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Everything posted by Eevun

  1. I honestly think there is way too much negativity pointed toward Flight. We aren't stupid so we are all aware of the things Flight still lacks but to ditch the product that is one month old just like that is merely an example of spoiled behavior (no offense intended). Just like a little kid who doesn't get a toy that he wanted and starts kicking and screaming because his particular demand wasn't fulfilled.We all need to calm down and give Flight some time and a fair chance.FSX took few years to get where it is and with major help by 3PD but i don't see any people bringing that up. You guys read one interview where Mr. Howard, clearly frustrated and disappointed by the feedback from angry "hardcore simmers" says that he doesn't care about that vocal minority of "hardcore simmers" and you immediately conclude that MS will just abandon their initial plans to satisfy both newcomers and long time simmers. Believe me when i say, no company in the world is going to willingly and in sane mind give up any profit they can potentially make. The main problem here is that the Flight team is rather small and they simply cannot fulfill all of our requests in such a short time, as we would all love. I am certain they will devote their time and resources towards hardcore simmers quite soon since they are very well aware that is the group of people that can present a steady long term income for them.Nobody profits from bad attitude, bashing and dissing. I can't wait for A/P, new A/C, AI traffic and new areas but i know that me going ballistic on forums will certainly not speed up that process, so i am trying (so far successfully) to enjoy everything i DO have in Flight. I still love it as much as on the day it came out and just finished a beautiful scenic flight that ended on Kahului airport. I played some music in the background, Skyped with my buddy, had a coffee and few cigarettes and i had a great time.IMO, Flight has only one way to go from here and that is forward. We just have to give it time. MS is not stupid.Chillax people and have a great day :)Cheers
  2. Hello good people,My good friend asked me about this but i didn't know the answer and since he is not a member of the forum yet,i'm asking on his behalf :)So, he said he went to Logitech SetPoint and assigned macros to certain mouse keys but Flight doesn't seem torecognize it. Does anyone know whether this a restriction by Flight itself or it's just my friend? If anyone has usedthis in success, i would appreciate any feedback.CheersEDIT: I am sincerely sorry guys, but my friend managed to get ti to work, so Admin, please lock or delete this thread.Thanks and again sorry.
  3. That would be great :) I will add you now and my friend is also here, so we can do jobs together :)I will send you a friend request. My gamer tag is "Turbofolkrolla".See you on the runway :)Cheers
  4. @Mark II and Styckx:I can understand your point of view, although that's not the case with me. Would i love to have more scenery and different areas? Yes, of course. Do i want more planes and functional instruments? Sure i do and can't wait. But still, i am enjoying Flight every day and i am not bored. Maybe it's because i fly with my friend all the time, doing several jobs per evening while flying few hundred feet away from each other and talking on Skype. Kind of feels like we're real private pilots, chatting over radio while flying people to their destination :) I am aware of how many things are still missing, i'm aware of things that could be better or improved but it's been only a month. I am sure Flight will eventually evolve and give us more and more as time goes by. In the meantime, i am enjoying all the good things that Flight provides me with.People are just different and while some find it impossible or dull to fly without ATC or AI traffic, others like me, are loving Flight with all it's flaws and look forward to a bright future of our newly born baby sim :)Cheers
  5. It's not you, i have the very same thing going on. Near the center, it's quite loose and you can just slightly move your stick and it will recognize an input. The further away form the center it goes, it gradually requires much more force to move the stick. It's cuz of lack of FF support for sure. I didn't have those issues in FSX using G940.Cheers
  6. Hey guys,Sorry for not replying earlier but i wasn't at home at all and for some reason, it wouldn't let me leave a reply over my cell phone.Anyway, i read that one of you had a problem with assigning hat switch and mini joystick on throttle unit to be used in Flight.In my case, Flight automatically assigned mini joystick on throttle unit to "free view". Weird. I am not sure about the hat switch though,since i didn't even try assigning it but i am about to fly now so i will try and let you guys know.Also, to a member that asked about G940 quality, i have nothing but words of praise for it. I love it and can't wait for FF support.Once you start using it, you won't wish for any other controller :) At least, it's like that in my case. I do, however, plan on getting a yoketo use them in planes that don't naturally have sticks but still, G940 is an awesome piece of hardware.Cheers
  7. I guess i would win in that category since i'm hooked on flying in "isolated storms" weather theme :D First time i tried it, i was so impressed and am using it more and more often (resulting in 20 sickened passengers already). My "quest" is to retain a green checkmark during the whole flight (talking about isolated storms only ofc :) ) but those passengers are way to demanding for my modest skill level :)On topic:Besides the frequent DLC that we all strive for, i would add one thing that is not on the list first and that is proper FF support. As for the listed things, it would be:1. Fully functional A/C instruments including AP2. AI traffic3. A/C failures4. More multiplayer missions and challenges (and single player missions)Cheers
  8. I also believe i read somewhere a while ago that it was due this spring. However, it might be that someone said it in some previous thread :)Still, my fingers are crossed that it is true. Can't wait to explore Alaska and be able to fly during a blizzard :PCheers
  9. I am using Logitech G940 and i also experience RV6' jerkiness tendency to even a slightest input. It's not that bad but it is annoying. I hope they implement a proper FF support soon and fix those minor control related issues. I don't think it takes too much time to fix that.I had to tone down the sensitivity of my joystick, add a little bit of a dead zone and i think i found a sweet spot. Still, the problems i mentioned still persist but the overall feel of control is quite nice. Can't wait for that non-linear curve and FF to kick in. It will be awesome :)Cheers
  10. LOLI seriously doubt they are as violent as you portrayed them to be (as a joke ofc) ;)
  11. Hello again Dburne :)I am using Nvidia Inspector all the time, not just for flight but for BF3, Civilization 5, etc. I personally love crisp textures so i crank up anisotropic filtering to 16x and also antialiasing to 4xMS (multisampling). I also limited the number of frames to 60 cuz i don't need more and it gives smoother feel cuz it keeps fps steady. However, it does drop below 60 unfortunately but still floats perfectly smooth, so i am happy. I have everything on max except autogen density (don't feel like sacrificing fps plus it draws sooo many trees so i don't even like it :) ).Feel free to experiment with it, why not. You have nothing to lose :)Cheers
  12. Basys,I also dream about a career mode and talked to my friend about it since day 1.Here are some ideas that came to mind:1. When you decide to get a job at the airport, you first fly with an instructor / experienced pilot (virtual character in game ofc) and do a bunch of tasks he lays ahead of you (basic stuff + unplanned circumstances, sudden changes of weather, aircraft systems failure, etc). After finishing the "test", instructor determines which level of experience you possess and therefore allows you to get jobs that fit your skill.2. Satisfaction percentage should play a significant role. If you have less than 80% for example, that particular airport will trust you only with light cargo flights and such. In order to get charter passengers jobs at that airport again, you would have to improve your satisfaction percentage by flying charter flights for other airports / airline companies (which would make a great addition, real or fictional).3. You would earn virtual currency which would let you purchase various stuff. If nothing else, you could pay to have your plane painted in a pattern of your choice (and you would be able to create paint schemes yourself, giving your aircraft a unique look which would be uploaded so that other people would see it when playing multiplayer).4. Another great addition (IMO) would be some high profile flights. To clarify that: only pilots with flawless records and highest level of skill would be granted access to those jobs. Say you need to fly a political figure or a celebrity to some specific spots on the island. Those missions could be further spiced up with special requests by your VIP passengers given without a warning or a plan and during a flight.5. XP should be made some use of. Perhaps it allows you to access jobs that need to be done under severe weather conditions (it would basically take away user defined weather during jobs and it would be allowed only during free flight) or maybe prevent pilots with low XP level to be hired at major airports....stuff like that so that we have a goal to earn XP.So those are few things that came to mind and i would be delighted to see at least some of those implemented in the upcoming updates.Any thoughts?Cheers
  13. I guess more content never hurts anyone, therefore i would love to see new challenges / missions soon. Also, the fixes / updates are always more than welcome.Regarding jobs on the other hand, i am quite satisfied with those. I mean, how different the flying jobs can be? What i do all the time is set different weather theme every few jobs i do, so thatit "feels" different.Just yesterday, i flew with my friend in multiplayer, and we tried "isolated storms" for the very first time. We set a time to dawn and took off from Lanai to Princeville (we always take same destinations from same airports so that we can fly together during jobs). It looked like nothing much in the beginning, with some mild crosswind and clouds that didn't look close enough to cause any kind of problems. So we're talking over Skype, chilling out and all of a sudden - all chaos breaks loose! :) Sudden wind sheers and a ridiculous turbulence. Basically turned into a struggle for survival! So naturally, passengers started screaming, throwing up in the back of my recently washed Maule and they probably said a prayer or two :) Since the flight was around 165nm long, you understand that it felt like eternity while flying through that nasty storm. On the approach, things settled down, wind became steady and we were able to land safely. Passengers on the other hand, even though they found courtesy to thank me for the ride, will probably think twice before entering an airplane again and wanting to fly on that kind of weather in the first place :)All in all, i would LOVE new content weekly but i'm also enjoying what i have pretty much. Just spice it up, think outside the box, change aircraft weight, experiment with flight conditions and time of day. Basically, feels like creating missions yourself. Not to mention how good of a practice it is.Cheers
  14. Thanks mate!Yeah, Justin will do that to ya ...make you laugh hard lolCheers
  15. Thank you Kabronicus :)I also have to say i agree with you 100% on what you wrote. CoD franchise is known to have one of the most aggressive and effective marketing strategies in gaming industry and while it's singleplayer aspect in history had that "movie feel" about it and was fun to play, it did fall really short when it comes to multiplayer by using a 6 year old engine and just adding some make up on it, simplifying gameplay to a ridiculous level, rewarding "one man army" philosophy while at the same time promoting team based modes and such. Hypocrisy at it's worst :)Regarding your comment on Flight, you couldn't be more right! People are quick to judge and criticize while forgetting what FSX vanilla looked like. I think it's only fair to at least give Flight a chance to either disappoint us or impress us.P.S. I sent you a friend request as agreed few days ago in another thread.Cheers
  16. @Dburne and Jcomm:Thank you very much guys :)Cheers
  17. Hello good people and prepare for a long read, B)I will first comment on the IGN "review" of Flight.IGN is quite a reputable site, i give them that, but apparently they have reviewers that simply fail at what they do. To clarify this a little bit, it is always the easiest thing to bash, criticize and diminish virtually anything in the world. I never paid too much attention to any reviews and i always value only what i think of a certain product. Many times i made a mistake by buying something i knew absolutely nothing about first hand but i read somewhere that it was awesome :) Also, so many times it turned out that i was more than happy with a product that got rather bad reviews. In time, i learned few things regarding reviews in general and that is - they are almost always biased. People cannot be generalized, as they are very different. I have few friends who praise Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and bash Battlefield 3, while i enjoy Battlefield 3 extremely and yet think CoD is garbage. But, if you read the reviews, you would realize that both games got really good ones. This may be due to the fact that quite often, major gaming sites, magazines and such are "sponsored" by certain publishers. Pretty much the same as in car industry, cell phone industry or home appliances industry.Another poor "point" that IGN reviewer made was "jobs are boring and repetitive". Has he ever talked to a real world pilot? I happen to be friends with three real world pilots ( commercial pilots flying B737-800, A320 and such) and they do not consider their job boring. Repetitive? Yes. Just like most jobs in the world but not boring. What did the IGN reviewer expect to see in the jobs list? Fly with one hand and an eye patch while having to answer 100 questions about Justin Bieber asked by your co-pilot? I mean, come on.Now, there are certain aspects of every product that are simply factual (price, build quality, color, tech specs, etc) and that do not allow for a biased opinion more than "i think the price is too big / low" and such. Still, there is no such thing as an unbiased review and therefore they are next to worthless and useless.With all of the above said, let me share my 2 cents about Flight:Fact is, our "new toy" is rather young. Really young in fact. At the moment, we are far from having enough information about MS plans for Flight's future. For all we know, AI traffic and working instruments might come in the very next patch or DLC. IGN reviewer keeps saying that this game does not appeal to anyone; hardcore simmers or gamers. I happen to belong to both "classes". I am 33 years old, been playing computer games for more than 25 years now but am also in constant pursue of "as real as it gets" in virtual world, mostly regarding things i still cannot afford / make happen in real life at the moment. Flight happens to be one of those things for me. I love FSX and even though i am not a real world pilot and still pretty far from a top class virtual pilot, i appreciate it's sim side more than anything. I love that feeling while flying an airplane knowing it will take a loooooot of practice, reading, trial and error process and such to achieve a safe landing under certain weather conditions. In Flight, i might not have nearly as many planes as in FSX ( at the moment, that is) but i LOVE the feeling that those few planes provide me with. It is immersive, feels much more realistic than FSX ( there, i said it :P ) and looks really good too (alright, it's not PMDG grade but it's still really good). Not to mention the frame rates. So, to me, Flight provides me with one thing that it is made to achieve - simulation of flight. And while it would make me extremely happy to see AI traffic, flight planning, ATC and fully functional aircraft instruments, i find it satisfying enough to fly with what i have. Flight is what i am primarily after and that is what i can do in Flight. Also, missions in Flight are pretty nice but of course i would love to have hundreds of them. Challenges i find really interesting and fun, even though they mostly require me to land an aircraft perfectly. It is a flight simulation / game after all, not Wings of Prey.Time to make a conclusion:Does Flight lack certain features we all had back in FSX and other sims? Yes.Do we know for sure that we will not get those in future? No.Does Flight let you enjoy GA flying while providing more realistic flight model than other sims available? Yes (considered by many real world pilots).Would it be great to have the whole world available? Yes and no. (Yes if the whole world would be modeled and detailed as Hawaii is, no if it would resemble FSX default scenery).Does Flight appeal to someone? Most definitely - Yes.Would it be great to have working instruments? Yes.Does the lack of certain features prevents us from enjoying what we have? No (at least not in my case).It is too early to know what exactly to expect from Flight's future but i guess we will find out soon. Let's just all hope MS does not abandon it, keeps providing us with quality DLC and adds FF and TrackIR support.I sincerely apologize for an extremely long post and for some possible grammar or other mistakes since English is not my native language.Cheers
  18. Unfortunately, i am now in bed, using my laptop to write :) Getting ready to sleep as it is 4:27 am here. I sincerely appreciate your wish to helpbut i am extremely tired. I will for sure add you as a friend first thing in the morning so we can try whenever you're online.Regarding what you wrote, i know the host is the only one who can change the weather settings but what i meant is, my friend left the session, went to his free flight,changed his conditions to same as i told him mine were, then rejoined my multiplayer session and then we both had same conditions.If it happens to other players too, i hope MS looks into it soon but if it only happens to me, i have to figure out what is causing it.Cheers
  19. Wonderful posts, Reball and Chock :) I really enjoyed reading those. Also, beautifully written.Cheers
  20. I'm glad you fixed it, Oracle427.If we are already talking about multiplayer issues, i have a question for you guys: does it also occur in your session, that even though the host has set certain weather conditions, participants have different conditions from each other and yet fly next to each other and everything. I found it very annoying. I have only one real life friend who has Flight and he's also the only Windows Live friend i have at the moment, so we fly together a lot. When Flight came out, he joined my session and even though i had storm cells weather scheme, he had fair weather. So then we came to a conclusion that all participants need to set the same conditions prior to joining a mutual session and that kinda sucks.Cheers
  21. I know, it's just that the current position of my desk is not an ideal one when it comes to pedals. Stupid desk has some shelf that is very very low and prevents me from placing pedals where i would naturally do.So, when i use them, then my upper part of body is really far and i have to lean forward big time to reach joystick and throttle :) I definitely need a new desk but never remember to actually pick one, drive to the store and buy it :) Still, there is another workaround that i sometimes use but my girlfriend hates it: i bring two chairs on each side of me, place a throttle on one and joystick on the other, put my pedals in front of me on a natural distance and hook my PC with my 46" tv. It's a bliss but there is a catch - i take up the center part of the room LOL. So, i guess i should just go and buy a new desk.Still, nothing beats Flight on a large screen TV (and also nothing sucks more than going back to my 22" monitor after that).Cheers
  22. Don't take this for granted but my observation is that the circles are only present around your friend's aircraft. People who join your session and are not on your friends list, only appear as yellow names.Cheers
  23. Thank you for a great advice Oracle427. I appreciate it :)Like i said in another thread, i am still a semi-beginner. There is much i have yet to learn and i try to constantly improve and see what am i doing wrong.I use Logitech G940 and, for some stupid reason, i didn't use pedals for rudder but keyboard (long story but let's just say that my current positioning ofa computer desk does not allow a comfortable use of pedals). Tomorrow i will give it a try using pedals properly. That should make it all a lot easier andmuch more realistic. I am sure i will nail it soon :)Cheers
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