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About JasonW

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  1. Another Blue Sky Star satisfied Airbus customer here.
  2. Not familiar with FS Labs, what will this have over the Aerosoft version?
  3. P3D doesnt come with military traffic. I believe you will have to buy my traffic 6.
  4. I just bought this same board for my 6700k build. What ram did you end up using with it?
  5. I started a similar thread. http://www.avsim.com/topic/490374-your-thoughts-on-6850k-over-6700k-for-p3d/ Ive decided to go with skylake vs taking a chance. Ive seen too many skylake/1080 systems with sliders to the full right.
  6. Where can you get these updated models and schedules?
  7. The way I understood the thread post 42 he never got past windows installation and gave up. I believe he sent everything to Jetline for them to finish it up. Either way Id sure love to see some results from broadwell as far as p3d goes.
  8. He never got far enough with that build to run P3D did he? I ask because Ive been following that thread to see what that processor will do in the sim. Just making sure I didnt miss something. :smile:
  9. So it comes down to the higher number of threads and increased number of memory cache wouldnt be as beneficial compared to a higher clocked skylake?
  10. Newegg frequently puts the Warthog on sale for $299.00. Its well worth that price just be patient and set a price alert on it at neweggs site. Edit I just realized youre in the UK.
  11. Starting to map out a new machine and like the title suggest, whats your opinions on the new 6850k processor? Not really worried about the price difference as much as I am any performance gains. It will be paired with a GTX 1080 SC card. I know the Skylake seems to be a popular choice around here but it seems like I read that Broadwell will have better performing cores.
  12. So is this a stand alone from texture direct or will it be integrated?
  13. JV said they had to do some more tweaking to get it to go along with new openlc, hopefully it won't be much longer.
  14. Looks like the vas issue has been found and will be fixed in the next patch. Re: v3.3, what about the VAS? Postby Adam Breed » Wed Jun 08, 2016 9:09 pm abd40110a, Thank you again for the deep dive on this. We believe we have discovered an issue and we will be releasing a v3.3 hotfix to address it. It is related to viewtopic.php?f=6312&t=119544&start=75#p137391 Regards, Adam
  15. Hope they can keep the fps friendly.
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