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About DarkstarF16

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  • About Me
    I was an electronics engineer by trade then started programing soon after the internet first came out! Been flying since the SubLogic II days and built my own flight Sim area which I call my cockpit. In reality, its just an elaborate desk :) In total I used around 6 meters of LED strip which includes RGB, Bright White and Blue LED's a load of switches and about 20 meters of cable to wire it all up.

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  1. Thank you so much for your help. I have the spec of the PC as he was very sure on what he wanted it to have. Once I have sorted out all the other details I need to go through I will take some pictures. Thanks again for your help
  2. My husband DarkstarF16 was an avid virtual pilot and had built himself a cockpit at home with a high tech PC I brought him for his birthday in Feb this year. Sadly he passed away, suddenly and unexpectedly on the 3rd December. I will need to at some point find a new home for all his equipment, because although I knew he loved it. I knew very little about it. I am looking for some guidance on how to find the right home for all the technology he had. Thank you for taking the time to read this and for also taking the time to reply. Jo
  3. Are you sure? Granted, I only have one experience to fall back on but when my instructor radioed the airport, Manchester (EGCC) lit up like a Christmas tree and I was in no doubt where the runway was. It was early afternoon on a bright but cloudy day. We weren't 10 miles out but I'd be surprised if on an average night you couldn't see them from at least that distance give or take a miles or two.
  4. Ive worked with China and India. The only thing that's different is they have a different culture to ours.
  5. Haha, we'll we be both (and some others too) know that is the way forward and how to fund this project successfully. Imagine the whole world playing in a virtual world! How cool is that? We could all talk to each other too in a common language. And yes, that can be done. I'm playing a virtual game right now where the majority of the wolds languages are translated in real time.
  6. From a funding perspective and from the "wow I must have that software" perspective I completely agree with you. We need to think about how can we use "what's out there" to our advantage, to get whet we want. What can be created that's a multi platform simulation, let's call it an earth simulation, that will interest not only the flight sim community but many others too. I simply feel that although some really good points have been made, the whole community is insular. We need to think BIG we need to think what else can be offered that will interest not just us, but a much wider audience. The simple question is, what is a simulator trying to simulate? Take away the airplane and what are you left with? The software needs to simulate the planet in such a real way that everyone will want it. This planet simulation will have real people driving cars, trains, taking their virtual pets for a walk. The virtual farmer ploughing his field. All this, in real time with real people doing their own virtual thing. Meanwhile, we will be flying our virtual aircraft under virtually controlled airspace into virtually managed airports. Perhaps Ive gone a little way over the top! Just trying to make a point.
  7. Personally, I think its as close as we want it to be. This reminds me so much of a project I was involved in (and ultimately led) where we took a bunch of unrelated emerging technology and knitted it into something completely new that had not been done before. It was not easy and the sceptics said it could not be done. How wrong were they? Personally, I think your biggest asset is momentum. This needs to be nurtured and used to full advantage. Bri.
  8. Thanks for the great explanations Rob, I see now where some of the tools you have been mentioning would materialise from and how they could be extreamly useful. I also see a dilemma, a fault finding tool by default will point to a problem. you then need some method of fixing the problem other than crude extraction, e.g. Uninstall
  9. Your settings for LOD and autogen are rather high at EGLL and the 777 reload the airport and select it's lowest settings from the installer. Then turn autogen to NORMAL and LOD down ONE or TWO notches. Or, turn them to the left completely and report back the MOST important thing with EGLL is to use the UK2000 configuration tool and turn off everything and select the lowest settings. Turn off ORBX EU and if you have ORBX vector turn off all the secondary roads etc. I notice you have cloud shadows turned on also, worth checking just to test. A week or two back I had forgotten that I'd left the Aerosoft night lighting enabled and at EGLL I couldn't even look round and got OOM within 30seconds on the ground in a default plane. I had escaped the wife for a little while and thought I'd go for a quick spin round and of course it all ended in ding dong OOM Llying in bed that night it suddenly dawned on me what had changed.
  10. Probably late to the party but I run UK2000 extreme (EGLL) and very early on I had to load the airport with its lowest settings otherwise I'd OOM on the ground using the NGX. It still won't play with ORBX EU and the NGX. those three in combination guarantee an OOM on the ground for me. If I want to fly out of EGLL in the NGX I have to turn off ORBX EU and use lower settings.
  11. I completely concurre that identification is the main ingredient. As an example, when I was on the technical side with a major retailer and DVD was introduced, as a company some off our players would not play certain disks. Some major manufacturers also had this problem with their players. Was it the disk or was it the player? As you can imagine arguments ensued. I was given the unenviable task of finding the solution. The dvd consortium issued two huge documents one was for the player manufacturers and one for the disk manufacturers. Call it the SDK of player and disk manufacture/authoring. Of course, as you mention, everything was written and made by humans. Like all documents of this type, some things were clear and some things were open to interpretation. A DVDs player is like a computer it has to have its own operating system written and it had to have the correct memory etc. The disk had to be authored so it too was reliant on a computer programme being written to correctly author the disk according to the SDK. So, was it the player? Was it the Disk? Was it the authoring tool? Who was suffering? Everyone! We were getting returns of players, the retailers selling the disks were getting returns and the big studios releasing blockbuster movies were not happy. To cut a long story short, before a certain first for DVD blockbuster title was issued by one of the worlds biggest studios, so sales were expected to be huge I was already working with them to find the problem. Let's just say that by this time the legal eagles were starting to extend their tendrils so their was a lot of pressure. We brought together the manufacturers the studios and the authoring houses and because of one certain disk (a little like you finding the BGL) step one was accomplished. People that say the words "bad code" simply show their lack of experience. Finding problems is about the detail and sometimes bringing all the different parties to the table. It's all about finding the hook and sometimes facilitating to solve the problem. In my example above, knowone had made an error everyone had done everything correctly, by the book, and the two books were huge. The issue was interpretation in this case. Step two followed quickly but their was also a step three which was solved and by getting everyone to talk and finding the hook, the problem had a resolution. I call it the Appolo 13 solution. The Luner module was made by one manufacturer, the command module by another. NASA issues the SDK and when that one in a million problem occurs, all the parties got together and solved it. Software is no different.
  12. I see, I misunderstood your post. Either way, you also cannot rule out someone running a DOS script. Either way, it should be traceable.
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