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Everything posted by Eevun

  1. Hello there Zinfinion, I have the same CPU and memory, i have a Asus p8z68v motherboard and gtx570. Till few days ago, i ran my i5 2500k@4,5GHz and it was incredible to see a huge leap in performance when compared to stock 3,3Ghz. But then, i began getting blue screen few times a day and decided to drop down to 4.0Ghz. Now, my question to you is: what voltage do you use for 4.0Ghz. I have it set to 1.350V (the same voltage that i have used for a 4.5Ghz overclock). Since i am not too experienced in overclocking, would you mind sharing your opinion on this particular category, please. Also, i have a great cooler (Noctua NH-D14) so that is not an issue. Weird thing is i am getting noticeably higher temperatures at 4.0 then i used to at 4.5 so i'm guessing it might be related to voltage. Thanks in advance for your advice. P.S. I apologize for going off topic. Cheers
  2. No, J Van E, they are just allergic to your flying :Party: I am just kidding, mate, they have health issues regardless :) Someone thought that would be cooler or easier to implement rather than some small talk or chatting with a pilot more frequently. They only time passengers address me is when i'm flying through the storm and they are worried for their survival. Then, they just ask me "Is this normal" or "Is this safe" or they simply go all out sayin "Ugh! I think i'm going to be sick" and start throwing up in MY plane! :) Cheers
  3. Speaking of graphics settings, did anyone try and change parameters in Flight.cfg (ones related to the mesh quality, texture res, etc.)? If you did, please share. Cheers
  4. @Ryr738, HughesMDflyer4 and LHookins: LOL! :)) Loved your funny remarks. Speaking of stars, yes i've seen some (does Justin Bieber count?) :) Seriously, there are stars in Flight but they are far from being pronounced, at least during my night flights. Gotta admit though that i do not stare that much in the sky and i fly from inside the cockpit for the most part but i am sure brightening them up wouldn't hurt anybody. Speaking of things we wish for (and i won't say i'm wishing for a Ferrari 599), i am kind of modest....i want LIGHTNINGS! I can hardly believe i don't see other people craving for those :( I posted it in another thread a while ago but i felt compelled to infect this thread too :) So, whoever sees a Flight member in chat or on the street, please let him know we need lightnings. I mostly fly stormy weather and isolated storms and even though it's great, i know that lightnings would just make it not only much more realistic, but also a hundred times more appealing (REX anyone?). Cheers
  5. That was a great video. You got skills :) I am also collecting material from my most interesting flights and working on a montage of my own. I will have it ready soon. Keep it up and post some more. Cheers
  6. Well, if i understood correctly, i can purchase certain DLC from Steam and upon the purchase, i get the code that i later insert in Flight (which i didn't install / purchase via Steam), meaning i don't need to have two separate installations of Flight. Right? Cheers
  7. There are 36 airports total. So you need to land at another 3. Cheers
  8. Kaneohe Bay, Hana, Bradshaw and Wheeler to name a few. Cheers
  9. I hear you J Van E. All it takes is time. I have a Logitech G940 system and when i first installed it, i also found it quite unnatural in the beginning. But after a while, i got used to it and realized how much more realistic flying with pedals is. Especially when doing final and landing. During flight, you need only minor inputs to correct your banks. So, like i said, all it takes is time. Give it some and you shall be rewarded with an even better feeling of flying :) Cheers
  10. I agree with Don. It can only mean good things for Flight's future. Should MS find it lucrative as they probably planned it to be, they will invest more and more and that means us, simmers, have plenty of things to look forward to. Cheers
  11. Well, gotta say it is somewhat "unfair" if i can put it like that. I am a Steam user for many years now and they do provide some great deals quite frequently but usually it takes much longer than one month after game's release. This can lead me to question Mr. Howard's statement about selling much more than they have expected since it doesn't make too much sense. Another thing coming to mind is that talks between Valve and Microsoft took little longer than planned or there were some other reasons for not offering Flight over Steam from the beginning. Whatever the case, i also do not mind that much the price difference and just like RoboRay, i too do not have any interest in exterior model aircraft at all so it doesn't bother me that much all together. But it does feel kind of cheap of Microsoft to do this. Cheers
  12. Of course, me and my friend were testing several frequencies but we always used the same frequency at the same time. It didn't work for us. I have no idea why though. Cheers
  13. Don, I am now using Custom = 1 setting. I had no idea that prior to this update, Flight didn't really "let" my nVidia inspector to fully override any settings. I know this because yesterday, after the update, and after setting Custom = 1 in my Flight.CFG, inspector now properly overrides Flight settings. Also, once you select Custom = 1, when you go to graphic settings inside Flight menu, all features will be grayed out, informing you that you are overriding them by using other software or config tweaks. Flight now looks much better and more crisp with true 8xMS Antialiasing and 16x Anisotropic filtering. Hope this helps out a bit. Cheers
  14. Ok guys, sorry if this has already been discussed but do you have any idea why radio communication between me and my friend is not working in multiplayer? Our ports are open, we talk over Skype perfectly, fly next to each other perfectly, but when we use in game radio, it just doesn't work. We tried some random frequencies to no avail. Is there a list of working frequencies perhaps? If not, i haven't got a clue why isn't it working. I know that Skype is perfect but using the a/c radio would be so cool and i'm kinda bummed i can't get it to work. Perhaps, if any of you has 5 minutes to spare, you can add me as a friend so i can test it with someone else, other than my friend. For all i know, it could be that something is wrong on his behalf, so it would make it easier for me to determine what is the problem. Appreciate it and thanks in advance to any volunteers :) My gamertag is "Turbofolkrolla" Cheers
  15. I think i'm starting to blush guys Thank you for being nice :) @Dburne: Don, you are very welcome. Glad i could be of assistance. I remember having the same thing happening to me until i realized that it's in direct relation to livery. Flight recognizes it as a "different" plane. That is why in your pilot profile it says that you have flown much more unique aircraft than there actually is in the game. It registers every livery as a plane for itself. Cheers :)
  16. Hey Don, this might sound stupid of me but i'm just trying to be helpful: for each different livery, there is a different fuel setting meaning that you have to select that very livery you intend to fly with, set an amount of fuel and click select aircraft. So if you were in your hangar prior to mission select screen and you chose a certain livery and set fuel to 50% and then went to job board and selected a different livery, the amount of fuel will not be the same as for another livery. Sorry for my English, it's not my native language so i hope you understand what i am trying to tell you :) Cheers
  17. Don, i'm glad your health is improving and i sincerely wish you a quick full recovery. They say that in everything bad, there is at least something good, so i'm guessing in this case it is Flight. You gave it a shot and now you love it. Helps you pass time quicker and keeps your mind off of other stuff. Cheers
  18. Thank you :) Pozdrav za Sloveniju! :Just Kidding: My girlfriend works for a Slovenian company and she speaks some Slovenian but she still didn't teach me anything :Waiting: Well, Don, you are catching on to me. You have to admit though, time really flies in Flight :) , at least in my case. Sometimes i find it hard to believe that i have so many hours already. Loving Flight more and more each day and literally can't wait for Alaska and new A/C.Cheers
  19. Congrats Don and Mirtma :)Don't think of me as crazy but i reached lvl 20 two weeks ago lol. I have way too much free time on my hands. As for the flight time, i accumulated 58hrs :P I know, i'm a crazy virtual little pilot :)On another note, I am sure they will introduce new levels since XP is constantly growing (i have around 830.000). I mean, what would be the point of gaining more XP if there are no new levels in plan?Cheers
  20. Actually, you are absolutely right. I was too superficial in terms of flight simulation. If something was indeed wrong, i would have had to correct it and then let Flight know that everything was ok but also if everything is fine, i admit it does make more sense that i need to confirm that, rather to just expect the game to react on me moving my view over those instruments. So, you were spot on with your comment :)Cheers
  21. @Oracle427:It could very well be. If it is, i like it but i agree with you that sometimes conditions are just not right for it to occur. Whatever it is, i hope they fix it so that it works properly.And, am i the only one that misses thunders and lightnings so much? :( I can only imagine how cool would it look in Flight's engine that already provides us with an amazing atmosphere and lighting effects :PCheers
  22. You are welcome Don.I used the same settings for FSX except "max prerendered frames". I used a value of 2 in FSX.As for you question, i always go with "override application settings".Cheers
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