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  1. Agree 100%. I used both programs for about 2 months and ended up cancelling SI as I prefer BATC for the type flights I am doing (GA/Airliner IFR). I think SI is trying to do so many things at once that they are losing sight of the core ATC issues. The Dev keeps saying "that's how it works in the real world" I think to get around a lot of the problems it faces with structural ATC. I don't believe he has any ATC or piloting experience yet seems to think he knows everything about how ATC and aviation works. For example, he seems to think ATC will hardly ever call for your descent and that you always have to ask for it IRL while on an IFR flight plan which is simply not the case. So instead of acknowledging this is an issue, it is portrayed as "that's how it works IRL!". When you are left hanging on approach the response to that issue is "...well, ATC forgets about you all the time IRL!" The way some of this stuff is being approached just seems odd to me and I would guess it is because it will be very difficult to get it all working like it should. If you are into only flying VFR or novelty type stuff like tour guides, cabin crew and just "talking to AI" then maybe it's the right program but even that seems to get stale after a while. I much prefer the voices in BATC as well. I seemed to always have the same exact dude in SI. I did like the way they were doing some of the ATC chatter by using other SI users historic transmissions at the proper locations/frequencies. When using BATC, run a program called 'FS ATC Chatter' at a low volume just to give some background noise.
  2. I have both FSLTL and PSXT along with backup AIG models. I like both and alternate between them sometimes. I like the fact that with PSXT the aircraft are all parked at the correct spots and use the proper runways. It has some quirks but overall I prefer it over FSLTL. I have not used AI FLow/AI Ground with FSLTL in a while so may do that combo on next flight. Those apps do have separation controls similar to FSLTL so you have to disable that setting in one or the other I feel like sometimes PSXT is harder on FPS and I do set Maximums in the interface to limit live and parked traffic similar to what I use in FSLTL. Might be the way traffic is injected...or just my imagination...
  3. Part of the reason you see that change is because Baltimore is a photogrammetry area so you will see a distinct changeover at the borders. If you really want to see some bad terrain transitions fly around the Chicago area!
  4. I was surprised that Frederick MD was included in this City Update! It looks really nice with the new satellite imagery and photogrammetry. For anyone interested in exploring the area, I will shamelessly plug my freeware KFDK addon as I just did an extensive update on it to make it compatible with the new City Update 9: https://flightsim.to/file/42007/kfdk-frederick-municipal-airport-frederick-md
  5. As far as DC goes, it works fine with DD KDCA from first glance but I did uninstall DD Washington Landmarks (not sure if you have to or not?). The new MSFS version looks pretty good to me so will probably keep that for now.
  6. Your processor will be a bottleneck for a 3060ti so you will not see a huge improvement IMO. Might look at upgrading the CPU first if anything.
  7. AI is the the one thing that hits my performance the most. I have tried several different things to minimize it and to be honest, I think I am happiest to have some plausible static aircraft at the airport and maybe just a few live aircraft. I use both FSLTL and PSXT but keep the number of aircraft low. My goal is a steady 30fps and I cannot do that if I am loaded with AI traffic everywhere.
  8. I have EBBR sitting in my cart actually...I need some European airports for the 777! Also going to get FT EHAM. My favorites are probably FB KMSP, FB KSFO,FT KBOS, FT CYYZ and Drz KDCA out of the approx 100 addon airports I have...geeez...do I have that many??😐
  9. Same here. I usually need to Alt-Enter out of the sim so to access another program, etc when flying. I realized I could hit the Window button on the keyboard which then opens the menu at the bottom and you can navigate to whatever you want. Not ideal, but I can at least do what I need to do. Also, the keyboard shortcuts for LS does not work when in the sim. It only works if the LS app is in-focus.
  10. I have been using both BATC and Say Intentions. I am liking BATC a bit more for IFR airliner-type flights. Just tried a flight in the piston Duke (IFR) using BATC and overall it worked very well until the approach. It gave a Visual approach which was appropriate given the WX but proceeded to vector me into a left downwind at the airport and then vectoring me to a base a mile out. I think if it let you declare airport in sight further out (10-12 miles) it would have worked perfectly fine but does not give that option until you are very (too) close to airport (at least in this case it did not). Oh, I was also still on with 'Center' while on downwind for the arrival airport. The airspace structure is kind of messed up in places in both SI and BATC, especially noticeable in the Baltimore Washington area. You should not be on with Washington Center passing KBWI at 5000'. Both these programs are better than default but still pretty flawed IMO....
  11. We've have come a long way in flight-simming when you see these types of comparisons! Airports are constantly changing so they will never be 100% correct and a lot of these things I have to admit I would never notice. I chose to wait for the FB version since I have purchased all of their airports going back to the early P3D/FSX days and always liked the way they were done. I really like the way FB does the ground texturing (runways, taxiways, etc) and night lighting. I have also never had FPS/stutter issues at these aiports and my flight into the FB KSFO in the Fenix 320 was perfectly smooth for me. I wonder how many with stutter issues have AI traffic cranked up?? BMAmsim version also looks really good in many of the shots I have seen. Probably can't go wrong with either one in this case...
  12. Keep it as you have it. The key is to get that base 30 fps which Autofps will do. Seems to work well with no issues for me.
  13. Whatever you have installed. It defaults to AIG models, then FSLTL and lastly FS Traffic. You can also set the priorities if you wanted FSLTL models to be prioritized, etc....
  14. I really think you need to be able to run the sim at 30fps consistently for this app to work well. The key is getting it to match your monitor refresh rate to get the smoothness. In my case, I am pretty dialed to 30 fps so I cap my fps at 30 in NCP and I use the 2x setting in the LS app to match the 60hz that I run my monitor at. If I dip below 30 for some reason (at a large airport with AI traffic) then the LS app doesn't really matter as I will still get the stutters and not as smooth.
  15. Yes, that is what I was wondering but I will probably continue to just adjust the Live traffic number. I am finding lately that the Max Live number is greyed out and I cannot change it. I would like to keep it on about 25 at all times but it does seem to jump around to different numbers.
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