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Everything posted by Aamir

  1. Yeah, I just did a 14 hour flight with SweetFX, waaaaaay more stable, not a single crash. Post Processing effects that change the color palette. Nope, but ENB is notorious for causing crashes on certain systems. Weirdly enough, my ENB was perfectly fine until I OC'd, so something went iffy somewhere. Either way, I'd had enough of trying to solve the issue and moved to SweetFX. Quite happy now Dang, you do that I did, and couldn't be happier!
  2. Just finished the flight, actually. Touched down not more than 5 minutes ago. Nah, not VATSIM, it's a bit much for me, all that. I will eventually get into it though Okay, so, it went spectacularly well. Gate to gate, no problems whatsoever. I didn't, unfortunately, check my VAS after the flight, but afaik it all went very smooth. No stutters at all in flight (save for one bit during cruise when I was overflying a nasty thunderstorm with quite a few clouds (thank you ASN!).
  3. So, I've sorted out every single issue with this baby, short of one thing. Something is off. I spent the whole of yesterday ensuring my FSX is rock solid. I'm able to switch between windows with ease, with the T7 loaded up at a complex add on airport. I can also use the default time acceleration and switch back to default without crashing out. (Includes reloading) The issue occurs when I try and use the 8x or higher auto cruise acceleration. When the aircraft has to dial it down from 8x or higher to default again, the simulator crashes out for some reason. I can't fathom why. As we know, 4x to default does NOT require a reload. However, 8x or higher to default DOES. This reload-crash has only played up with auto-cruise, seeing as it works fine when I try and access it from the default FSX menu bar. I look forward to your responses! EDIT: I'm a major derp. So I decided to trace the crashes through the event viewer log. Turns out it's a d3d9.dll module causing it. In other words, ENB. This is a major suck fest because I adore my ENB and find the default FSX almost intolerable. I've read about running FSX in Win XP SP3 compatibility mode to fix this, and will be trying that. I'll update the thread as required.
  4. Don't lie Robert, we all know it's because he has "Popcorn Manager" listed in his signature :biggrin:
  5. Hahaha, oh that looks like a disaster, the poor old bird
  6. I must say, that's a very pretty website you have, compared to some VAs :rolleyes:
  7. With a powerful enough one, yes. I wouldn't think a 560 would be enough to push to 3 monitors. Although, to be very honest with you, if you're not comfortable overclocking, I'd upgrade the GPU to a 680 and get Prepar3d V2. Sure, there are teething problems, but a patch is incoming after the new year, so, it's looking bright!
  8. Okay, so, initial testing is extremely positive, switched to and from FSX multiple times with the T7 loaded up at OMDB, no CTD's or anything.. Also moved between 8x acceleration and no acceleration more than 10 or so times, no crashes. Quite happy so far! About to load up EK231, let's see how it goes
  9. Hahahahaha, I see what you're getting at Besides, this'll probably be better than all the Christmas Specials on TV. Now, about that popcorn.... :rolleyes: *Cue PMDG POPCORN CONFIRMED!? AAMIR IS A BETA TESTER!?* Mwahahahahaha :biggrin:
  10. Okay, so for a start, with addons, I recommend the following, broken down into categories. -- Must Haves FTX Global. This is pretty much an must, seeing as it's an absolutely stunning rendition of the real world, in the quality everyone has come to know and love from ORBX. It is essentially texture replacements for the entire globe, along with much MUCH improved night time lighting (3D vs. the default 2D; with no performance loss!) Active Sky Next. The latest and greatest in weather engines. The default FSX weather engine is fairly horrible, and at times will cause an aircraft to randomly stall, overspeed, or cause S-Turns. Active Sky Next is a new revolution with a ton of never before seen features. These are 2 very important addons that, IMO, change your flight sim experience whether you fly low and slow, or high and fast. -- Aircraft If you want to fly airliners, I recommend you look to PMDG for your Boeing flavors, and Aerosoft for your Airbus flavors. If you want to fly General Aviation aircraft, the A2A Cessna 172 is an incredible aircraft that's receiving rave reviews at the moment. Other popular GA Aircraft developers include Carenado and Real Air. -- Airports Again, if you fly the heavy metal jets, you're going to want to pick up a few addon airports of that caliber. I recommend Flightbeam, FlyTampa, FSDreamTeam, LatinVFR, Taxi2Gate, UK2000 and Aerosoft. If you fly general aviation, smaller fields will most likely interest you, in which case I highly recommend ORBX products. -- Optional I've always found a good ENB file (these are post processing effects to make your sim's colors more realistic) to make a huge impact on the immersiveness of the sim. I can't link you to any one specifically, because there are thousands of different configurations. Find one you like, it makes a huge difference! -- I hope you've found everything you need!
  11. Stay on Windows 7, but do place a copy of the W7 64Bit UIAutomationCore.dll in your FSX folder if you haven't. I usually also place it in the SYSWOW64 and System32 folder too.
  12. That seems like a fairly okay computer for FSX, but there a few things you need to remember: 240GB may be cutting it a little too short if you plan on installing a ton of addons. You're going to want to oveclock that processor, so look for a good cooler. I recommend Corsair's H100 series (sealed liquid cooling), it's worked fantastically for me, however others may recommend air cooling. Whichever you choose is up to you, just make sure it's quality and does the job well. AFAIK, there is no such thing as a GTX 580 Ti, so you may be referring to a GTX 560 Ti, in which case I do recommend that you think of at least a 580, which would be adequate under heavy cloud coverage with some decent anti-aliasing. 16GB of memory is absolutely not required. I recommend 8GB, especially if you're budget constrained. Spend the extra kip on some other upgraded components e.g your GPU. All in all, I think that computer would run FSX just fine as you've configured it, but you'll have to sacrifice some graphical quality, no doubt. Take a look at my suggestions and see what you can do with them. Good luck!
  13. Okay, so it wouldn't boot at 1N, but all looks good at 2N. Running a couple of stress tests now. If this fixes my crashing problem I'll owe ya a beer
  14. I've just got a couple of more Payware airports for Xmas, and I'll be operating EK231 (OMDB-KIAD) a little later. FlyTampa - FlightBeam. Should be interesting. I'll report back.
  15. My memory is G.Skill Trident X 2400MHz memory, but for now I've left it on AUTO in the BIOS. Is that something I should change?
  16. As utterly insane as it sounds, so has mine. :lol:
  17. Here are a list of things PMDG are currently confirmed to have on their plate: -- Surveying the 737 & 777 for XPX Surveying the 737 & 777 for P3Dv2 Working on the 777 in P3Dv2 Releasing SP1 of the 777 Releasing the -300ER expansion for the 777 Releasing SP2 for the 737 Working on the 747v2 Surveying the 747v2 for release on 2 additional platforms Testing/Working on the DC-6. -- Now, that looks like a pretty full plate to me, which leads me to think we won't even hear about a 787 until 2015 at least.
  18. UPDATE: Problem has been alleviated. Used a different (read: new) version of UIAutomationCore.dll, replaced it with the old one in the SYSWOW64 and System32 folders, and used the same one in the FSX Root Folder. No more crashing when acceleration ramps down = happy me!
  19. My OC survived a 100 passes of IBT, I don't know what else to tell ya. It's one fatal error in one program notorious for CTD'ing. Everything else is perfectly fine. Just need to sort this out then I'm 100% satisfied with my install..
  20. Okay so as it were, I just took off as BA217, door problems seem to have alleviated for this flight, but I'll need to do a couple of other flights to verify. The only other adverse effect I've found the OC to have was that it keeps crashing out my FSX everytime the T7's autocruise needs to back down from 8x (this requires a reload, and the reload constantly causes a fatal error.) It used to work absolutely spiffy before this. A real pity, I guess I'll have to work with 4x. I've tried every single UIAutomationCore.dll trick in the book.
  21. Yeah, no, mine's been doing the same thing. I've just said forget it and sent over a ticket to PMDG.
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