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About Eevun

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  • Birthday 07/09/1978

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    Belgrade, Serbia

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  1. I am sorry that Simcees had mistaken Flight with World of Warcraft :( He wants animals, monsters, gold, thousands of residents, items etc. He doesn't want to fly the plane, he wants to interact with other people on the ground. Cheers
  2. lol you said it, brother :) fully agree and hope that we are right about those hints. P.S. Warbirds belong in a museum :) Cheers
  3. Darn it! Didn't bother to examine that more thoroughly :D Thanks for that explanation. However, everything else i wrote still remains ;) Cheers
  4. Am i hopeful? Of course i am hopeful! And here's why: Just like every other company in the world, Microsoft is trying to earn money. Also, MS is a smart company. They are fully aware of the fact that a casual gamer will buy a cockpitless bird or two, than quit playing Flight for few weeks or months and then check in again to see what's new. Now, there is a chance that a certain percentage of casual gamers will eventually become simmers in near future but they will not rely on that possibility alone. They will then release products that simmers require (be it by 3PD or by MS itself) since they are well aware that us, simmers, present the constant income for their company. They know that we were paying big bucks in the past to get the most out of our simulators and they are eager to get that money. It is just that those cockpitless birds have already been made prior to Flight's release but even if they weren't , they took a little time to develop and they know they must not fail with their first "serious" DLC such as Alaska. They do not want to release something that is below the standard 3PD have set so they are taking their time and planning the future of Flight. Another reason is found in hangar; on the bottom right, there is a filter of aircraft displayed. Select the drop down menu and see for yourself. All those categories will eventually be there, we just have to wait. And last but not least, awards and achievements are more than enough proof that we will get bigger and faster planes in future. As well as larger areas to fly around :) Cheers
  5. Your sarcasm filled posts were funny first few times. Now they're just boring and pointless. Why are you even posting here if you're not a Flight fan? It doesn't make any sense and you're not getting anywhere. Cheers
  6. I am not sure if you are wondering about VOR navigation in Flight in general or about some specific thing but in case you're asking about VOR navigation, there are few things you should know: 1. In Maule and RV6, you should tune in your NAV instruments to VOR frequencies you want to fly to or over. 2. After that, you should turn the OBS knob and specify the desired radial (course that leads to VOR). 3. Once you take off, make sure to intercept that radial (vertical line on your instrument). If it's too right, you turn right and fly until the needle hits the middle. After that, just try to keep it there. 4. Make sure to observe the distance to the selected VOR, so that you know how far you are from it. (the closer you get to the VOR, the needle moves away faster. also beware of constant cross winds cause sometimes your heading may differ 15 or more degrees from your actual course) I know this explanation might sound too simple, but really that's mostly it. At least it's the basics. Once you master it, you can start planning longer flights over several connecting VORs or finding a runway that doesn't have ILS / VOR by intercepting radials from nearby VORs and stuff. Hope this helped you at least a little bit :) EDIT: In case you're wondering about radials as well, the best way to determine which one you wish to intercept and follow is to take a ruler and connect a position of your plane on the map (after you take off) and connect it to the VOR you intend to fly to. Then simply check what is your aircraft heading (once you rotate it's nose to point towards the VOR) and you will get the radial you want. Ofc, you should do this prior to actually taking off, sort of a flight plan :) Cheers
  7. Do that. It was the best thing i did. My friend and i fly every night in multiplayer and do all the jobs without a marker. It makes it so much more fun. And then add some nasty weather to the equation and you got some pretty interesting tasks ahead of you :) Cheers
  8. I hear you :) Sometimes, it is almost impossible to take off when facing a strong tail wind with tendency towards east or west :) However, are you applying the aileron input opposite to your rudder input? It helps you control the airplane while rolling down the runway. As for the isolated storms, please go try it asap and let me know how you like it :) Cheers
  9. +100 Maybe he's just trolling. I mean, saying that ILS doesn't work may mean only two things: 1) one doesn't own a aircraft equipped with avionics or 2) trolling. Also, it amazes me that some people who clearly dislike Flight still find time to post on forums dedicated to it. Cheers
  10. First of all - great shots! Now, i have laughed so hard to the one of your 7 year old "landing" (literally) on a gas station. That was priceless :) I think i couldn't do it that spectacular if i wanted to! Fully agree about those tiny details such as windshield scratches, reflections and such. Really empowers an already fantastic atmosphere. Cheers
  11. Thank you J Van E :) I am glad you like them. I also LOVE both low and threatening and inclement weather. To be honest, the only two weather themes i almost never fly are clear skies and fair weather (mostly due to horrible clouds and their geometrically perfect placement). Among the giants is also very good for screenshots. And speaking of flying Maule in bad weather, try having some fun doing passenger jobs with isolated thunderstorms. It's a must! Let it be your challenge to have a green check mark during the whole flight including the landing :) Trust me, it's harder than it sounds :) Cheers
  12. I fully understand what you're saying sir. After i posted my response, i felt kinda bad for risking to come off like a douche bag :) because i genuinely am not one. It's actually the amount of posts and threads filled with negativity pointed towards Flight that caused me to react. I know that everybody wanted Flight to be the next FSX on release (myself included) but it still isn't. However, for many of us, it turned out to be really great and since day one, threads bashing Flight started accumulating and multiplying rapidly. So, to sum it up, i understand why some people are frustrated with Flight shortcomings (in their respectable opinion) but i just couldn't understand some people who intruded threads about specific things regarding Flight (or DLC in particular) only to post stuff like "Haha! Flight is a joke", "...I have just uninstalled Flight", "Flight sucks", "I quit playing Flight". Please, try to understand why i reacted the way i did. I am sure i would be crucified if i went over to FSX forums and began starting threads like those. I am sure 99% of members would criticize me for doing so since i am diminishing the quality of something they truly like and enjoy. So, i apologize too if i came off a bit too rude since it wasn't my intention at all. I sincerely hope you will give Flight another chance in a while and that we will ALL be happier after few upcoming releases (cockpitless warbirds excluded ;) ). Cheers
  13. Not every negative post is about hate but many of them are. I understand the disappointment but Flight needs a fair chance and some time. It has yet to evolve. What will it evolve in, has to be seen. Hopefully, it will start including more and more things and move in a forward direction. I was the first one to rage about the third cockpitless warbird and i think it's a horrible strategy by Microsoft but i also believe great things are coming for us, simmers, in future DLC. Of course, i could be very wrong but still, i am willing to give it time (as we were all willing to do with FSX years ago). I believe it deserves it. Cheers
  14. Sure AllFiredUp, gladly! How about: Far superior flight model and physics Extremely detailed default aircraft (both exterior and interior) with great flying characteristics Sudden shifts of wind affecting aircraft properly and in a realistic manner Trees looking like trees and not like 2D sprites Bulidings looking much better than in FSX (also have reflections) Water as well I think that's more than enough. P.S. I wonder when will all the hate go away. I hope we don't have to wait 6 years.... Cheers
  15. Hey, i am all for politeness. I was perfectly polite. I just think there are too many posts / threads about people leaving Flight, that's all. Just as people complaining about Flight have the right to express their opinion, i believe i have the same right to express my complains about their posts, don't i? We're just politely coexisting with our disagreements :) Cheers
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