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  1. Wow! Very impressive....
  2. I'm courious what was the purpose behind your question? That should help clear things up.....
  3. It is nice to see a honest and positive post every now and again..... Many people are very happy with XPX, but so few take the time to talk about it.... Human nature I guess, we only tend to speak out when we perceive a problem....
  4. Yes the clouds SkyMAXX use are 3d, with V2 billboards were implemented so we could give the clouds more detail......Its a hybrid system. Because of how the eye point is in X-plane, under extreme circumstances and drastic viewpoint changes the clouds will rotate....... We adjusted this so the point at which this happens is overhead
  5. Or slow them down, there is a slider....we tried to make smp very scalable and customizable.....
  6. At night in the summer-- crickets, maybe an occasional owl hoot......winter-- howling wind..... I'm trying to remember if the coyotes made the final cut.....
  7. Hey Mitch try landing in the bush and changing the date and time of day.....we included different sound sets for day/ night & summer spring/ autumn winter..... Just saying....lol
  8. bruced39 Im wondering if you have the Airport SFX clicked off by some chance? If it is off, the sound engine will default to the ambient countryside sounds......
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