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About kenz

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  1. it was the same for me, failed the ishiara test, the lanterne test etc... when I understood I coul'd never be a professionnal pilot I have made a mistake : I choose to make studies in a complete different sector. try not to make this mistake, pilot is not the only career in aviation, you could become dispatcher, loadmaster, mechanichs, engineer etc...and be in/arround planes daily
  2. hello, now that there is only one file to download and install, i think this package could be interesting for me, but is it compatible with 3.4, you're saying 3.2 in your post.
  3. i'm dreaming of default airports layout updated with airac data, do you think it's possible ?? (and also, ground markings, with taxiways and gate numbers based on airac charts data)
  4. I don't know based on what hifi told about the as16+ASCA combinaison, what i understand is that only asca can do texture injection based on as16 weather data, what i understand is that skyforce will inject texture based on the weather it reads directly from the sim, will this be a big difference ? I dont know. But it's all supposition
  5. I totally agree. The big question right now is will it be possible to use as16 weather engine with rex sky force textures and environnement force ''new awesome and incredible weather depiction system'', and how will it work in a technical point of view.
  6. Still this weird yellowish sky at dawn but some of the situations looks beautiful
  7. ADXLive from yesterday showing the scenery with developer commentary. 1/2 http://www.twitch.tv/adxlive/v/76755142?sr=a 2/2 http://www.twitch.tv/adxlive/v/76767726?sr=a
  8. http://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?DLID=195548 nice freeware addition to the library, anyone use it ? anyone to compare results with TOPCAT ?
  9. before : after : I can't create backup with rex, I've got the water xml file error. and I don't find the solution to go back to p3d default water...
  10. I've got water looking like crap since installing REX 4 textures direct on p3d v3.1, and I can't find the way to comeback to default water wich was awesome I found. does anyone know a solution ?
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