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Everything posted by utd4life10

  1. This could easily be done... I could do it myself if you wanted?
  2. The only thing I can suggest is to delete the file in your scenery library and re-add it manually.
  3. Hey fellas, I was wondering in the NGX how close do your position yourself to the glareshield? Do you do it so you can only see the instruments, so you can see the instruments and the yoke or some other way? Thanks, Dan
  4. I've never heard this before either :Thinking:
  5. Yes, they will send you an email. I didn't get my email confirmation with the download links until around an hour after I'd purchased it. I actually contactrded them via their website asking where it was and then I received it. Hope this helps.
  6. Wow these are stunning, I have been looking for some decent scenery for the Canary Islands for a while now, thanks!
  7. I definitely reccommend, takes a little setting up, around 10 minutes and there are plenty of videos on youtube that explain how to do this. Buy it, it's awesome. Especially in conjunction with TrackIR! :D
  8. Ah okay brilliant, thanks for that info mate!
  9. What conditions effect whether or not you use full reverse?
  10. I've just found this information for East Midlands airoprt: Reverse Thrust Pilots are requested to avoid the use of reverse thrust or reverse pitch above idle power settings on landing, consistent with the safe operation of the aircraft between the hours of 2200-0700 (Winter) and 2100-0600 (Summer). SO does that mean if you were landing at 20:00 in summer you could use full reverse but if you were landing at 21:30 you could only use idle?
  11. Are you using REX/REXE? I found that I had to icnrease the amount of time before REX would automatically load the weather into fsx otherwise it would begin to load the weather as PMDG went through it's initialisation stage. If it's not that I would submit a support ticket! :)
  12. Interesting, could someone explain what idle reverse is and how to activate idle revers onlanding?
  13. Thankyou sir, will try when I get home from work tonight! :)
  14. Could someone share their settings for the 737-800 for redux lights? :D thanks Dan
  15. Ah Brilliant, thanks! On a note of reverse thrust, in which conditions do not use reverse? I've seen a jet2757 land at Madeira without revers or spoilers (you can find on youtube) so I was just wondering why an aircraft would do this.
  16. I was wondernig for the people who don't have a thrust lever that goes into reverse which buttons they use to activate reverse thrust. For example I have a throttle but it only goes to idle and then I have to press F2 to activate reverse - I have tried mapping a key on the throttle through fsx to actvate reverse thrust but I have to press it continuously meaning it takes a good few seconds for revers to activate. Does anyone else have a key mapped on their joystick to activate reverse where they only have to hold the button down and not press it continuously and if so how did you do this? Thanks, Dan
  17. Just literally installed trackir today, I would definitely say get EZDOK to go alongside it. Trackir + Ezdok = flight sim heaven!
  18. It can just become frustrating that's all, like anything new, you have to learn! :) But it is working as I want it now, so thankyou all for the help! :) And WOW it's definitely worth the patience to get it going as you want Could someone tell me which factor effects the zoom in and out, when you lean forward it zooms in? as I'd like to adjust that so I don't have to lean forward as much for it to zoom. Thanks :)
  19. I think I've sorted it with the help of ezdok and this video! Thanks guys!
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