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Everything posted by Eevun

  1. Thx Dburne :)I tried it for another ten times today and keep falling short of gold for as low as 30 points! It is frustrating but i enjoy trying over and over again :) I guess, if nothing else, it is great for practice. I mean, i land smoothly every time and have it aligned with runway but that horrid side skid is killing me. I managed to get 420 and cannot reach another 30 points to save my life :)P.S. I will also keep trying till i get that gold.Cheers
  2. Interesting. Everything seems to be enabled yet it doesn't actually work :( Nice find nonetheless Cheers
  3. I found this particular challenge quite demanding (score wise). I manage to get a soft landing and center runway fine but i can't seem to impress the side skid "judge" :) I made a video two days ago when i first tried that challenge and recorded my 4th attempt (was i naive to think i will actually get gold that easy :) ). I haven't tried the challenge since, i got gold on all RV-6 challenges except number 2 and number 4 ( i think that's the right number, the extreme fog landing). I will start up my Flight now and try to get gold :)For anyone that is interested to see how a noob does it, please check out my video :)P.S. I apologize for accidentally recording a Skype conversation with a friend of mine who used some not so nice words (completely unrelated to Flight since we just happened to talk over Skype while i was doing this challenge).Let me know what do you think of this particular try, it got me a bronze medal.Cheers
  4. Hello Stelios,I created a thread two days ago asking the same question about my FF controller. As it turns out, it is not supported yet but we all expect they should fix that soon.Cheers
  5. @Roboray:As far as i know, it affects all FF controllers, not just G940.@Dburne:I just sent them an email expressing my thoughts and urging them to provide us with a FF and TrackIR support (even though i still don't own TrackIR :) ).@SpiritFlyer:Hello sir and thank you very much for the welcome :) I am very happy to be a part of this community and looking forward to helping as much as i can.Also, as i said to Dburne, i wrote to MS Flight team.Cheers
  6. @Air1:I believe you regarding both things you said. I also didn't start FSX since i acquired Flight and also understand that you're spending a lot of time on forums instead of flying :) We are a social kind after all.@Dburne:Thanks for the welcome :)You know, when the community is nice and friendly, it becomes more of a place where people virtually hang out, rather than just exchange experiences and seek advice. I'm always happy to be a part of such a community.As for my G940, honestly i am more than satisfied with it. The build quality is on par with high end Logitech products, it's sturdy, comfortable and makes a virtual flying experience one step closer to the real thing :) I love it. I am sure MS will include support for our products (Track IR as well, as i plan to buy it rather soon), it's just that it is probably not on their priority list at the moment.Cheers
  7. Haha, don't worry, i will not tell them! Even if they tried to extract it from me! :)I also didn't start FSX since, feel kinda bad about it but Flight is just so enchanting.P.S. We are soooo off topic but who cares :) No one's even looking at my thread lolCheers
  8. Thank you for the welcome :)Too bad FF isn't supported yet. I loved how it worked in FSX and how you were able to notice a huge difference when flying different aircraft, at different speeds, etc. However, i am sure MS will implement the support soon enough.As for liking Flight, "like" is a bit of a weak word for how i feel about it. I am all about as much realism as possible and having read real world pilot opinions on forums, i finally know i was right; Flight took it to another level (compared to other sims). Flight model is fantastic, graphics are really good, especially aircraft models, water looks cool too. It is not REX by any means but still quite good for a default product. There are few things here and there that need some fixing / tweaking (not displaying proper aircraft in multiplayer sometimes, some clouds look exactly the same as in FSX, etc) and of course plenty of things we still don't have (ATC, AI, commercial aircraft) but all in all - i am extremely satisfied :)I hope MS gives us loads of stuff in the future cuz i am thrilled with what i have so far and believe Flight will just grow bigger and better.Cheers
  9. Hello good people,First of all, nice to meet you all :)I just joined AVSIM forums, even though i've been lurking for a while now :) I am amazed with how nice and cool AVSIM community is (compared to many other forums).The thing i noticed first is that everyone is always willing to help and lend you an advice. I think that newcomers, such as myself, appreciate that a lot.And now back to the topic:I have a Logitech G940 and was using it with FSX for a while (although through FSUIPC) and after an hour of tweaking, got it to work properly and all. However, when i use it in Flight (should i also mention i LOVE Flight and think it is absolutely wonderful), i seem not to get any force feedback effects. And i am not talking just about "shaking" and stuff, but also it behaves exactly the same as in Logitech profiler calibration, meaning the force needed to steer or pitch is always the same. So that lead me to believe that Flight still doesn't support FF controllers :( Sill, i could be very wrong so that's why i am asking you, if you have the similar problem or have you maybe found a workaround for this particular issue?Thank you in advance.P.S. English is not my native language but i hope you understood what i was trying to say here :)Cheers
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