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About fryerlawrence

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  1. @AirWayMan What were the exact steps you took to install Team Speak? Apparently my research didn't help me at all...lol :blink:
  2. Dearly missed already.... I'm gonna miss her pink steel toed boot and whackin' da server when it is actin' funnie. Gee Tanks Kitty for da memories. You will be forever remembered for your in depth interest in keeping us interested in Flight and of course the Iditarod! All the best, -fryer
  3. See my red letter replies in your quote. I fly just about every day to get the Aerocaches of the Day when I have time. There is also if you have any skills in painting on the computer there is AddonBuilder (And AddonManager respectively (found at www.flighttoolkit.com) so that you can install others' liveries that they made or your own. These are free liveries that you can download from the AVSIM Library (hint...hint...I am trying to break 50 downloads for my Flyin' Whale...lol) I happened to make a whale as seen here: Here are some other screenshots: Ohhh... and by the way... DO NOT mess with Sasquatch in Alaska... So literally, you can have as much or not as much fun as you want. Really a lot of the excitement came from trying to complete those pesky and illusive challenges...lol So... welcome to Flight and enjoy :p0503: <- (My absolute fave smiley just because its cool...lol) -fryer
  4. Thanks woodhick and fritz... I appreciate your kind comments :Big Grin:
  5. If I am understanding correctly, and for example: If everyone had the "Police Escort" livery pack from F50Ace and installed all 3 planes within that pack regardless of which plane you are flying...then you would see the other two planes and you are flying the third one in the pack... if you set up (the three of you) your multiplayer game that way...correct?
  6. Was just wondering if It is yes. If no... then would it be possible to make it happen? Tanks, -fryer
  7. Not ignorin' ya DXC.. Got a few things I need to do and I will get back... aight?...lol Take it easy, -fryer
  8. Thanks my fellow flight brother Steve (Air1) for dedicating a whole topic just for this. I am truly humbled and I thank you. I am most certain all of our servicemen back in the day had a whooole lot of different ideas of just exactly "what" kind of whale was in their head. So yes...the orca came to my mind immediately. Sooo... now that I have some sleep and am bright eyed and bushy tailed I figured that I would share my experience. Really the concept came to me fairly soon after the Flight Toolkit came out. Believe me... I was probably more scared than you to try this. I did take the plunge. A long time ago Pandanator2 shared with me this photo when we were talking about the C-46 during one of our group discussions: Then... I started: Even though I had the idea for the white circle near the eyes I was afraid at first to modify the shape that I inserted...mostly... I did not know how...lol Then the absolutely worst :Shocked: ....and best thing :Big Grin: happened to me. I had in my original Addon file about more man hours than I could count in it. Probably close to 4 weeks of 40 hours a week (spread out thought) tied up all together in it. I tried renaming the file and that was my "worst" thing. I felt sick to my stomach. It did NOT feel good losing all of that work. The best thing though is that I learned a lot in the process and was able to save time by knowing my way around Gimp 2.8 more now... using the "Lasso" tool for when I messed up and overwritten and saved the file without double checking I didn't have any stray paint marks somewhere. The Paint Can is my friend # 2 on the list. CTRL + Z being #1...lol Cause I had to "Undo" a whooooole lot!. Then I got brave. I decided to try and modify the plain round circle into something that looked a whole lot more realistic. I found that I was only working with two colors and found out by trial and error that the "Erase" tool is my friend too. What I found out is that it will automatically fill in the closest colors next to the other one that you are working with and I didn't now have to worry about hard edges. It was now a whoooole lot easier to be confident in what I was doing and did not have to worry about "messing up" so bad. I cannot tell you how much my index finger is sore from using the left click on my mouse. However, CTRL + Left Click on the mouse was my friend too because when you are in "pencil" mode you can choose a color that is the exact one you want that is close by and you do not have to go all the way up the color palette to change colors all the time. Finding parts to paint if you do not know where they are at is a BEAR! Especially if you do not know that parts don't look like they should when you get into it. I would have NEVER thought that some parts were what they were. I spent a whole lot of time trying to find the silver strip around the base of where the glass dome is in the top or "blow hole" for the whale...lol. the circle on the nose cone...the little black circle that used to be on the white part of the underbelly...the vents...oh mannnn... the list goes on and on like the Energizer Bunny. I cannot tell you how many times I switched from Gimp... to Addon Builder refresher button... to MS Flight... back to Gimp again just so that I could see what I was doing or where I was going. That gets annoying after a while...but it is very needful to see what you need to do. Anyways... here is my favorite photo so far from my maiden "Flyin' Whale" voyage: For my next project I am keeping it to myself because I think it is a cool (no..... really really....VERY cool...lol) idea for one of our planes. Thanks again Steve for devoting a whole topic to my Flyin' Whale. Again I am humbled and very appreciative. :p0502: Still flyin' like a whale, :LMAO: :p0502: -fryer
  9. Here is a screenshot of my new painted livery for the C-46 Curtiss Commando for MS Flight. Enjoy.
  10. THAT was a looooong flight... for you Luis and for me...lol
  11. DXC, Really... I think whatever comes to mind is the greatest canvas that you can use. Personally for me I am still trying to finish just ONE C-46 repaint (course there is no "pattern" for the one I am doing... you'll know when you see it...lol) and that is taking me forever because my learning curve is still pretty high even though I am getting the hang of it. So as a fellow livery painter its a lot of hard work and I would personally be happy with anything... So perhaps...think of yourself as an artist... and the planes as the canvas. However, I do have one request... did you get the "Metallic Edition" re-done to where it doesn't say "Metallic Edition"? :p0502: Thanks for keepin' us flyin' with cool liveries, :p0502: -fryer
  12. LOL...Well... we should run this as a "G" Rating Program..... right? :Big Grin:
  13. If it is part of a "theme" per-say...my opinion would be to release them all at once. If not then individually. 'Course...opinions are like noses...everyone has one :Big Grin: -fryer
  14. I kinda picked up my "sig" by pokin' around the net and it was hilarious when I first saw that one liner.... From there I "KNEW" that had to my "sig"...cause it flies along with this forum perfectly... then I just had to find a pic that matched and walla....there I am... :Big Grin: :LMAO:
  15. Your quite welcome bro! I hadn't seen it yet and I thought...why not. Too bad we cannot go back and get the ones we already got in case we get bored...lol Right now I am not cause me and Pandanator2 is in a race for Pirate Legend annnnd I am painting a livery that is funny... I think everyone might like it. Take it easy, -fryer
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