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About SimeonWilbury

  • Rank
    Martin Richards
  • Birthday 12/01/2001

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    United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Non-Standard approaches (Kai Tak, Toncontin) & Classic Jetliners

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  • About Me
    Hi, I'm Martin. I'm a Student residing in the UK with an interest in flight simulation. Currently using P3D v5.3

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  1. Indeed, unfortunately not, basically unflyable in P3D for me atm given the VRAM issues. At least the same license covers all versions so if I do eventually move sims I'll be able to have another look at it in the other sim when it's further along in development perhaps. It's got good potential but needs work. What I can say with some certainty is that TFDI are at least much more pleasant to interact with than PMDG, I'll be holding off on PMDG until I need a 747-400 for another sim.
  2. I'm not so bothered on the perf side of things as I still have PFPX/ Topcat, which while geared to the old PMDG MD11 still seems to work well enough. The lack of a route import on the FMC is a big minus to quality of life though, especially for a long-haul aircraft. Something like an ACARS system for loading the route like the Leonardo MD80 had would maybe be a neat solution without needing to do anything to the EFB. Had another load into the sim yesterday, this time Heathrow which I have much experience with in the FSL Concorde. OOM in just a few minutes. The VRAM issues on v5 still seriously need addressing (I'm on 1024x1024 textures). I'm tempted to try reinstalling V4 since that was much less VRAM-hungry if memory serves me right, but I am close to abandoning the P3D version and waiting until I migrate to the other sim before flying it.
  3. May I ask what your other settings are looking like/ scenery choices? I'm stuck with about 6.2 on the low-end and didn't seem to have enough margin to make it to my destination on my first flight attempt.
  4. Further to my last - flight conked out on approach into DFW due to VRAM exhaustion. Really needs fixing otherwise this will be unflyable for me.
  5. It would be nice if they could knock it down a bit more - I'm used to high VRAM usage with the FSL Concorde, but even that gives me a healthy level of margin usually with my settings as they currently are. I've managed to get myself up and running on a KSDF-KDFW flight in one piece, no major complaints, though it's a shame there's no implementation of route-loading for P3D; I know I'm going to dread manually loading my route on a long-haul lol
  6. Well... I just bit the bullet and a after just a minute or two of panning around setting up my Chaseplane views I've already run out of VRAM. Doesn't bode well! Edit: Knocking my texture resolution down seems to have made things more stable; definitely not ideal for an 8gb card though, I think LatinVFR Miami is out of the question!
  7. I've been holding off on for this one for a bit while the usual post-release adjustments are made - can I assume by the looks that this is working pretty well in P3D overall? I expect like others with 8gb cards I will need to make the reallight tweaks to avoid any OOM issues. On that note: has anyone with an 8gb card tried this on a long haul (7-12 hours) by any chance? My one worry would be a memory leak or something on the VRAM side of things making flights above a certain length impractical.
  8. Was facing a dilemma of whether to finally buy the 777 or not, given the state of PMDG's attitude towards P3D. Happy that they made the decision for me. Long live the TFDI MD11!
  9. Ouch, hoping this one isn't too much of a VRAM hog I've been able to just about manage with the FSLabs Concorde but that does have the advantage of flights not being longer than about 4 hours.
  10. Does the PFPX weather service support historic weather? That's what I use for pretty much all my flights (especially long-hauls)
  11. Yes, Pfpx is still my go-to flight-planning software, Simbrief is not a bad alternative but the additional level of customisation in PFPX was always nice, also a fan of the integration the Leonardo Maddog has with it. I'll admit I never used their weather server after the trial for that expired, saw no point when I had ActiveSky to patch in; only thing I miss is having oceanic tracks loaded in by default rather than having to pull them in manually. Nice to know it's not abandonware, but it would be nice to have some minor updates.
  12. Aerosoft stopped selling and providing support for it I think no idea what's happened with the actual devs, whether they've just stopped supporting the stuff or outright gone missing. The site still being up means they're still paying the bills for that presumably.
  13. It is nice they are adding this, I've also been clinging on to PFPX/ Topcat for many years despite them being pretty much abandonware at this point, it's increasingly long in the tooth now so as things go forward I guess I'll have more of a reason to use Simbrief going forward. This would definitely be a nice feature, a tick-box along the lines of 'avoid overland routes' would make supersonic flight planning much faster and more convenient. Although that being said said, I've been having quite a lot of fun drawing up my Concorde flightplans manually in Navigraph Charts.
  14. I've already got some FedEx ops planned for the freighter version that I'm looking forward to trying (naturally it includes a trip to Kai Tak 😁). I also hope the P3D version will prove on-par with the MSFS version - I have cause to be optimistic from the other stuff I've read from the devs, as apparently there isn't too much between the two sims insofar as the dev process is concerned, but we'll have to wait till release to see how that bears out.
  15. I'm happy with P3D for the time being. So long as I keep my VRAM usage in check my performance and stability is pretty fab, with the exception of the FSLabs Concorde that tanks my frames more than I'd like. But I'm not expecting third-party content to pick up any time soon. The TFDI MD11 is still releasing for P3D which is nice, but most devs seem to be givng P3D pretty short-shrift these days. It's a shame as I would quite like to give v6 ago, but I spent enough effort getting my v5 install where I like it, and v6 will seem to require exponentially more compatibility-tweaks. Would be lying if I said succession planning wasn't on my mind - MSFS still isn't my cup of tea but depending on what releases there are in the next year or two (and what FS 2024 looks like when it releases) I may end up giving it another look.
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