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  1. Hmm...maybe a try, but i think that needs too much power of the PC and so you will not have good fps. At the moment i have a GTX3080TI and 3 curved screens a 3840x1080.
  2. Hello, many thanks for the Answer. I know this site, but dont see something there which can bring the PFD/ND/EICAS/CDU on a Network PC Screen ? For the Start switching to PMDG this is the first main requirement. Matthias
  3. Hello, i am looking for a way to geth the Screens for the CPT/FO PFD/ND/EICAS and FMC to a Screen on a Network PC. Also i need a Way to connect my Opencockpits Hardware, no PnP Modules, just Sioc controlled Hardware like Switches, Buttons LED's and so on as also Pokeys Hardware to PMDG. Is there any Way to do that ? Matthias
  4. Hello, i have also a Homecockpit, but never with PMDG. But since Prosim is really worse in MSFS i want to change to PMDG. I have SIOC, Pokeys and a Sismo Aft Overhead. But i could not find a solution to bring the PFD/ND/EICAS and CDU Screens to my network PC's?? Is there a Solution available ? Thanks Matthias
  5. Hello, thanks for the Answer, but there is not so much help about this. So because you can use every other Aircraft ( i am able to find the right Nodes to add the Effect ) there is a Problem with the Visual Effects Editor itself. If you know about them, when you add a SimVar, then you can select the Units of the SimVar. As Example for the Eng N1 you select Percent like in this Video: at around 9:30. But in my Editor i can only select "meters" as units which makes no sense. https://photos.app.goo.gl/VreSJGsgf9UbXE7t7 Maybe anyone can help with that ? Matthias
  6. Hello, maybe some of you know Prosim737, the Homecockpit builder suite. The Aircraft i have to use is missing most of the effects, like the smoke on the gear after touchdown. Is there anyone who can help me adding these missing effects ? Thanks Matthias
  7. ...dosent work in FSUIPC7 [Programs] RunIf1=Close,"C:\Program Files\HiFi\ASP3D\ASP3D.exe"
  8. just to have the Waether Radar in the prosim737 Suite 🙂
  9. Hello, i am on MSFS, so FSUIPC7, but i think its the same , just add the Lines to FSUIPC. Will give it a Try...thanks a lot. I did not think about this direction, because i start all Programms via a little script file. Matthias
  10. Hello, thanks, yes i know the Reason. I sit in a Homecockpit and dont touch the PC's with the Mouse. So when i start the PC's all Programms are started Automatically and when i close the Sim, all PC's are Shutdown by Prosim737 ( the Homecockpit Suite i use ) Thats the reason i ask for another Solution. Matthias
  11. Hello, sometimes when i start AS P3D v5, i get this annoying window that ther is another session running and then i have to click yes. Thats annoying because i sit in a Homecockpit and dont like using a Mouse...so i start all when i start the PC. Is there maybe a option to prevent this window comming up ? Thanks Matthias
  12. its for Homecockpit builders, but you can use it too.
  13. As written above... I fly the Prosim737 Suite and MUST use the Flightmodel providet by Prosim
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