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Everything posted by Aamir

  1. Fair enough, that's a valid assertion. I do value FTXG very highly and think it was well worth the money I paid for it though.. On the other hand, I, for one, am definitely not buying into Vector until they fix the road width problem (making every road highway width) and the roads cutting through buildings. Who knows, maybe Vector + LC will solve that (that's how they intended it anyway), time will tell, but on it's own, Vector is most certainly not worth the $70 they want for it.
  2. I once had a horrid sinus freeze up in a 77W, turns out it was because I had a cold and nothing else, and Singapore Airlines' FAs were super helpful with ice etc.. Great service.
  3. As you can see, I've changed my member title to "Cookies!", because I like cookies. I've never seen anyone else change this, which raised the question in my mind as to whether we're actually allowed to change this?
  4. My point is, it's a great compromise. I personally couldn't be bothered with photo scenery one bit. I don't care for 40GB for one continent. Not even, actually.
  5. I think manual flight is one of the most important aspects of a simulation, even for tubeliners. Heck, it's when you're interfacing with the aircraft the most. None of us tin-pushers really do much during cruise, so the aircraft dynamics could be like a brick up there for all I care, the computers will handle that while I'm away sipping a margherita, but during takeoffs and landings, you're really interacting with the aircraft a lot, and the flight dynamics need to be bang on, especially for (what I hope is) the majority of us who fly a SID manually once in a while or disconnect the A/P at G/S intercept. Real pilots thrive on manually landing the aircraft, to the point where techs need to tell airline pilots to let the autoland do it's thing so it can be certified every month.. So yes, manual flight dynamics, IMHO, make or break an addon..
  6. Looks good, but not worth €30 (to me), considering I fly into Hong Kong not very often.. But then again, if a good payware VHHH would release, maybe that would change..
  7. I see you've mentioned hard drive, but have you taken a look at an SSD? Personally, if I were in your shoes, I'd pick up an SSD, move Windows onto it (along with other applications), and leave the 320GB as FSX+Data. (No programs except FSX.) If not, look at the Seagate Barracuda line of hard drives. 7200RPM and high capacity, good stuff! If you leave FSX where it is (original drive), and just add another hard drive, you won't have a problem, addons will self-install.
  8. IMO the Majestic Q400 blows all the rest of them out the water. It's much heralded, and for good reason. Excellent systems depth, and a gorgeous VC.. What's not to like!? (Disclaimer: I do not own this aircraft, this information is gleaned off the million youtube videos I've watched about it. Man, I wish I had the patience for propliners!)
  9. Personally, I bought FTXG as a one shot "beyond-airport" scenery solution. Let's be fair, the default textures weren't horrendous but they weren't particularly great either. Now I speak for myself, but once I'm nice and established in cruise, I spend most of the time looking out the window, down at terra firma below me (when I'm not watching a TV show or a Movie, that is..), and in all honesty FTXG does improve upon the default texture in a way that is significantly noticeable (no repetition, far more varied and interesting to look at, and a little prettier too). What this essentially means is, I don't have to buy any more texture addons, be it region wise, or what not, my entire globe is covered, and all that's left for me to purchase for a satisfying tubeliner experience are addon airports. So, I'm very happy with my purchase, it was well worth it, especially if you intend on flying to less covered areas like Asia.
  10. Indeed, I was using SweetFX, but this problem has never occurred before with SFX installed.. Pity, I just got FSX set up the way I wanted, too :( I'll be installing SweetFX again, but I'll take special note of this if it continues, thanks! Aye, it remains to be seen now, once I stop being lazy and install FSX..
  11. I tend to push heavy metal, so, the 737NG, the A320NEO and the T7 are all up my alley. AFAIK there's a good T7 and A320 on XPX. The only thing preventing me from moving now is the fact that I'm fairly heavily invested in FSDT, FlyTampa and Flightbeam sceneries.. I'm kinda waiting out on P3Dv2 and letting it mature over the course of this year, until then I guess I'll just deal with FSX, the investment into XPX is just not something I'm able to justify right now.
  12. Oh my god it's droplet porn! Makes me so want to switch! Ugh. Thank you
  13. *foams at the mouth* :Silly: :lol: :yahoo:
  14. Really liking the Braniff's colors!
  15. Yeah, it seems to be the consensus, unfortunately for me though, I never had any AI to start with, which makes this issue even more perplexing!
  16. Mwahaha, I'd totally get an SSD, unfortunately I have a library full of Steam games that need installing too! :(
  17. Nah, AI is, and always has been, off, that's not it unfortunately :( Anyway, my FSX HDD just bit the dust, so it's a full reinstall for me, I guess
  18. Aamir

    RAAF Boeing 777

    Go here. This man is being awesome and doing repaints for people's requests.
  19. So, good sir, would you be up for doing a BBJ paintjob on the T7? I'd like a private aircraft for my... Escapades I'll provide some demo images and an idea of what colors to go with, if you're game Also, amazing job on that tail, that's some very detailed work!
  20. I'd just like to point out a fallacy with that example. The PMDG T7 is NOT an Acura Integra. I think this aircraft is akin to an Audi R8. Classy, refined, technologically superior, but with a hell of a lot of poke if you push the go-go pedal. And yes, you don't splotch carbon fibre on an Audi R8 willy nilly, but when done right, my oh my does that car come out looking fantastic. Pictured here, carbon fibre done right, with just the sideblade, mirrors and front skirt in CF. I guess my point is, to each his/her own, but don't discredit something entirely because it isn't to your taste..
  21. Can anyone post a picture of the VC in the rain? Please and thank you!
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