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About OzWhitey

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    "Who's the best pilot you ever saw?"
  • Birthday March 21

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  1. Yeah, the evidence is the thread on the PMDG forum… Does anyone still believe that this is just a temporary halt to avoid confusion? I don’t think so.
  2. They’re not “suspending” selling P3D products to avoid confusion. That’s just a rumour started by a couple of community members on the PMDG forum. They have stopped developing for P3D and they see the P3D market as too insignificant to even bother selling products for. I’m unimpressed by the decision, and I’m less than enthusiastic about the tone of the communication - but it’s not unexpected from PMDG, and the decision is likely financially sound even if it’s not brilliant from a community support and customer loyalty point of view. Still want my promised 777 cockpit, though. Chance of seeing it: now dropped to 0.01%
  3. "It's not over" I appreciate the sentiment. I've been a massive P3D fan since way before it was cool, back to the days of v1 subscription-only. I may have been the first to ask Randazzo to port his planes to P3D, to which his answer was "Not going to happen, and if we did you couldn't afford it!" But let's be honest - we are Her Majesty's 44th Foot standing on a hill at Gandamak, going "Bro, it's fine!". PMDG was the cavalry that was still standing with us, more or less, and they've headed off for safety elsewhere. In short, this is not going to end well. With the niche exception of a certain rather quick aircraft from FSL, the main use case for P3D was long-haul Boeings. And PMDG are clearly telling us "You guys aren't important enough for us to keep a tech support guy around for." I don't think PMDG's stance is very ambiguous. Short of a miracle, they will never sell a P3D plane again. The idea that they would remove the NGXu and 747 "so customers wouldn't get confused" when buying a MSFS 777 was always...rather wishful, to say the least. I don't like the way that they've gone about this. I didn't like it when Aerosoft started dissing P3D, and PMDG are being just as disrespectful. There's a bunch of promises they never delivered on, and that isn't exactly good form. So whilst you can fly your sim for the foreseeable future while LM keeps the lights on, and even after that until you reinstall, unless P3D v7 is amazing (it won't be) or MS stops the servers (they won't), this is pretty much the end of the adventure. When MSFS was announced, I greatly increased my buying of P3D addons. A lot of people stopped buying, but I was really hoping that we could make a go of it. God knows how much I spent on it, but I don't regret it. There is still plenty of flying left in the old girl. But my personal opinion, in a post-PMDG world, is that its days as a living, breathing, evolving sim are pretty much over.
  4. Dune = Wadi Rum in Jordan, that’s “bush” and pretty close to Africa so all good. Everyone seems to use the Wadi Rum desert for Mars, Dune, anything with a desert these days.
  5. Putting words in whose mouth? Any aircraft is going to need updating. That’s common sense. As Simbol says, that’s needed for each service update so obviously a new sim is going to need an aircraft update, both on release and as an ongoing process as MSFS 2024 progresses.
  6. No. No that is not a possibility. By my calculations not even 0.00000000001%. Based on the trailer, you might as well ask “is it going to focused on running an oil rig, driving VIPs to the airport and hiking in the mountains”. Similar probability. 😉
  7. Don’t expect much support for MSFS 2020 after 2024 releases. It’ll continue to work, but it’s not going to get much love from Asobo. And it’s not “your content will work” but “your content should work…if the devs update it”. Is it a “betrayal”? Kind of a low-grade betrayal I guess. Asobo insinuated things that are now probably not going to happen for MSFS 2020. I personally dont mind too much and am excited to see what 2024 brings. But I do understand why some here are annoyed, and Avsim is actually pretty mellow compared to Reddit etc where the initial response was closer to outright mutiny - hence Microsoft’s rapid attempts at damage control.
  8. Hey, I’m happy about the news too. But that’s my point - you have to keep updating the product with each service update, so devs need to do it on an ongoing basis for MSFS 2024 of course. There’s nothing stopping devs releasing a 2024-specific version of their aircraft and only providing updated versions for that. PMDG did it with the NGX and P3D v5 - it would have taken them 5 minutes to update the installers, but they decided for commercial reasons to push everyone into using the NGXu. I know you won’t do this, Simbol. 🙂 But there are some devs notorious for charging for version updates (Justsim springs to mind), and others that never bother to update (plenty of Orbx examples of this in P3D). As a consumer, I try to only support devs who do the right thing. EDIT: Fwiw, my best guess is that MS will strongly encourage developers to provide free updates to MSFS 2024, and that the great majority will do so.
  9. Where did I say I was unhappy about buying the 737 four times?? Also, it’s five times - I forgot that I had to buy NGX and NGXu for P3D. Also, bought it twice for MSFS as it suddenly became a bunch of different products, so six times I guess. But the guy you are accusing of trolling mentioned PMDG in passing as an example of devs who like to monetise things. The NGX/NGXu thing is a pretty strong example of that. We all hope that devs will update their products to MSFS 2024 for free, but with some devs I’m not going to count on that until I hear it directly from them.
  10. That was an upgrade, MS has clarified that this is a new version not an upgrade.
  11. No, I’m not comparing it to other sims on their release day, i’m just suggesting that on MSFS 2020 release day it wasn’t a great sim for some/many use cases compared to P3D and X-plane 11. It was pretty, and buggy, and that’s about it. That’s all history now, we’re living in the future and the sim has come a long, long way. And I think most of us would be confident that we won’t have that kind of payware drought when MSFS 2024 comes out. But to answer your question about “which sim on release realistically simulated airline ops”. I haven’t flown em yet, but my new FS for Win 95 box says that it has an “ultra-realistic” 737-400, so probably that sim is the one. 😉
  12. The nuance is that things like complex aircraft will need upgrades. Even if not necessary on release day (unlikely), they’ll need them as the new sim progresses. We know that some devs will want to monetise this. I THINK that most devs will do the right thing, but anyone who went through the P3D v1/2/3/4/5 process knows that some will drag their feet and some products never get updated. For any dev, it’s a balance between increasing income and not alienating your customer base.
  13. It certainly wasn’t the best platform if you wanted to realistically simulate airliner ops. We had to wait until last year for that, with the notable exception of FBW’s efforts. 2024 will be a more minor platform change, so it’s unlikely that we’ll have to go through the same quality payware drought that 2020 experienced.
  14. I just bought 5.0, 5.1 and Win 95 from EBay in the past few weeks to try them out again. 🙂
  15. He’s not trolling, that’s an uncalled for comment. PMDG sold a product for MSFS2020. Those of us that have bought the 737 four times know that paying again for a new sim is a possibility. MS seem to be signalling that marketplace upgrades SHOULD be free, so hopefully devs will fall in line. As an aside, I will laugh if MSFS2024 gets to market before the PMDG EFB… 🙂
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