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Everything posted by awash2002

  1. After the update the Citation Longitude is now my favorite jet in FS2020 my favorite Turboprop is the TBM930 I did 2 flights in the Longitude and I was amazed at the auto throttle feature climbed up to FL430 going from Calhoun to Oshkosh set it at .75M TAS was 430kts
  2. The fuel flown on the G1000 in the Baron is not showing it is at 0
  3. Today I got a new Powerspec G434 gaming computer and tried to install the other gtn to my sim and got errors then tried to log in to the other forum and could not log in so I decided to just go full RXP I reinstalled the GTN 750 GMS 430/530 V2 and never looked back I really like RXP a lot better then the other
  4. Thank you so much for the tips and the power chart. That was the problem was the 3D landing lights I am cruising at 15,000 using normal cruise setting IAS 193kts TAS 241kts ITT 732 NG 92.3% FF 31.2gph
  5. OK it has happened again I have done lost all click spots in the virtual Cockpit also what is the recommended cruise power settings for the Turbine Duke for torque and prop setting at my current altitude of 15,000?
  6. The turbine duke is working OK sometimes I lose all clickspots then the clickspots comes back
  7. I just reinstalled one of my favorite of RealAir's planes the Turbine Duke V2 I remember when I bought those Dukes I am having a problem with the autopilot though it's not letting me select the altitude to put in the altitude. I got it working can't wait to fly this plane to 3000 hours this year
  8. I am missing the import flight plan feature it is not showing up in the GTN
  9. I also made the switch just bought the 750 from RXP today
  10. Can't wait to get the old NetJets paint
  11. I got it working now to put 100 hours a year on this amazing jet
  12. I can't get the payload manager to work I can't select the right fuel load or anything
  13. Hi David I am looking for a repaint for Carenado TBM850 N850CA
  14. Has anyone made a more accurate PFPX profile for the SR22 PFPX has one but it won't work
  15. I would like to know of places to fly to in the B200
  16. Frank got any suggestions for me to take the B200 by Carenado?
  17. I got it working I overlooked one step that I didn't do
  18. This is about the V2 GNS430/530 by Reality XP yes it is fpl files Also what caught me off guard was the missing of the RXP WAAS desktop icon
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