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About MattDavies

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  • Birthday 05/06/1991

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    Manchester, United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Aviation, Computing, Programming, YouTube, Livestreaming

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    I belong to both VATSIM & IVAO
  • Virtual Airlines

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    I'm a software developer come online personality.

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  1. He's gone, I highly doubt he will be returning & that is that really. To the people who lost money to him, I'm genuinely sorry (as I've said in the video). I guess we now let the law deal with it and whatever happens, happens. I'm not sure if any money will be returned - It's just a waiting game. Not sure if you're talking about me or FSXGenius here, either way it makes no difference - I never found him to be arrogant and I don't class myself as arrogant. Blunt maybe, not arrogant. However, just checked your post history, you seem to hate everyone so it is what it is :)
  2. Perhaps not, but if we didn't take an interest, then who would? We're their customers at the end of the day B)
  3. Did you ever figure this out? Still getting this without any understanding of what is causing it.
  4. Quick question, is ASN pushing live data to the T7 constantly, or is it taking a snapshot prior to the flight and importing that data for use as you're flying? (That sounds like a pretty stupid question, I know, but my mind is playing tricks with me...)
  5. do you use FSINN for VATSIM by any chance, Clive?
  6. Uninstalled GSX, still doing it. Can't be GSX.
  7. Same here! Just randomly stopped working. People are saying it's to do with a GSX update, although I can't confirm it.
  8. - PFPX (In love) - Alabeo PA38 (Wrists are still healing) - FTX Global (Again, In love) - TOPCAT (Hadn't really used it much until PFPX - now in love) - FSPS FSX Booster (I have no idea why, I just wanted to see how much [insert choiced word here] certain people were talking about it. I don't want to ever relive the moment of sheer disappointment when FSX OOM'd 30 seconds after loading).
  9. I think we wouldn't be simmers if we weren't impatient. Although, spending 20 minutes in the Lambourne Hold gets me moist at times... (Nice AXE voice packs btw, works a treat!)
  10. Hey, you've got the same system as mine (albeit I have a SSD and a 780, but still). Would you like my cfg?
  11. Is there a price set yet? Or have I missed that somewhere?
  12. I agree perhaps It wasn't marketed in the right way - it literally was just a way of letting you guys see it in it's raw state - it wasn't meant to be some Twotter workshop Anyway, thanks for your understanding - I hope that's cleared it up!
  13. Hey... Well, it seems the haters are out in full force... joke B) So, I'm gonna post exactly what I wrote on the Aerosoft Forum - then you can all chillout and sleep better tonight :wub: "Well, an interesting set of comments - I appreciate every single one! So, as I've stated numerous times, I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing when it comes to flying the "Twotter" (I didn't even know that was its nickname until about a week ago). I've made no secret of this & the idea of the livestream was really was community driven. I was ASKED to stream it & take requests to "do things" within the stream to the Aircraft. Also, it was a chance for the potential customers to communicate with the developers & win some cool stuff! So, if you feel that it was a waste of your time, then I'm sorry that you feel that way. However, you got to see it in it's flesh, in a raw state in flight sim - even for a complete noob like myself it was relatively easy to fly (until I completely destroyed the number 2 engine). I appreciate there will be "haters", but by majority everyone thoroughly enjoyed the stream & that's how it should be. I'm not trying to win pilot of the year, I'm just creating a place for people who share our enthusiasm in this hobby to all communicate in real time - something which I don't think is possible anywhere else (correct me if I'm wrong!). I hope that clears a few things up. Thanks for watching & I hope to see you next time!" So that's that. I'd had the aircraft for maybe 30 mins, all I was doing was showcasing the Aircraft within FSX, no edited screenshots, no nice video effects - nothing. Anyway, if you can't get over it - I'm sorry I wasted your time. I suggest for your own health and sanity you remain away from my stream Cheers! "Belynz"
  14. I'd hope they'd at least be able to spell "digitally". I'm quite skeptical about this, since the formatting of the 777 article is somewhat different to the rest. Either way, it's a fair price! B)
  15. Speculation is a fine thing... ... oh, and Santa isn't real. :ph34r:
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