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About Air1

  • Birthday 09/05/1945

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    Woodstock, Illinois USA
  • Interests
    Computers, reading, flight sims

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  1. I bought one for my 11 year old grandson to use with his X Box S. He really likes it for MSFS. I use the Alpha yoke and Logitech Throttle quadrant on my PC.
  2. I agree. I had TrackIR many years but have been using it less and less because it I hate wearing the head gear. I went to Tobii and just love it. Just feels so natural in every attitude like I remember from my PPL days. I won't be ever going back.
  3. Has anyone seen "the Novawrap, Special Edition." Novawing24 interview with Stephen Hood from Dovetail Games? Very informative. A hint of things to come. Steve A
  4. have it on my ipad mini and it is very challenging and a lot of fun, many different approaches offered and all kinds of weather. yes it is also available for android tablets now. Not as easy as you would think, fly's like a brick! Steve
  5. Me too!
  6. I have flown many back and forth between Atka and Adak with the C-46. Steve
  7. I used to rent a 4 place Grumman AA-5A Cheetah. It was easy to push back the sliding canopy and close it in flight with no problem. A fun bird, never had a bad landing with that aircraft but boy did it love to float. Steve
  8. Glad to hear form you again Jack. Best of luck. Steve
  9. Hey Luis, long time no see Steve A
  10. A beautiful calm night! Steve A
  11. Very nice, thanks. Steve A
  12. Hi Tom, I had all but one, so I am kind of starting over again for the fun of it. Should be easier the second time around flying with the mouse this time. It is a slippy slope. Using the Flight copy that I had on my i5 laptop. I still have not converted my main machine over yet as I am still reluctant to give up the multiplayer version as it is still going strong. One of these days. Steve
  13. Right you are, restart and they are back. Steve A
  14. I have noticed that some Aerocache markers are no longer in place. One is my own submission of End of the road. The other is Port Allen hanger. Any one else seeing this? These are the only two that I have noticed so far. Steve A
  15. Still waiting for the PC version. Steve
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