of things, lots of solutions from internet and forum, but none of them works. I am going to start a race at Niska bush race 2013, and they let me race with that issue. But I don't know if the same issue is allowed in the world race. Of course I fly with real weather. With OpusFSX weather engine... (I tried of course the default real weather engine of FSX updates every 15min, and download upper winds on, and leave turbulences.. but nothing.. still yellow). And if I am allowed I wish to run it with the A2A P51 Civ. Thanks!
  12. Yes.. I tried 4 and lots of others.. but not luck.. seems that some users we have an issue here. I live in Spain... when we have some good energy we could try to solve it via TS maybe Thanks!
  13. Didn't work anything of the above. Did everything for 2 days already. Always I get the yellow Real-WX. Label. must be something inside my configuration but I deleted fsx.cfg and previous flight.flt.<br />It is imposible to make it work?
  14. Japo32

    Simple Rain..

    Yes, the main trick in my rain is hide and show. Well.. It is all needed, so maybe is possible also for FSX...
  15. Japo32

    Simple Rain..

    I agree the rain is difficult to make. Don't know how is done in FSX. I did for the first time in Xplane in 3D. You can see an example here: The basic idea is to duplicate the 3D windshield and divide it in little squares. Then pick some of those squares and make groups. Up to 8 or so. Then make the hide/show of those squares in a looping variable in motion that goes from 0-1. Then to give them more smooth sensation, just animate the self illumination texture in another varible from 0 to 1 and back to 0 asincronous. And in the middle a rectangle with an drop texture animated in vertical slipering through the windshield with another 0 to 1 animation but back to 0 again suddently (that is when it moves back to the start position). To clean the water (was fixed the wipper back motion after this video) Just made a mask object with the shape of the wiper clean zone, transparent, that moved before the drops.. In xplane there is a hack to make things transparent that way (make the HUD for example to colimate.. etc... Well I don't know if those things can be done in FSX. I guess yes because you colimate your HUD and I think you use the same technique. Don't know if the rain is possible or not to do.. but for sure it is very important in simulation. It let your see or not. I saw how an fsx helicopter made the rain with a fogged texture with not moving drops that didn't let you see correctly through it. Once you put the wippers you have the wipper zone cleaned. That is less than nothing... but demostrated that imagination is a tool and you can use it. Maybe you could do something similar to that. Something like this I made for the mist windshields in another plane I made: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=UnHILLDpvuo#t=165s For sure there is a good solution that don't cost animations to the plane!
  16. Thanks! so I guess I could not work with it and Ivao together like UT2 do. Well.. no problem, just was curious about it. Thanks!
  17. I would like to know if the Vox-ATC would respect the way Ultimate Traffic2 injects traffic. Now I use UT2 while flying in IVAO. When I am flying in regions there is noone, I have the company of UT2... and when there is a conflic with a traffic or ATC, I just press Control+Shift+T and all the traffic dissappears but not the IVAO one. I read that VOXATC imports the traffic from UT2 but still use its one (so it only use the models from UT2 I believe isn't it?). I would like to know: Does Vox-ATC has a key combination to just make all the traffic disappear from FSX in real time (and make it appear again?)? Thanks!
  18. Hello! The other day flying in IVAO a Ferry flight I set the aircraft for cero kg cargo. I could not program the FMC because that means Out of CG% MAC in ZFW, ToW and LW. The flight was short (350nm) and I set 20,000 kg of Fuel. Is there any way to do it emptly and with that fuel? I had to add dummy cargo to let me introduce the values in the FMC.
  19. I spoke with Cameron.. Seems that he had a problem with the raid disk.. He is now recovering all.. but it will take some hours more.
  20. No no, I don't have any problem of wind swift with AS2012. I have with Opus which for me is better.
  21. In AS2012 this not happen because it is controlled weather. Global. Not local and realistic as Opus.
  22. Stephen says that the wind smoothing in FSUIPC is better to switch it off. Says that even activating it, make worst things. Don't know.
  23. For now to save your flights and now have overspeed always it is better to maitain your speed some knots behind the usual we all do (near the overspeed below limit).. so if we have a change of wing those extra IAS don't go to the red tape. Same when descending 10,000ft. Maintain 240 instead 250.
  24. Yes.. as said by Stephen (the creator of Opus) Creators of the planes have to make a filter to avoid those noise peaks in the wind. They are the only that can make that. But as you know J41 and MD11 don't receive any more updates... do they?
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