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Everything posted by Highflyer48

  1. I also tried the .ini file method and it made no difference but Audacity did the trick. I also reduced the level on the landing gear loop. What I do have a problem with though, is some sort of buffeting noise I get bewteen 130 and 105kts, climbing and descending. I've listened to all the .wav files and cannot find it. Any ideas anyone?
  2. What I'd like to see is a physical hardware version much like the RealSimGear GNS530 for use in MSFS.
  3. How do we turn off messaging apart from with the key at the foot of the screen.
  4. Not being a computer expert, the idea of Hotfix 1, 2 or 3 is meaningless to me. My question is; do I have to install each version for P3D 4.5 or can I just go for the latest one, i.e. Hotfix 3. The terminology is a little misleading when it says "PTA 2.68 - Prepar3D v4.5 HotFix 3 only ...", with the emphasis on the word 'only'.
  5. I have just retired my 8 year old computer, following a bit of a motherboard meltdown and am obviously looking for a replacement but would like, if possible, the flexibility of a laptop. I've got on the order of £2k / $2½k available and wondered if there's anyone out there who regularly runs P3D v4.5 on a laptop and whether it would be a wise move or not. Looking forward to some interesting answers. RJ
  6. Thankyou for the additional explanations. I've followed the more detailed instructions provided and everything works fine. The reason behind my original RFI is borne out by the explanation given. The original instructions were compiled by someone who knows exactly what to do and expects everyone else to know also, which is fairly typical of most software creators. I will break this down as follows: 1) "Download the ZIP archive from the link in the dialog and extract it." - No indication as to where to extract it to. Why not say, 'Create a folder entitled Little NavMap Globe and extract to there'? 2) "Select the extracted directory using Select GLOBE Directory ... so, that it points to the files a10g to p10g." - No indication as to where to find the option, "Select GLOBE Directory ..." It would be so much more help to say something like, 'Under 'Tools/Option/Use Offline GLOBE Elevation Data.' With those two additional pieces of information, the whole thing is easy. Maybe you don't get twenty emails a day because people just can't be bothered. Thanks for a great piece of software. I've just made a donation. Best regards Ray
  7. Each time I open Little NavMap I see a window refering to the Global Elevation Data which includes a link to download it. I downloaded the zip file but I haven't got a clue what to do with it. The instructions shown in Section 40.14.2 Flight Plan Elevation Profile, in the manual leave a lot to be desired. "Download the ZIP archive from the link in the dialog and extract it. Select the extracted directory using Select GLOBE Directory ... so, that it points to the files a10g to p10g. The label in the dialog will show an error if the path is invalid." 1) Where do I extract the zip file to? 2) Where is the 'Globe Directory'? 3) I open the zip file and select all the files as shown. I then click 'Extract to a selected folder.' but where is that folder? I know I could just turn off the original warning but since the information is available, I might just as well use it but how?
  8. I fly only GA equipment - A2A C182, RealAir Turbine Duke, Just Flight Piper Arrow, etc. within P3D v4.5 and I wondered if any of you have any suggestions as to the best add-on ATC program to use. Obviously, with this kind of 'flying', SIDs and STARs are unnecessary and most of the flight planning capacity in the likes of ProATC and others is again unnecessary for me but I would like to get away from the default ATC. I appreciate that there's also on-line ATC like VATSim and IVAO but I'd like to get used to just talking to the computer before I start talking in the 'real' world. Any ideas anyone? Cheers
  9. I've been running P3D for a few days with no problems and installed Ultimate Traffic 2 yesterday using information from my computer builder and a video on YouTube. The install worked and I'm no longer alone in the sky. However, in the two flights I've made since the install, I've noticed that neither flight has been recorded in Pilot Records/Logbook. I did delete my first five flights from the logbook after the initial P3D install which recorded fully - unfortunately all ending in crashes because of incorrect controls setup. Now I've got everything running well I would like to record my flight hours etc. but I can't for some reason. Is it possible that whilst installing UT2 I might have changed a config file somewhere and caused a corruption in Pilot Records? As far as I am aware, I've made no changes other than those to get UT2 up and running. Hoping for a response Cheers
  10. I see that at least two people are using UT2 with Prepar3d yet Flight 1 say it can't be done! I currently fly FSX with UT2 and am about to move across to P3D V3. Since some of you are using UT2 can you point me to the appropriate instructions to how it can be done. Thanks Ray
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